The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Vegas Two -- Trade Show!

This Holiday image is another from the Bellagio in Las Vegas!

We're getting ready to spend lots of hours working the floor of the winter well drillers show as Rick tries to convince them about the time-saving benefits of computerizing their offices!
Wish us well! (Could you resist that face? I couldn't. Didn't.!)

Don't forget -- my series on grieving continues on Chopsticks and String with part two, Getting Through the Holidays.
This month will be my first blogging anniversary -- it is December 18! So, I'll be having a celebratory drawing later in the month. (Probably December 31, but I'll let you know if it changes!

Any comments left on The Marmelade Gypsy will be entered to win a packet of prizes -- I'll post them when I decide what they are!

Comment on every post and your name will be included multiple times!


  1. It looks like a lot of work and far is Las Vegas away from your home ????
    Do you help your husband or do you go shopping all day?....*lol* Breakfast at Tiffany....Gucci and so on???? ...:-))))
    Bets wishes

  2. Now I see why you fell for your hubby - very handsome!

    I hope you have time for some fun together on your trip!

  3. Hope your having fun in between working. At least its not cold there.

  4. Cute as he is, make sure you enjoy all the fabulousness of the Bellagio too. I've only seen pictures but for me it's the REASON for going to Vegas someday.

  5. Wow, you are out here so close to where I live. Well, my state anyway. Your DH is a cutie. No doubt. Have fun, and hide your wallet. LOL

    I dropped by actually to let you know I put you on the side bar of my blog so I can come visit easier now. Maybe you will do the same

  6. A working vacation in Vegas at the Bellagio!! Can't better than that!
    I stayed there last time I was in Vegas and LOVE that garden room just to the right of the reception desk..I can imagine how wonderful it looks decked out for the holiday season!!

  7. I loved the fountains at the Bellagio - I assume they're still going. I hope rick drums up a lot of business.

  8. Vegas always seems like another world -- I hope both of you are getting plenty of time at Bellagio!

  9. Show pictures! Very cool. Got good shoes? Hope it's going super well. Love these little peeks into what's going on out there.

    (Meanwhile, back in the midwest, the wind is whipping!)

  10. Working vacation stil is vacation, isn't it?
    I am sure you and Rick are having fun in any case!


  11. It looks like he's doing a great presentation! Did you help out, too?


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