The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Tulip Award -- and a new book!

First, I just wanted to let you know that there is a new book post at Chopsticks and String -- "Murder in Montmartre," by Cara Black -- part of a very good series set in France!

Quite some time ago, Annie from Imagine (formerly InMyDreamz) presented me with the Tulip Award for fun blogs to visit! At long last, I am finally getting around to passing it on!
Thanks, Annie! Your blog is fun, too!

Here's the meme that goes with it! And several fun blogs I enjoy visiting who perhaps will add this award to their stash (and do the meme, too, if they like!)

1. YOUR NICKNAME – My cousins call me Deet. I had it before the insecticide did.

2. YOU ARE – a “cup half full” person, pretty optimistic, trying to see the plus when I can.

3. YOUR MOST SPECIAL PERSON – Rick and the Kids, and the Gypsy, because we all know our pets are people.

4. YOUR FAVORITE SONG – Rodgers and Hart’s “I Could Write a Book.” Today. Who knows what it'll be tomorrow.


6. THINGS THAT MAKE YOU STRESS – Arguing/conflict and deadlines (and yes, I work in a deadline-driven business)

7. YOUR FAVOURITE COLOR – Bright apple/lime/chartreusey green (or tealy turquoise)

8. THINGS THAT YOU MUST HAVE IN YOUR BAG – lip balm/chapstick, my camera and enough cash to play with!

9. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED – The week of August 24, when I was so sick with my chronic bronchitis I thought I'd never have a day when I didn't cough uncontrollably again.

10. SIX RANDOMLY SELECTED FRIENDS – Theoretically, these folks will do the meme, but I hate to ask anyone to do these -- so many go around. So, here are six blogs I've recently discovered, but because I'm a bad blog maintainer, haven't added to my blogroll yet. Please stop by and visit:

A2EatWrite -- great food articles from Jen!
Life Through a Lens -- Beautiful things from Australia and Ols.
A Day in the Life of... -- From Joyce in British Columbia
The Magpie's Nest -- Way more creativity than you can imagine from Patty!
Is There a Shadow -- Beautiful art by Julie
MaeFoodBlog -- Wonderful food postings by Mae!


  1. I would have cried too from all that coughing !!!
    and "deet"....well all I have to say about that cool nickname is "woot"

  2. I love Cara Black! Her series is great.

    Thanks for the Tulip award - I enjoyed your meme and will do it. Hope you're having a good Labor Day!

  3. Ok Ms. Deet! And glad your not feeling as bad. Congrats on the Award!

  4. Check out the Sept/Oct Somerset Studio mag. My traveling buddies on the Italy trip Karen Cole and Leslie Marsh are both in the magazine!

  5. I love Cara Black, too! Glad you've discovered her, Ms. Deet! Love your greens, too! (and looking forward to checking out your links, some of which I already love...)

  6. such an honor to be included in your list Jeanie, many thanks for thinking of me and my Magpie's Nest!!!

    lots of fun reading about you...I am the worst at these sorts of things and do them once in a blue moon...which happened not that long ago teehee

    your blog certainly is a glad we met here in the land of blog...I've already been to so many places with you, enjoying the journey oh SO much!!!

  7. Thanks so much for putting me in your list of blogger friends! I will visit the ones that I'm not already checking.

    Mae -


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