The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, March 18, 2013

More Drawing with Joanne and Jill

Well, somehow I have actually managed to almost catch up on my drawing assignments in our blogger art challenge with Joanne and Jill. 
I'm even ahead with this one. "You Take the Cake" is in April!
(On the other hand, I missed Christmas, New Years and 'Grateful'!) 
All this winter has me wanting a "Tropical Island." 
Of course, soon it will be time for "Rain." We've actually had some already -- but cold rain! Not that warm rain we welcome!
"All You Need is Love" if it's Lizzie!
This was a favorite -- the Netherlands Long-Eared Owl, drawn from a photo in the New York Times. (I was scared to death to paint this one!). The category was "An Animal," and I know -- a bird is stretching it, so I'll probably do another soon enough.
And finally, "Wynton's Hands" was the drawing for "Jazz." This was drawn from a photo by a photographer named Richard Galosy who took the shot of Wynton Marsalis at a concert. We had used it on our program guide cover long ago.

More to come. I'm on a roll! 


  1. Great drawings! You are on a roll! I would frame a few! Large white matting with the small pic seems to be the trend in photo walls according to Nate!Stay inspired!

  2. Your drawings are lovely. You always use such beautiful colors. Thanks for sharing your art.

    The French Hutch

  3. Awesome work, Jeanie! I love the colors, the lines, the composition -- these are so much fun! Inspiring, too...

  4. I love your artwork, Jeanie! So colorful and free and evocative of so many wonderful creatives, places and experiences!

  5. Those are all so lovely! You are so talented. My favorite is the all you need is love one with lizzie peaking over the heart!

  6. You are on a great roll. I'm behind you; I have to completely redo All You Need Is Love.

  7. You inspire me even more than I already was to get after children's books (mostly for James). These would be such wonderful illustrations with their rich colors and textures!

  8. such pretty drawings :)

  9. I love the last drawing. Until I read that it was inspired by Wynton Marsalis, I was sure it was a tribute to New Orleans and their Mardi Gras celebrations.

    I enjoyed the child with the umbrella, too. I so hope we have need of umbrellas soon - it's just so terrible here. Dust storms are not what we're hoping for, but they're what we're getting. (Whining in March? Oh, dear!)

  10. Your colorful drawings are completely endearing! What a wonderful collection so far. =)

  11. Oh, I LOVE THESE, Jeanie. They are gorgeous. My favorite are "Tropical Island" and "Rain." Bravo!!! You should frame a few and form a collage.

  12. Jeanie these are wonderful sketches, have you used Caran d'Ache Neopastels?
    I really love with heart with Lizzie Cosette peaking over the top!
    What a lovely thing to do and enjoy!
    Sending you sunshiney hugs
    Shane ♥

  13. Again, lovely drawings. My favorite are 'Tropical Island' and right under it, 'Rain.' I had to skip the one right after that, but enjoyed the owl and 'Wynton's Hands'. BTW, Wynton came to our City to perform a few years ago.

  14. Well, I like your owl! The "jazz" with its bright sun colors is my favorite. I have a large oil (not mine) abstract that reminds me of this one. Keep drawing/painting!


  15. VERY, very fun to see, Jeanie! Your art has such a sweet charm and whimsy to it--I love it! What mediums are you using here--watercolor pencil? :o) Happy Day ((HUGS))

  16. Dear Jeanie ~ I would say that quality and not quantity is important here ... each of your drawings/paintings is wonderful!

    You are brave to unlock your talents and share them with us ... I keep wondering if there is that talent inside me

    looking forward to seeing more of your lovely artwork!

    Happy Spring!!!

  17. I wish I could draw. Instead, I admire artists like you and use my camera to capture what I can't put on paper.

  18. Wow Jeanie! I love your artwork. I also love the use of your colors.
    Hard to pick a favorite, but I think I must say Jazz...

    Thank you so much for your kind thoughts about Gatsby..

  19. Beautiful. Do you use water color pencils? I'd like to try my hand at painting with water colors.. I think pencils might be easier than painting with a brush. I don't know???

  20. Love Love Love the rainy day!!!

    You really have talent my friend!!

    Enjoy it! Leann

  21. Oh, my gosh. I just love it when you let us see your art. Of course, my favorite is "Rain". I once had a blog named "Red Umbrella." I always think there's something cheerful about a red umbrella on a stormy day.

  22. I loved seeing your drawings. You have such talent. I love the whimsical aspect of all of the. "Rainy day" shows cheer despite the rain. It is also great to see your handwriting on the pieces. Somehow, that makes me know you better.

  23. I really love the cake table. I wish I could draw.

  24. Jeanie, you're amazing! these are gorgeous! I too love the last one - it's rich, colourful, soulful.. You should be so proud of your work.


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