The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, November 17, 2008

A Glorious Evening and a Snowy Morn!

The snow was falling quietly and gently this morning (actually, Sunday) as I walked the two blocks from Rick's home to mine (with no make-up. But oh, it was peaceful!)
He was getting ready for a bike ride (because that is what he does, till it's too cold or too icy to attempt). And I approached my house, eager for an afternoon of art and homekeeping.

What a glorious walk! Big flakes of snow on the holly bush in Rick's yard...

The pines in my back yard -- tall, stately, and tipped with white...

Oak leaves, with big polka dots of snow.

Even the last of the outdoor plants had a bit of white on them.

And the bird house was tipped with white.

It has been a lovely weekend. Last night, my friend Holly welcomed us to her home for dinner (pictured here with Judy's husband, Dick.)

She and her husband, Tony (here with Judy and Rick) hosted a lovely dinner prepared by a culinary student at our community college.

Chicken curry, pork tenderloin, a couple of other lovely dishes... all wonderful.

Best of all, we celebrated good friends, good company, and good times before the hectic holiday season takes us in different directions.

It was simply divine.


  1. The winter is upon us. Ludington looks much the same. It snowed nearly the entire day today. Pretty to look at and I'm glad I didn't have to go out. Time to get out the afghans I guess.

  2. I could feel the warmth radiating off the pages, Jeanie. And I LOVE the word "homekeeping". It's such a cozy word and does not feel like work at all.

  3. You look like a beautiful snow princess!
    Sandra Evertson

  4. I love the snowy pictures. It doesn't seem like the snow that we've all come to dread.

  5. Oh,,that snow looked so beautiful and so did you! And it looked like you had a wondertime with your friends, having a great dinner.
    Is it still snowy up there today?

  6. Looks like so much fun! Your dusting is usually all we get down here, but last year we did have one snow that was about 6 inches and it was gone by mid afternoon. My in-laws say because they are down here it will be the coldest winter in years. I am starting to believe them! It has been colder than normal lately.

  7. I hate winter and snow but I have to admit that your snowy photos are very pretty ;-) The pic of you with your snowy hair is lovely!

  8. How wonderful! Looks like a great time and you look so cheery, dearie!

  9. It was pretty, although I know it won't be so wonderful next March :D


  10. Wow, snow already! It has even been cold here, too, in the deep South. You do look pretty with the snow on your hair!


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