The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Introducing Wired and Tired

Today's Autumn Image is the big tree right by the beach near my cottage on Otsego Lake.

How I'd love to see it in person!

I want to introduce you to a new blog, Wired and Tired, designed to help parents in particular (and all of us in general!) with raising media-savvy kids. The blog is by one of WKAR's education staff -- an amazing woman who is dedicated to helping create a world where children understand the differences between commercials and information -- and much more.

The site also focuses on positive parenting strategies. Stop by when you have a chance and share the link with other parents, too!


  1. What wonderful things you have shown again the last days.....I especially love the picture of the quilt collection, absolutly great, and the pink jacket is so lovely for little girls....unfortunately my daughter is 24 and my daughter-in-law whose daughter Miu is my grandchild, doesn`t like pink.....what a pity...I do!!!
    I would like to see the Indian summer around all the wonderful lakes by must be an unforgettable adventure.
    The tree you show is very nice...we have got a marvellous autumn this year, too. Sometimes the colour of the leaves are not as yellow and orange as this autumn....perhaps it depends on the much rain we had the last months...they are absolutly not dry.
    Best wishes and have a good week

  2. Beautiful Fall Tree, I have a pretty one in my yard right now. Its the only one on the blog that is so pretty!

  3. Beautiful!

    Thanks for your comment about my grandma. It was such a hard post to write, but I knew I needed to do it for me and others who may be going through the same thing with a loved one.

    Thanks about my orange kitty. I thought you would like it. :)

  4. thanks for the link...I'm off to check it out !!!


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