The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, December 1, 2008

Vegas One -- We're on a Working Vacation!

Today's Holiday Image is from the Bellagio in Las Vegas, two years ago.

And that's where Rick and I are right now! He has a trade show and I get to help! So, for the next few days, I'll be posting holiday images from our earlier trip!

This month will be my first blogging anniversary -- it is December 18! So, I'll be having a celebratory drawing later in the month. (Probably December 31, but I'll let you know if it changes!

Any comments left on The Marmelade Gypsy will be entered to win a packet of prizes -- I'll post them when I decide what they are!

Comment on every post and your name will be included multiple times!

Maybe I'll be able to get online to add a few things about what's happening on our current trip, -- so do stop back! You can check out the day's Holiday Image AND get in another entry!
Don't forget -- my series on grieving continues on Chopsticks and String with part two, Getting Through the Holidays.


  1. Viva Las Vegas!!! Have a fun time!!! Bet your glad you left Lansing when you did, the weather looks nasty there. We have flurries here today too.

  2. First I hope you had a fantastic Thanks Giving celebration....I wish you wonderful days in Las Vegas and look forward to having you home again....*lol*.....

  3. Wow - you are in a fab place at a merry time of year! Love the reindeer. Looking forward to your pictures (as always) and anecdotes. I suspect it's warm there, too? Egads, we have snow.
    Have fun!

  4. Wow- Vegas & Christmas decorations, what a combination!

    Have fun!

  5. Remember, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas! (Except what you share with us!!)

    Congrats on your blogging anniversary!

  6. Hope you are having a wonderful time!

  7. Oh! I hope you are having so much fun! I know it has to be warmer than MI or TN!

  8. Look at all these comments! Everyone wants one of your home-made prizes!

    Hope you have good weather and a successful trip.

  9. What a great idea, to get out of state this time of year -- hope you're having a fabulous, fascinating time, storing up stories & pictures to share. Looking forward to celebrating your blogoversary!

  10. Ah, Vegas. I love that place. Hope you win big! What the heck is the reindeer made out of?

  11. Vegas isn't what I would think of as a place for Christmas photos, but the reindeer looks cool. Have fun!


  12. Vegas is a special place. I've been there twice but never in winter. The Christmas decoration must be awesome.

    Have a great time there!


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