The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

When It All Comes Together!

Those of you who live in the midwest know that it has been an odd summer to say the least. Colder than usual, long periods of no rain, then downpours that can't stop. It seems as though the weather calendar never went past June.

Now, think "sunny and 70s-low 80s." Now, that's the weather you want for a holiday weekend -- and we got it!

I've enjoyed my time alone at the lake, and been rather productive, finishing a new book I'll be writing about soon. But my primary art project this holiday has been silk painting (and I have the dyed hands to prove it).

I've done about 10, although there are a couple that I'm not fond of and will probably mess with some more, adding another layer of color to see if I can make them a little better.

But when they're good, they're very good!

I may take this scan and print it out for collage paper!

Or this one!

On Saturday, I went to meet Rick on day three of his bike ride, where we enjoyed a great party with fun cyclists. I have to say they were the greatest group of people, and while my knowledge of the bike is nil, I felt so very welcomed. That night we stayed with one of the riders at his beautiful Victorian home that was once a B&B. I wish I'd taken a photo of the kitchen! Oh, it was to die for!

They put me into service as a luggage carrier, so my little Toyota (with its engine light still on -- living dangerously here) was loaded to the gills as they took off.

I left shortly after they did and managed to get ahead of them at one point. As I realized I'd passed them, I raced ahead, parked by the road and was able to capture my gang as they went careening down a hill!

They were faster than speeding bullets! So fast, that basically I got them coming and going -- and nothing in-between!

I meandered up the state, stopping at a gallery in Petoskey and then at points along the way for a few great photo ops.

I couldn't resist this zinnia haven, near Stafford's Bay View Inn!

Then to Harbor Springs. More photos from there on this week's Pink Saturday, but here is a glimpse at one of the prettiest towns in Northern Michigan.

Working my way back, I stopped at Joie de Vie, another favorite shop of mine. These two photos are a hint -- more of this beautiful spot on Pink Saturday in two weeks!

I worked my way up country roads, stopping at a few garage/yard sales and making a few good scores. (A hymnal for a quarter, a book with great photos for a dollar, some wonderful old corsage pins on the card and a couple of cute bottles!) And of course, photos along the way!

I finally made it to Mackinac City. I'm always relieved when I actually see Rick after a long ride -- knowing he's back safe and sound gives me great joy -- and I breathe a little sigh, knowing my prayers for safe passage were answered.

I found the rest of the gang -- all smiling from a great ride on a great day. After loading up bikes, they showered, and we just hung out for awhile. I think they clean up pretty well!

Then it was back to the lake, with a stop for a post-biking dinner with the group and home in time to enjoy being at the cottage in the evening. It's nice to have Rick back safe and sound, close at hand to enjoy another beautiful sunset.

Only one more day of vacation. Heavy sigh.


  1. well you know my favorite photo from your most fabulous of weekends.....

    come know !!

    I'm glad your honey is all safe and sound, too !

  2. What beautiful photos of everything! First of all, that IS perfect weather!! Oh, and your silk. They are all beautiful. Yes, use the one shot after you scan it. Wow!! Oh, that house. Beautiful. Your poor little car. It always scares me to death when the engine lights appears--normally just needs resetting--computers, right? Let's hope! Did you bring home any Petoskey stones? I have a few (bought--not found, unfortunately). I love them. Love zinia's. I love Michigan. What can I say. Sounds like a wonderful time. Good for you. xoxo

  3. I loved the house too - the architecture is gorgeous. I look forward to our summer - the photo of the pink chair and towel remind me of summers at the beach - something to look forward too.

  4. Great photos. And, you're right, scans of the scarves will make beautiful papers. I think it's been a great summer weather-wise.

  5. The silk scarves are to die for!! I LOVE them, JC!!!

  6. What a lovely way to spend the weekend. Glad Rick is safe and sound after his ride. Love the silk scarves!

  7. Such beautiful photos, Jeanie! Also, your silk paintings are simply lovely!

  8. Those silks are so lovely! Beautiful job! Good to read that you had an enjoyable holiday and, as usual, loved seeing your wonderful photos!

  9. Oh, what a wonderful time your having! I want to visit Michigan one day. It looks beautiful up by the lakes. All your pictures are wonderful! Enjoy your last day!

  10. I had a great weekend too. We had super weather and now it is just right again. We get that a lot in September and October until the snow comes.

    Had a fun trip and thanks for taking us.

  11. Zinnias....that's going on my next year garden list (Surely they would grow way up here???)
    The best idea I got today was your sliks & turning them into collage paper...although I would make it scrapbook paper. Great idea though. And, werre you talking about finishing a book...reading it or writing it?

  12. absolutely lovely colorful post, the silks you created look splendid handing on the the line

    zinnias are one of my fav cut flowers, they last a nice long while and come in so many beautiful colors, great pics of those too!

  13. I kind of got stuck on those silks... they were so beautiful. Definitely something to try for with paper, too. So glad you enjoyed such a wonderful weekend -- thanks for the beautiful pictures!

  14. What a special weekend filled with star moments.
    Your silk painted scarves are just lovely.
    I like the bold way you have mixed the colors.
    The bikers seem to have had a great time. How nice that you were able to share their joy and the special old house.
    The autumn dahlias are almost too beautiful for this world.
    (Due too an aggressive iberia snail attack all over our country for three years now, one hardly sees dahlias anymore. The snails love them too.)

    I'd also like to visit Joi de Vie,
    beautiful details and findings.
    You must be filled to the brim of happy memories and impressions.
    The sundown speaks volumes.
    From Felisol

  15. Very cool scarves. And I loved those zinnia pix. And I'll never understand the "joy" of long distance biking!

  16. Egads, yes! turn that blue dyed piece into collage paper - it's perfect! very cool process, from dyeing wraps to scanning as paper design. Sure you don't want to open that little shop somewhere?

    also very fond of the little cottage photo.

  17. you have so many wonderful details in one post! someone wise said to me recently.."I always find it interesting that your photographs are part of a narrative rather than the main event when they could just so easily stand alone". that gave me pause to think about spreading out the beauty a little bit more, helping myself (more time to visit blogs, less time stressing over mine) and to allow the work i do to be appreciated.. the point here being that the silk is STUNNING! and i could have looked at that for a good long time and listening to you loving it and enjoying your own creative talent! like wonderful watercolor of the most glorious colors on earth. the bike ride was fun to go along with you on too.. and the taking quick photos of them coming and going made me smile as i imagined you trying to move fast enough :) love to you dear jeanie, i am so glad you are feeling so much better!

  18. Beautiful silk painting (I'd entitle your favorite blue one, "Tsunami" :) and beautiful sights. The cooler temps and rain have been kind to the zinnias! My "morning" glories have been staying around until 3pm! Thanks for sharing your cottage getaway. Oh, how I do miss Michigan.

  19. Oh, that silk painting is beautiful. Just gorgeous!

  20. FABULOUS images and memories. I love that Inn, stayed there once. The zinnias are incredible.


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