The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, September 4, 2009

Seasoned Beauties

I've not spent nearly as much time I'd like at the lake this summer.

Lots of good reasons -- Myrtle Beach, family fun, festivals and one awful weather weekend. Still, summer is at an end, and I need to get my time in! So, I'm enjoying this last bit of summer -- Labor Day -- spending delightful moments hanging with the Gypsy, doing art, and loving it to the max.

My day began Thursday when I said goodbye to Rick and a gang of folks riding four 100-mile days on their bicycles to the Mackinac Bridge. I'll see him Saturday for a party and then pick him up Sunday afternoon!

Then, I took the Reluctant Traveler for his two-and-a-half hour car ride. We've done it with no kitty drugs this year, which is a great feat. And so far, only one hurling incident!

The first thing I did upon arrival was set up the "art studio," which in this case if the front porch. I'm ready for silk painting! (Results to be shown later!)

I did this and my unpacking quickly, and then hurried to meet up with my friend Annette. It was a good thing we planned on getting together -- she had to leave after our lunch and "unplanting" to return home for some medical tests.

What's an "unplanting?" you may ask. That's when Annette -- a hosta gardener extraordinaire and one who has a glorious and colorful garden of perennials -- divides some of her black-eyed Susan and artemesia for me!

Her garden is a joy -- it's a stop on the Gaylord Summer Garden Tour. Someday, my little hosta garden in the back may look a little like Annette's. (No, it's a nice dream. But probably not!)

Then it was home to paint silk, read, watch a movie and just enjoy the quiet of the lake before the Labor Day weekenders descend with jet skis and boats.

(When I was a kid I could never understand why my next door neighbors, Ray and Marie, used to stay up all during the week, but head home "down below" on the weekends. Now I know exactly why!

And, shock of shocks, The Gypsy caught a mouse!

This sweet little face had mouse-baby hanging out of his mouth. I think the poor thing (which did escape) died of a heart attack. The Gyp stood guard by where the mouse had hidden, but when when I went to corner him to take outdoors, he'd already died. RIP Stuart Little.

As soon as this post goes up, I'm headed to Petoskey to see Virginia,a knitter/quilter extraordinaire! Petoskey is about an hour north, hilly country, with beautiful views of Little Traverse Bay.

Virginnia and I used to work together at the station until she retired and moved north. Whenever we get together, I end up buying yarn. Note to self: bring checkbook.

And I'll never know all Virginia knows about fabric or fiber arts. Her work is still knocking them dead at the county fair, and I'm always excited to see which ones will bring home ribbons. Her husband Phil died earlier this summer, so I'm especially looking forward to enjoying our dinner together and meeting her new cat, Filbert.

Tomorrow morning I'll get to the farm market early. Peaches are due, and Michigan peaches are lovely!

And I love the end-of-season bounty with the fresh veggies and sunflowers.

Certainly tomorrow or Sunday, I'll stop by and see Fran, my mom's best friend. I look at this young face and wonder how she can possibly be 90+. She's beautiful and fun!

Fran tells me the stories my mother never lived long enough to tell. I hear about days at the lake when they were just small children. My grandmother being locked in the outhouse late at night. Singing at the tops of their lungs on the docks together. And knitting the very same clothes they would wear at their different schools the following year!

And if I'm lucky, my neighbor Eulah will be there. At 101, she is on a cruise; I don't know if she'll be back for the holiday! This photo was taken last summer.

These women range from their 70s to 101. I can't tell you how much they inspire me. They're active, they're sharp, they're fun, and when I'm with them I don't feel a 20 or 30 or 40+ year age difference. They are seasoned beauties and knowing them is an honor and a privilege.

I learn so much from them. Annette tells me how to care for the garden. From Fran, the family stories. I learned what it was like to teach in a one-room school from Eulah, and after Virginia makes me laugh, I'll have any knitting I could possibly imagine answered. They are my personal "Ladies of the Lake," (Well, Virginia isn't of the lake, but she is in spirit!)

Oh, it's so good to be here.


  1. Enjoy your time! (Bella still doesn't know she's getting ready to go into the kennel, as we speak! Shhhh. Don't say anything Gyp! xoxo

  2. Have an absolutley wonderful weekend. I just love the stories older people tell, and I don't write them down often enough. You're so lucky to have so many people involved in your life.

  3. Jeannie ...I love your posts.I am

    so glad to be back on track with you. you are such a darling person!.....I am typing on an unfamiliar lapatop or else I would have a lot more to say..ha!arrghhh..typos

  4. Such lovely photos and experiences! We didn't get up North at all this summer, which is so unusual for us. We usually manage at least a few days somewhere up there.


  5. Here's to an idyllic last weekend of summertime at the lake -- hope you enjoy every minute!

  6. What beautiful photograph's, those peaches had my mouth watering.

    Poor little kitty, soem of them find the trip so hard, and yet they would hate to be separated from us.

    I was reading my 3yo neice a story the other night about a cat abnd a mouse. I mentioned to her that I wondered if the cat would eat the mouse,her delightful response: "Oh no, it is not a tasty one." I did wonder how the cat would know that?

    Have a lovely weekend.

  7. You sound so calm about the mouse! Something I would not be! Your weekend sounds wonderful. And I love that you have the older women to hang out with.

  8. Jeanie, has it been a year already since you wrote about being there at the Lake? I can hardly believe it. I gotta tell ya' - that picture of The Gypsy in his carrier, that little face looking through the caged door - it's wonderful. And the basket of yarn!!! I was just helping my mom organize her crafts - she has such a beautiful stash of yarns I encouraged her to keep them out. They look so beautiful, like your picture.

    Such wonderful friends you have there at the Lake. Can't wait to see your silk painting. How cool is that that you can dedicate your weekend to art!!!!! OK, keep us posed. Hugs to Gypsy and to Rick when you pick him up!

  9. I admire those brave bike rider so much!!!

    There is also a coach in IMWest cycling group exercise who rode from west back to lansing in the summer. So cool they are!

  10. By the time I got to the end of this, Jeanie, I felt so calm. Then I reflected on what a banshee of a woman I was yesterday because things at work were imploding yet AGAIN.

    Then I looked at the little list I was making for my weekend and I realized that each day was taking me one day closer to never having to go to work again. Each long weekend I have these days is like a trial run for a furiously awaited life that is obligated to no one but my family and friends.

    Wishing you perfect satisfaction as you reconnect with your women friends, paint, and perhaps successfully rescue the next mouse Gypsy seizes upon.

  11. Enjoy your time away, my friend! And know that I am very envious. I would love to escape somewhere to relax right now.

  12. A great beginning to what looks to be a delightful week-end.

  13. Michigan lakes can be SO beautiful! Thanks for reminding me.

  14. Your seasoned ladies sound like a great bunch. Enjoy your time at the lake. I'll be waiting to see that painted silk!!

  15. Jeanie, come on over to my place to collect your award. Yes, it seems silly but it completely sincere, too!

  16. such a lovely post on so many levels Jeanie...thank you for sharing a few of the beautiful women in your life too...very inspiring and sweet! You have such a way of unwinding a story, drawing us in to enjoy...enjoy....enjoy!
    I'm not letting go of summer yet, I plan to wear my white pants tomorrow...because I can :) If I had white shoes I'd wear them too teehee!
    oxo ~*~ Patty

  17. I hope you have had a wonderful weekend. Anxious to see the silk paintings.....

  18. What a beautiful post, Jeanie! I know you so enjoy going to your cabin and its so beautiful there. And so nice for you to visit all those wonderful women in your life.
    It sounds like a delightful week-end!

  19. I do love those pictures of summer bounty. Very lovely.


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