The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, March 22, 2013

I'm Bindweed Elfglitter

Every now and then, one of my blog buddies posts a fun link.
This time it was Leann. I followed her lead and went to The Fairy Name Generator to find my "official fairy name.
I am Bindweed Elfglitter. (But you can call me Elfie)
She is cheerful and friendly. 
She lives at the bottom of tangled gardens and in hedgerows.
She is only seen in the light of a shooting star.
She wears tangled multicolored skirts made of petals and has transparent green wings like a cicada.
Golly, who knew?

Our Michigan winter is hanging in there, despite the official arrival of spring. How lovely to think that soon the fairies will awaken with birds, butterflies and flowers!

I'm working on a couple of fun posts to share with you. Coming soon!

One of my earliest art pals, Shelley, shared the vintage fairy graphics with me long ago. I don't think she'd mind if you double click and copied them. I wouldn't either.

And, I've finally updated my book blog, Chopsticks and String, with a new post about one of the most beautiful books I've ever read. Check it out! 


  1. Such lovely fairies to look at while winter refuses to leave Michigan.

  2. Oh, aren't you LOVELY in fairy form! This was such FUN, Jeanie! I had to go look up mine...I'm Buttercup Reedfilter. I play reed pipes, sing songs (interesting since I' musically challenged--LOL!), live in clover fields among fairy rings and am seen only one midsummer's eve, wearing clover green with deep green butterfly wings! :o) Happy Weekend ((HUGS))

  3. You have sparked my imagination, Jeanie, and I immediately found out my own - Currently I am creating my own blogpost and hope to get that going today. I want to catch up on your reading blog, it's obvious I'm not into "work" today!

  4. How fun is this?? Happy to learn more about you Effie.

  5. Thanks for sharing the fairy fun and magic Jeanie...
    I have always Loved the flower fairies and have a couple of books with them ...
    My Mutti was also extra fond of them
    Happy Friday

  6. Ooh now I MUST check my fairy name!!!!!

  7. Hello, I am Gossamer Moonglow nice to meet you! ;-)

  8. Cute little elfie name! Lovely little graphics too. The elfie head is adorned so beautifully. Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. Oh how fun! And I am tickled you stopped by my blog for a visit. I loved reading about the name of your blog. We love our fur babies so much don't we? Now I am going to find out what my name is too. xo And have a wonderful weekend.

  10. Cheerful and friendly, that's you, Jeanie. Such a fanciful little pixie. Looking forward to your "fun posts."

  11. Cheerful and friendly, that's you, Jeanie. Such a fanciful little pixie. Looking forward to your "fun posts."

  12. What a fun post. I love fairies and I think I would be your best friend in the world of Fairies. Such lovely images and I have to find my “official fairy name”! We are getting some of the cold blast weather tonight. It’s cold here too!
    Happy Spring.

    The French Hutch

  13. Hi again Jeanie, I had to come back and tell you my Fairy name. It’s not pretty and romantic like your name.
    Mine is

    Moth Cornfly
    She creates bounty and harvest.
    She lives close to caverns and stalagtite grottoes.
    She is only seen at midday under a quiet, cloudless sky.
    She wears dresses stitched with crystals and has butterfly wings the colour of yellow corn.

    I love the color of my wings and the dresses I wear!!!

    The French Hutch

  14. A really cute idea and so much fun to see.

  15. Gossamer Moonglimmer here. Loving the fairies this Pink Saturday.

  16. What a cool link (and cool post from you!)!

    I'm Buttercup Goblinfrost. Here's what it says about me:

    She brings riches and wealth.
    She lives in clover fields where fairy rings grow.
    She is only seen during the first snow of winter.
    She wears bright clover green and has gentle green wings like a butterfly.

  17. I really smiled reading this! Thanks for a terrific time! I must check this link out!

  18. Cute! I just love flower fairies! I've just posted this week's Homemaking Linkup and would love to have you join, if you'd like.

    HaPpY pInK sAtUrDaY!
    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  19. How fun, I went to find my fairy name and its Gossamer Moonglitter. My granddaughters and I are making a fairy garden this spring so we are creating our characters to live there. I really enjoyed seeing the graphics today.

  20. You made me want to find my fairy name. I am Ember Rainbowfilter. It turns out I bring good fortune.
    I live where fireflies mate and breed.
    I am only seen on midsummer's eve.
    I wear dresses that glow with fiery colours and have multicoloured wings like a butterfly. My fairy life sounds so much more enchanting than my real life!
    Have a lovely weekend,

  21. Briar Icetree? Well, I guess we know why I love winter so much. I'm told I don't appear until the last leaves of autumn have fallen from the trees. The only problem is - I wear clothes the blue of bluebells, and have icey blue wings. I hate blue. ;)

    Oh, well. I do like Briar Icetree!
    (And no, you can't go in and give it another try. You are who you are, and even when I made up a name, it still came back Briar Icetree. Those fairy-namers are smart!)

  22. What a beautifully illuminated post! Lovely to meet you!

    Turns out, I am Gossamer Moondancer a messenger of the moon goddess who lives in spiderwebbed wonderlands and insect grottoes. Seen only when the bees swarm and the crickets chirrup [explains my lengthy absence as of late]. My dresses are made of cobwebs and gossamer, with bright blue butterfly wings.

  23. Well, I'm definitely NOT going to call you "Bindweed," Jeanie! Hope you're feeling much better. Your sense of humor seems intact.

  24. Of course I am curious now to see what my Elfie fairy name might be!

    Such pretty pictures...thanks so much for stopping by my blog this past weekend!

    Bella Rosa Antiques

  25. I love all the fairy pictures!! Fairies do make me think of spring for some reason. It's taking it time to get here, too, but this week looks promising as the temps are mostly in the upper 30s and we might get to 50 by the weekend! Hurrah!

  26. How fun to find your fairy name. Now I will be visiting to see what mine is too. Spring time is coming, so you will be able to dance with the butterflies and flowers.

  27. Multi colored skirts made of petals? How beautiful! It makes me want to dress like a fairy. I'm going to have to head over to your other blog and read about one of the most beautiful books ever. My curiosity is piqued.


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