The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving: The Day After

'Nuf said.


  1. What a great picture! Hurray for the 1950's.
    Since I do the cooking, I never have to do the dishes. Fair trade, I think. Hope you had a lovely day with your guys!

  2. I hope your Thanksgiving was filled with blessings and bounty.


  3. Love this picture!!!!!! I hope your clean up goes fast and you have plenty of time for more leisurely pursuits!!!!!!

  4. i guess this means you are busy eh? i love thanksgiving and the entire weekend after. i don't go anywhere but i begin to love my house enough to make it smell good with baking and i get glitter on the rugs and learn how to tie a perfect ribbon all over again. it gets festive! and i know you are doing the same :)
    love to you jeanie!

  5. Hey Jeannie! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. I know whatever you made was delicious.Gotta get together

  6. I've done my fair share of dishes! Thanks for the giggle!

  7. Great picture -- funny how the cleaning takes more time than the cooking, isn't it? Hope you had a lovely day and are enjoying a relaxing weekend. All my best to you.

  8. Yep, life is back to normal here too. But was thinking as I washed the dishes this afternoon, how thankful I was that we had food to dirty them with. :)

  9. Hope the T'Day holiday was GRAND! love the picture. Knew you'd have something good here. And now, I'm going to get up and run around the room, or, if I get out the mittens and hats, outdoors - it's snowing!

  10. Amen. You should see my kitchen! I don't even try to clean it up and put it all back together until my brother leaves. Every time I put something away, he asks, "Where's the pan I just used????" Lordy! But I love them all being here. But phew! I'm tired!! xoxo

  11. If only I could look so good doing the dishes.


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