The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, October 13, 2008

Autumn Images!

Today's Autumn Image is an ATC I did for a swap last year -- and then couldn't part with it!

I'll try to have a bit of a meatier post later this week -- I've lots of blogs to catch up on. Meanwhile, for a great fall treat (using pretzels, chocolate kisses and M&Ms!) visit Mama K!


  1. This ATC is Gorgeous!!!

    I just went through all of your Canada trip pictures and it looks like it was a complete and total blast!!!!

    Nothing better than spending time with a great pal, craft shops and antiquing. Oh, and great food too!

    Glad you had such fun!

  2. I can see why you wanted to keep your ATC.


  3. Oh, I love this! It's you and me!

  4. Love the ATC! I can see why you had to keep it.

  5. So very lovely indeed.
    Love Jeanne

  6. Very pretty! It is feeling like fall here today, little cool and windy. Our leaves are just starting to turn. Hope you have a great week.

  7. I wouldn't want to get rid of that beautiful ATC either! I am busy this week after being off yesterday. Its our new semester agin.


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