The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Random Thoughts

My mind is flying in lots of different places!

First, thanks, all of you, for such kind wishes for a speedy recovery! Things are looking up. I can go out in public (though I still scare people and the Gypsy when I cough) and am making good ground! I have been taking your advice -- hot tea, honey, lemon, rest -- and things are looking up. As always, I feel wrapped in a warm clock of good feelings from friends I've never met, yet know so well. Yes, many thanks.

I was thinking, as I walked through Kroger after my doc appointment while waiting for my prescriptions that one shops differently when not feeling so good. Examples? My cart had things like cheese and crackers -- comforting spready-cheese, not the kind you have to cut! Bagels, soup (three kinds), a new box of tea (not that I didn't have more tea than I'll use in five years at home), yogurt (OK, that's a staple), Ricola and lots of Kleenex, extra soft, please. And I was desperately searching for meat loaf.

Comfort food. Something warm, savory, carby. I had zero interest in salad fixings, fruit (though I did find some good blueberries), or meat I'd have to cook. I didn't want to be cooked for yesterday, either, because that means you really have to eat just to be polite and I wasn't in the mood.

Meanwhile, I had some nice thoughts of the past weekend up at the lake. Granted, I was extremely annoying to be around, but nonetheless, my Cleveland cousins took it in "relatively" good form.

We did do something fun -- an antiquish store in town decided to have a big sale in their six barns near Gaylord, so on a rainy Saturday, we headed out there. (Yeah, rain, bronchitis. I know. The whole weekend, it just rained...)

I saw lots of fun stuff, most of which I had no spot for, so reluctantly left it behind.

I liked this bunny and these Indian blankets.

These paddles aren't old, but had a nice up-northy feel.

Croquet sets always appeal to me -- I love the colors!

Who wouldn't want these? And who would have a place to put them?

And there was lots of great "big stuff" -- some decent furniture, that sort of thing.

I did find one thing I liked a lot -- this desk. Wouldn't it be a great art table?

Trouble is, it's one of those melamine things that you put together with a kit from someplace like Target. She wanted $125, which I thought was way too much for something that wasn't even real wood. Wouldn't budget on it either, said she would take it to the store after she cleaned it up (and it was cleaned up, by the way) and ask $175 or more for. Good luck. It did, however, make me realize that perhaps my pine desk similar in style to this might one day be reappropriated!

I did find a couple of interesting tins -- one very old filled with hair curlers, the other probably more recent but fun. Mutty and Howard found a couple of bobbleheads.

And we enjoyed nice dinners out, several belated birthday celebrations and good times. And really, does it get much better than that, no matter what the weather?


  1. I think your weekend sounded fabulous...well, other than the bronchitis !

  2. I'm glad you posted these pix! I would've loved to have done this with you guys!

  3. Glad you had so much fun. Even when you were sick. I do love that croquet set, too.

  4. lobsters? red tin lobsters?? why on earth didn't you buy those for me jeanie!!?? you know i would have made good on the money girl! next time for sure ok?

    that was some eclectic sale she had goin' on there. but you and your kin made the most of the day didn't you? it's always fun to poke around. and to eat.

    i hope you feel way better soon my dearest. real soon.

  5. Oh Gosh,,I am so sorry to hear about the bronchitus. Mom has had it for 3 weeks and is on her 3rd round of antibiotics for it. Its hit her pretty hard, she also had a very slight case of Pnuemonia.
    I hope your feeling better each and every day.
    Loved all the goodies at that sale but I don't blame you on that desk/cabinet. A little too high for that fake stuff.
    Feel better, Friend!

  6. What fun! I love those lobster tins! Hope you are feeling much better very very soon!

  7. Sorry to hear you are sick! I'm behind a few posts I see! My mother would say that getting out in the rain made you worse. She's a firm believer in weather and getting too cold making you sick. Scientifically it doesn't seem possible, but I have seen it happen with some people, so who knows??? Take care of yourself.

  8. Glad you're feeling better. I totally agree about the comfort food thing.

  9. I Jeanne - I am sorry to hear you are unwell. I have had bronchitis too - how weird is that. It is not pleasant - I hope you are feeling better. I am on the mend.

  10. I'm so behind "talking" with you!!!! I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. There's bronchitis and strep throat going around here - and ugh, it's such lovely weather and makes such a contrast with everyone coughing and blowing and sneezing.
    You made me laugh with your comment about the tea and already having enough for five years! Us, too! What is it about tea that we collect it? (well, I do enjoy the box design as well as the tea!)

    Loved the pictures you took at the lake. Glad you were able to have your camera along - a sure sign you were doing a little better! And yes, I liked that desk, too, 'til you said it wasn't real wood. But it's inspiring. I'm looking at an old field desk here wondering about sprucing it up a bit.

    Hope you're having a lovely weekend and hello to Gypsy!

    PS the prayer book is published and "out" there! You should be getting a copy(ies) soon! Many thanks and big hugs for participating in that!

  11. Hope you are feeling better ! looks like you had a great time antiquing tho !

  12. Ooooh, I lurved shopping in MI. It's always fun to be somewhere far from home and see what their "stuff" is like. It is truly different from ours! I bought stuff and had to have it shipped back! This brought back wonderful memories of Charlevoix. xo


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