The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter Eggs and Cookies!

The countdown continues! Friday night we are going to our friends Mark and Jan for our annual egg dying and "Life of Brian" viewing.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to post this year's eggs before Easter, but to get you in the mood, here are a few favorites from last year's festivities!

I'm also taking some Easter cookies to accompany our pizza and beer. I made them last night -- they look so cheery!

I wish you could join me for tea!

Here's the quick recipe!

Seasonal Shortbreads

Cream 2 sticks of butter and 1/2 c. sugar
Add 1/4 t. salt
Add 2 c. flour
(I added a bit of vanilla and some lemon too; you could use peppermint, others.)

Put as balls on cookie sheet (I use a silpat on mine) and gently press down.

Bake 300 for 15-17 minutes.

To decorate -- I used a thin lemon juice/powdered sugar glaze and topped some with coconut and jelly beans to look like little nests; others were decorated with sugar and jelly beans. You could dip in chocolate or skip a glaze altogether and put on sugar before baking, or flavor with another extract. Cool overnight till glaze hardens. Then make another batch because they really are addictive!


  1. Very cool eggs and cookies, Miss Festivity! Now you've got me thinking about what I'm gonna make for Sunday.

  2. The eggs are gorgeous and the cookies look so yummy. I wish I could reach into the screen and snatch a couple!! Have fun and Happy Easter.

  3. I'm on way to your a cookie for me !!!

    {and some beer}

  4. Those look yummy, but so does our wild caught fresh halibut and strawberries and greens salad. Hope you are doing well by now.

  5. I love shortbread. I think I'll try these. How pretty too.

  6. I'm on my way with cupcakes! Happy Easter!


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