The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hanging on to Summer

The last day of our Labor Day holiday was glorious.

Sunshine all day. Time for art, time for work...

Time to enjoy the toadstools popping up all over the yard... (For better fungi than mine, visit Patty!)

Time to admire the beach grass...

Time to watch the sun hit the neighbor's beach chairs at the end of the day...

Time to create a fabulous feast of farm market delights -- corn, carrots and salad. Only the chicken was "store bought" (but home-grilled!)

All the veggies in the panzanella salad were from the market.

This was the first time I'd done carrots in foil packets on the grill -- a little olive oil, some parsley, rosemary and thyme, turned over every time the chicken was turned. They were perfect.

Even the sunset cooperated, once again!

When we woke up, the lake had a gentle layer of fog, reminding me once again of Avalon. Where was that sword King Arthur threw into the lake?

We took off, passing by the lake along the way.

None of us were happy to leave, but this one talked about it all the way home.

And of course there was the obligatory Michigan construction.

It's not like we won't be going back again. We'll probably go next weekend. Rick wants to ride his bike up (180 miles, I think). But when we do, I expect we'll see a little more of this.

That's not a bad thing... but I'm just not ready.


  1. Oh, I'm ready for fall, but then that means I'm looking forward to the temps that you all are probably enjoying already up there. Then our winter is probably more like your fall. Actually is has been very nice for late summer in the South. Feels good outside tonight.

  2. Sorry it all had to end. But now we have the autumn to look forward to. Wouldn't you hate living in a place that didn't have seasons? (Poor Gyp. Bella feels his pain.) Gotta love that nose!

  3. Oh how wonderful that food looks. I just love the photo of the boat near the lake - it is so artistic.

  4. I think having an entire summer that acted like the month of June makes the end of summer a shock. Great photos.

  5. Sigh.

    So beautiful. Maybe we just have to go up north some time this fall.

    It looks like a perfect weekend.

    Oh, and Marmelade reminded me SO of my cat coming back from our cottage when I was growing up. He was the same color and everything. And that was the "carrier" face.

  6. I like the updated color on the retro lawn chairs.

  7. Ohhhhhhhh I'm sooo ready for fall! And I'm anxious to see your fall pictures! Get ready, girl!

  8. It just looks so beautiful there. And I am ready for fall and your pictures too!

  9. Hee....I love cats that are complainers!

    Our autumn is visiting for the week. We'll see if it lasts past that, though...

  10. Your salad looks did you make it? I really like your foggy morning picture, and cats always make me smile. And also make me think of my cat Blue, who went MIA and is presumed to be dead. (sigh)

  11. We will have our complaining partners in the car this Sunday. This food looks great. We have had the week in ludington and what a week! Beautiful weather every day.

  12. AS always your post was so lovely and fun to read The lake looks so charming...and Fall eludes me here in Florida! But I had more than enough in Oregon last year!

  13. I love the lake picture. I never tire of lake and sunset pictures. And the food picture is making me salivate. David went to the dentist and was told not to eat for a few hours. So I"m eating fudge while I wait for his few hours to be up.

  14. well Jeanie your fungi look might fine to me, what a great color and shape they are!

    the mists of avalon.....sigh

    all of the vegies look so tasty and fresh!

    it's a high sixties rainy day here in VA, Love the cool breezes...I'm sure a heatwave is still if the offering...we shall see

    Happy Weekend to you!

  15. Beautiful, beautiful pictures. Thank you.

  16. I want beach chair like that. A lot of them. Really, I'd settle for the beach. Forget the chairs.

  17. The scent of sand and lake was in these pictures. Good ones to hold onto for the long dark months to come. Glad you had this weekend up north!

  18. Yum and gorgeous. September in Michigan is the best.

  19. Your fungi make me wonder - do you have morels there? I loved going out for morels, but I guess that was springtime (in Iowa).

    I'm so ready for rain and cool weather - real autumn. While the rest of Texas got wonderful rain over labor day, we still were dry, dry.... It made me plump grumpy I wanted rain so bad! But it will come. I know it will, I know it will.....


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