The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, August 30, 2009

On Occasion I Do Art

What was cooking in my world this past weekend?

Well, it was supposed to be Craft Camp at the lake. That's the weekend each summer when my friend Kate and I go to the cottage, take way more art supplies than we'll ever be able to use, and make art, in between trips to the farm market, and if it is very nice, time in the sun.

Well, when it was going to be low 60s and rain this weekend, we decided to stay home and do Craft Camp in my family room! We watched the Ted Kennedy ceremonies from funeral to burial, apart from some time off to have very late lunch at Bravo! (Of course, there were antic "play with the cat" times throughout the day!

Kate finished her shrine to color and made some beautiful jewelry. She's a wizard with that.

I got a ton of prep-work done (canvases gessoed, etc.) and did up a bunch of tags.

I'm really into the tag thing lately, I guess because they make fun bookmarks, too.

I don't know if I'll be doing a winter sale or not, but I figured if I do, they're nice stocking stuffers or good teacher gifts. And if I don't, I know they'll find homes! (My images came from bits and bobs of everything including The Vintage Workshop, above. That very cute baby below came from one of Joanne's collage sheets! Thank you!)

I also had some mini-composition journals that I worked on. I loved these -- wish I had bought more at the time and may well go back, though I'll never get the same great deal!

It felt good to do something creative lately. Not that baking, knitting, and other odds and ends aren't creative.

But there's nothing like paper and glue to cheer a girl up!


  1. Look at you!!!!!!!! I love these tags..especially the girl with the rolling pin! I watched as much as I could on Saturday...son moved to a house he we were helping. I thought I was taping the burial...but alas it was hours later.

  2. These are amazing! You should start an etsy store with them. I love collage art of this type.

  3. I love your tags, and I love how much fun you have making them!

  4. really nice! I love that tag with the recipe on it. All are darling..but it caught my eye. Looks like you had a grand time. Keep up the good art!


  5. What a great way to spend your weekend! I love your tags, still using the one you sent me; these all look beautiful! You definitely need an etsy store.

  6. I love those as bookmarks! I've sent this entry to my daughter in the hopes of talking her into making ME some!

  7. Lovely to see your creations, so many wonderful tags!!! It's always fun to have a playdate with a special friend!

  8. Ah, the tags! (glad to have the one you sent me and I"m keeping it - hey, it's art!)
    But the journal, the mini-book - it's wonderful. OK, so as the others have mentioned, are you thinking Etsy yet?
    Just say yes.

  9. Love your new artwork, Jeanie! The bookmarks with the handwritten recipe backgrounds are my favorites. Something about the juxtaposition of the vintage handwriting and the lovely images just strikes my fancy!

    Glad you still found a way to have your Art Camp. Hope you are feeling better by now.

    It's feeling like fall even here in Alabama this week. Very unusual, but I'll take it!

  10. What fantastic tags! Very chic - but not shabby :) I lov emaking tags too.

  11. Well you certainly did have a Craft Camp week-end, didn't you? I Love the tags and the composition notebooks,,I bet it made you feel better to be so creative! Hope your feeling alot better.

  12. I love the smell of ...glue .... in the morning. LOL. 'M I bad?

  13. I like the "vintage style" you used. I may have to look up some of that style to use in my scrapbooking. Do you do that as well? I think it would be right up your alley! I also think I'd love to join in your Craft Camp!!!

  14. I love your tags (I especially love that you used one of my images). I think you and Kate have a great thing going with your Craft Camp.

  15. On the few occasions when I've dabbled in paper crafts I've enjoyed it immensely! None of my creations were anywhere near as beautiful as these, however. I love the journals...they are just sublime :)

    I'm glad you're feeling better! Enjoy this beautiful weather!

  16. Very artistic - how clever and patient to make these creative pieces.

  17. you're so funny !

    paper and glue always cheers me did you know !!!!

  18. Oh yes, definitely motivation here. Thank you!

  19. fabulous creativity.... tags are great, your muse is asleep and they help to wake her up... love yours x


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