The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, November 29, 2013

Let the Spirit Begin!

The Fa La La time of year is here!
I kicked it off with a visit to Northville and the Greens Market with my friend Jan and her mom and aunt. This is a holiday tradition for us.
I found a lovely green wreath and one of these very well made pine cone wreaths. I was happy with both.
Then we ventured into our favorite store, Gardenviews.
And, it looked like a fairy land.
Everything was so very beautiful -- enchanting trees...
..."Snow" covered Christmas villages...  
...and sprites...
And beautiful angels.
Whomever does their displays deserves and award!
We also enjoyed another store on Main Street called Pearaphanalia. I loved this table setting...
While I didn't get these pretty poinsettias, I wanted to!
The windows were, as one might expect, enchanting.
I loved this beautiful Creche.
And the elegant simplicity of these ornaments made me smile.
Yes, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
Oh dear!
It's hopping along all too fast! 


  1. Looks like a wonderful place to get some Christmas inspiration! Looks like a few things came home with you too.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. Thanks for reminding me about Pearaphenalia! I’m going into town tomorrow for Small Business Saturday, and I will be sure to stop there.

    I was at the Greens Market last saturday. It was so cold I couldn’t think straight - but boy did they have gorgeous stuff!

  3. That looks like a fun place to browse!

  4. Your are right....that time is here.
    The Greens Market looks wonderful, and I bet it smells wonderful too. Lots of great seasonal spirit in all your pictures. What a fun day and a perfect way to start the season.

  5. What fun! Love those wreaths! And those displays...oh my. Looks like a great way to start the holiday season.

  6. I love the little village. Everything looks so vintage.

  7. You visited some lovely places! Looking at displays like this helps get me into the mood and spirit to decorate.

  8. You really found a fabulous place to shop. I loved the red and white table setting. And, I agree, those white Christmas ornaments for the tree are really neat. It looks like you didn't leave empty handed. Good for you!

  9. Jeanie, I wish I lived near you, because then we could shop together, too! Love all your photos!

  10. I'm so glad you had such a wonderful time, and enjoyed such lovely shopping and browsing. I think I remember something about this being one of your favorite times of the year - make the most of it!

  11. Christmas already! We just had our 'Black Friday' traffic jam yesterday, something transported here from the U.S. definitely, since Thanksgiving for us is last month. What a beautiful Christmas trip you've posted here. Love the atmosphere.

  12. This is the most beautiful post. It's full of holiday spirit. You're getting me revved up.

  13. Oh Jeanie, what a wonderful day trip.. Such Christmas beauty all around... I agree, the window displays are just beautiful.

  14. Getting ready for Christmas is keeping me very busy. Sorry I'm late in stopping by to say hello. I had hoped to get our tree up this weekend, but I took a hard fall a few days ago and cannot lift much of anything...bah!

  15. One of the things I love about Christmas is the feast of visual delights, often accompanied by lovely smells. Thanks for a lovely post.

  16. What a fun time you had - I'm in love with those decorations. My MIL has a pine cone wreath that's over 40years old!

    Have fun with your decorating


  17. Wonderfull, greeting from Belgium, have a nice Advent

  18. That looks like my kind of store too-- so beautiful and festive. Glad you have a trunk full of goodies to kick off the season.

  19. that mostly white tree! Now that is a place to go to for some pre-Christmas cheer... LOVE the peek at all the goodies in the trunk. ;o) We did some decorating at the weekend, put out extra candles...lots of lovely glow. There is such lovely Advent traditions here in Europe and I enjoy then very much. December is full of so much magic! Happy Days, Jeanie ((HUGS))

  20. What a lovely tradition with friends. Each and every photos was pause worthy and wishing I could visit there too. How I would love the table cloth on the poinsettia table setting. And the sparkles and white, oh I love. Yes, it is hopping along all too fast for sure!

  21. Lovely...lovely...I love this shop and its decoration very much.....This red decorated table is my favourite, too!
    It would be my ruin having such a wonderful shop in my town.

  22. The shops have been ‘hopping’ with Christmas stuff for ages. Sad, really. It takes all the anticipation out of it for me. There’s nothing left to get excited over.

    These are very pretty displays, though.

  23. the white decoration is just so beautiful... so calm and pure. Stunning really!

  24. I feel the same way about it all going too fast! But I do love getting out and seeing store displays. That garden shop is wonderful! I love that shot of the back of your car. Pretty as a Christmas postcard!

  25. So many BEAUTIFUL things....It was great to see all your pictures of those incredible shops----I would no doubt go crazy buying stuff----lol----it has been such a very long time since I have been into a lovely shop--or, any shop, for that matter....'Tis the season,isn't it---And it is fast upon us!

  26. You guys do Christmas with so much flair! What fabulous markets and stores to visit. I'm affraid Christmas has snuck up on me and I'm no where near as prepared as you. I think I'll take some inspiration from your joyous and festive post.

  27. What a fun tradition! So much Christmas eye candy! Looks like you got some great things :)

  28. I love when you take us shopping with you. :-)

  29. Beautiful things to see. Thank you for your nice comment on my blog recently. (I know TV can take a long time, but still, this does sometimes seem ridiculous!) Your first photo reminded me that I mean to buy a wreath this year. My mother used to make hers, and they were lovely. I don't think I have that kind of talent.

  30. Oh wow, what a fun tradition! Thanks for sharing photos - what beautiful displays! I love seeing all the Christmas displays this time of year. They really started to decorate while I was in Paris and the window displays at some shops were so cool! I just love this time of year and it seems like Christmas is going to come incredibly fast!

  31. Hallöchen.
    Die Christmasdeko sieht sehr schön aus.
    Liebe Grüße aus Germany. Jana.

  32. It's wonderful to pop in and catch up on posts I've missed. Thank you Jeannie for sharing all the fun and inspiration, oh, and I LoVed the snaps of your favorite store, Gardenviews!
    Happiest Holiday!


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