The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Savory Sisters

I've been asked to join a book club! They're called the Savory sisters, and my friend Kate says it's the best!

Our first book for this fall is "The Soloist" by Steve Lopez. If you want to know more, visit Chopsticks and String!

And, if you love heartwarming true stories, stop by Mama K's blog (it's her 100th post!) and read about Charlie, a little boy who adopted after lots of waiting! He's a cutie with a great smile and the story will warm your heart!


  1. I always think I want to join a book club and then never do. Now what does that say? I'm not sure, but I'm hoping to play with my colored pencils soon.

  2. Thanks for the referral! I hope your book club is better than mine - we spend less than 5 minutes reading the book, and we have one member who never, ever reads the book. But she makes the most amazing potato pancakes for our holiday dinner. You'll have to keep us posted on the books you read. We're reading The Nineteenth Wife now.

  3. I have a girlfriend who is in a book club - she just loves it - great way to meet other people.

  4. Love the name of the club. I hope it goes well for you.

  5. hope you're feeling better, yes? Hey, a book club sounds great. It makes fall do-able when there are new activities and stuff to do. Hmmm...a book club...hi to Gypsy!

  6. Oh, you lucky duck. I have always wanted to join a book club. How wonderful! Be sure to tell us how it goes, won't you?

  7. Sounds like fun! BTW, I read the Julie and Julia book and it was very good. It was Emily's copy and I passed it on to Mom to read, too. Makes me want to see the movie now.


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