The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter Countdown!

I do love spring and I'm eagerly awaiting Easter! This year we'll have kids (well, young men!) for the first time in a long while for Easter dinner!

Friday will include our annual egg dying fun (followed by "Life of Brian" on DVD) and Saturday is a farm market day with bulb gardens sure to go in the cart!

Meanwhile, I leave you with a pretty spring image (thanks, Shelley!) and remind you that there is a new book "report" on Chopsticks and String -- "Everybody Dreams" by Michael Stratton, a novel about a therapist and her clients, set right here in Lansing!


  1. Yes, I love Easter, too!!! Especially because we have spring weather...warm and sunny and 20°...I enjoy the warmth very much!
    I the "Life of Brian".....I hope you mean the same like me...Monty Python????
    I saw it several is sometimes a bit foolish but I can always laugh again.....Do you know clockwise?? It is very funny, too!

    We are going on holiday on Friday for one week to the North Sea and Denmark. In the meantime our house will get a new outfit outside...we get new is typical for our region....
    It is very noisy and dirty so we preferred to take refuge during that time.Today they put up the scaffold .

    I wish you wonderful Easter days and no snow!!

  2. Darn, I keep meaning to check out your blog when I am at home. I can't see any "cutest blog" templates at work,,not even my own. I will check it out this week-end. I hope you have a great Week-end too!

  3. The Life of Brian for Easter? I guess it depends on your point of view.


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