The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

From One Extreme to Another

If you don't like the weather in Michigan, wait a day (or 10 minutes) and it'll change!

So, Saturday I saw this little fellow, staking out his territory!

And Sunday, when Kate and I went to Trader Joe's, the world was awash in color!

These ronunculus came home with me!

What a difference a day makes!

It won't last long... I hope!


  1. I got some shots of yesterday's snow, too. I think we always get snow in April, but this on cracked quite a few branches around here.


  2. I love the flower you took home. I have never heard of it before.

  3. take out "michigan" and insert "wisconsin"....ohhh are we ever weather sisters !!

  4. Great photos. It was in the 30's here in southeast Texas this morning...but no snow.

  5. That crazy little squirrel face - made me laugh! And TJ's should ask you to photograph more of their stuff- the flowers look fabulous. (I hardly ever use the word "fabulous" - must be because of the fashion mag I was reading last night!)

  6. We went from 80 on sunday to 30s and flurries on Monday, back to mid 60s yesterday and 70s today. Springy weather.


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