The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Pink Saturday -- Stretching the Definition of Pink!

Today is Pink Saturday. I've not participated for a few weeks -- I find I'm more pink in spring and summer than I am in the fall!

If you visit our hostess Beverly's blog (How Sweet the Sound), you'll find lots of other far more creative pinkies than I!

Since I really had to work at this one, I found two ATCs in my file that stretch the definition of pink, but there's probably enough to qualify!

I really need to shoot a pink something soon!
A reminder if you're not a regular visitor: If you are dealing with grief issues or know someone who is, I have posted the first of a four-part series of articles about grieving / grieving and children / grief at the holidays and grief resources on my other blog, Chopsticks and String. I'll post on The Marmelade Gypsy when the next article goes up. Each post will include a "recipe of the heart" as well.
This can be a hard time for any of us who have experienced significant losses. Hopefully these articles will help.


  1. The ATCS are lovely. (And I didn't know you had another blog. Will check it out). xo

  2. Happy Pink Saturday. I love the cards!

  3. Both of those ATC's are beautiful!!

  4. Love your Pink ATCs, both are really lovely. So glad you shared them! I was just thinking that for next week I might 'create' something Pink for Pink Saturday!
    *Happy Pink Saturday*

  5. Unique vintage cards. Also interested in writing. Hoping to get my short story idea started soon. Happy Pink Saturday.

  6. I think there is enough pink to qualify! The ATCs are lovely. I enjoyed catching up on your blog. The wine tasting looked like a lot of fun - yummy too!

  7. Happy Pink Saturday, Jeanie. I'm so glad you decided to participate today.

    Your ATC are lovely, and they definitely qualify for pink.

  8. Your ATCs look lovely and certainly look plenty pink to me.


  9. Love the ATC's. Love the pink.

  10. Love the ATC's! Pink is pink. And your ATC's are definitely pink.

  11. I like these pink ATC`s, they look so fresh...
    I hope you are feeling better now...

  12. Those are lovely pinkish ATCs. I think it is fun to find pink in unexpected places. I especially love the Moulin Rouge card as I have a special fondness for Paris! Happy Pink Saturday!

  13. Oh, this was a rosy mix, no stretch at all for a perfectly pink Saturday! Love your ATCs!

  14. I love your cards..they're just beautiful. Happy late Pink Saturday..come visit.


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