The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Bouquets!

Welcome to Pink Saturday at The Marmelade Gypsy. Please visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for more pink celebrations!

I've celebrated Easter with bunnies, eggs, trees and nests! Now it's time for flowers! (All of these were from my most recent excursion to Trader Joe's.)

(Doesn't that look like a giant wedding bouquet?)

Perfect roses!

I cannot resist a gerbera daisy!

Tulips. They may be my favorite!

If you celebrate Easter, have a lovely holiday!


  1. I love them all but the tulips always speak to me first. Happy Easter!

  2. These are beautiful. I got some purple tulips yesterday.... I LOVE tulips. Have a blessed Easter!

  3. All those flowers just look gorgeous! They make me want to make a trip to the nearest florist!

  4. What glorious flowers. Happy Easter, Marilyn.

  5. Trader Joe' that place and now I'll never look at their flower display the same way again. It looked liked a beautiful outdoor garden!

  6. Beautiful! Those roses look so fragrant & fresh, they make me wish for a place for pink in my house! Happy Easter!

  7. You take absolutely beautiful photos.



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