The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Pink in Northern Michigan

One of the most charming towns in northern Michigan is Harbor Springs, a small town, possibly even a village, located on Little Traverse Bay.

Bits of it are "overly" cute, if that can happen. (And it's probably why I like it!)

Of course, pink abounds! At the ice cream store...

On some of the shop signs...

At the converted gas station-now restaurant...

And in the flower boxes on the streets.

In Harbor Springs, "Life is Good."

And while this wonderful house isn't pink at all, I couldn't resist adding it!

Please stop by Beverly's at How Sweet the Sound to visit other Pink Saturday participants, including Gabriela Delworth, whose work is always lovely.

Next week, we'll spend Pink Saturday not far from Harbor Springs at one of my favorite shops, Joie de Vie!


  1. What a lovely town with so much pink eye candy! Happy Pink Saturday,


  2. Love the pink jeep! The name of your blog is wonderful - so is the cat!

  3. I would like a world where all vehicles were embellished with just as much flourish & flair as that wonderful jeep. Looking forward to next week's dose of pink!

  4. My gosh, with all my talk about themes and shooting color, PINK never even once occurred to me. How fun and inspiring, Jeanie - always the unexpected.

  5. Great photos. The house is stunning. Happy Pink Saturday.

  6. It is a sweet town, I love driving through and north on the wooded drive. Our son used to have a girlfriend with a house on the water up there.

  7. L♥ve your pink goodies this week. Just when I think I have enough pink in my life I participate in Pink Saturday and see even more sweet things I’d enjoy having in my home or flowers for my gardens or just to look at☺ What could be better than the color pink dancing in your head all morning?

    You'd have to come a little further north than Harbor Springs to get to my place☺

    Thanks so much for sharing. Hoping your weekend is filled with sunshine and the comfort of those you love and who love you.

  8. what a great little it !

  9. I love the pinks you've chosen to share with us today. It looks like a charming little town, but I really love that blue house. I hope you are having a wonderful day.

  10. Happy Pink Saturday!

    What a cook pink post!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  11. Happy Pink Saturday from the Mermaids of the Lake in Liberty Lake, Wa. Love all the fun pink things you found. Of course that Jeep is so darling!

    Drop by and visit us. We're at

    Hope you have a swimmy dya!

  12. Ok, I MUST visit here!!! It is soooo cute!!!

  13. Oh Jeanie,
    What a beautiful Pink Saturday post. I am hopping in the jeep and heading over to the Happiness is Yummies. Want to come along? I so love this little town. That house may not be painted pink, but sure looks like it should be. THanks for sharing honey. Please stop by and let me show you my pink post today. Love this town. Country hugs sweetie, Sherry

  14. What a wonderful village....I want to live there!!!Pink is my absolut favourite colour....and yellow...and blue....and orange....and green....and purple....and black....and white.....and...and...*lol*..I don`t like brown at all.
    And I love the you know the owner???? Is it a very old and rich lonely living nice gentleman???? Okay...I`ll come immediately..:-)))))
    And please wrap the car for me and send to my adress....
    Best wishes

  15. Yummy is certainly the word I would use also, beautiful post this week, Happy Pink Saturday, Char
    If you haven't already done so, make sure to stop by my blog and enter into the shabbylaneshops giveaway. Many of us have donated beautiful items for a monthly giveaway. The value is around $100.00 and there are lots of pretty things there, good luck, Char

  16. Looks very pretty! Btw, I love the cat in your banner picture!

  17. What a charming group of pinks!

    I really like the jeep for sure!

    If you ever get a moment would love you to stop by some time.

    TTFN~~Claudia ♥ ♥

  18. that really is a pink town love the truck

  19. I really have to start exploring my own state! your pictures of your travels are always so enticing - the Michigan Chamber of Commerce should pay you.

  20. Lovely pink post Jeanie! That DOES look like a really sweet PINK town!
    I think I need to go on a little rural road trip here in're wetting my appetite ;)

  21. Not sure how I found my way here, but glad I did. Short on time now, but I'll be back. I'm in WI and so I guess we're neighbors. We vacationed in Charlevoix last summer and I'm still dreaming about it. So pretty in your area of MI.

  22. And the little mushroom houses! They're not pink, but they're certainly cute.

  23. I do love that Jeep too.....I wonder how our big boat of a car would look if I did that?? Would my sons ride with me? Would my oldest drive it? Hmmmmm......I bet I wouldn't be hearing Mom, can I borrow the car?
    And I love that house, I don't normally like perfect symmetry, but I do there.
    (ps, my email address you asked about is that salad recipie)

  24. You know how I am about pink - just not my thing.

    But - that car is wonderful! Every year Houston has a wonderful art car parade - every manner of car is art-sied up beyond belief.
    It's just indescribable, so I'll leave a link to a flickr photoset instead:

    And the name Harbor Springs popped a memory right into my mind. Do you remember the Chicken Man radio shows? The spoof that featured the mild-mannered shoe salesman named Benton Harbor?

    "He's everywhere! He's everywhere!" was the cry. We loved the show, and listened every week. For years the only town in Michigan I could name other than Detroit was Benton Harbor!

  25. Love the pink. what a little town! bet it's remarkable at Christmas time, too.

    How are you? I'm running late for work but thinking about paper and scrapping and photos. Need to work on someothing. What are you working on? do tell; do share.

    'later, Oh

  26. Thats a pinky kind of town but very lovely too!

  27. The windowbox flower arrangements are lovely! Like the Victorian house, too. My dream house would be a big house like that with a porch wrapped around and lots of nooks and crannies inside for all my collections.


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