The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Canada in the Pink!

Today's Autumn Image reflects the last pinks of summer -- hollyhocks at an antique store on Lake Ontario!

Happy Pink Saturday! Visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for more pink posts!

All these photos are from my Canada trip. At Stitch, I was enchanted by Jocelyn's quilt collection.
They were everywhere -- on the walls, over chairs... all that and it was a yarn shop!

Of course, Suzanne bought pink (and green) yarn!

And there were lovely places to sit and knit!

At Niagara-on-the-Lake, this children's store had the sweetest pink jacket...

And what little one wouldn't love this table!

We were most definitely "in the pink!"


  1. Happy Pink Saturday, and what beautiful yarns! :-) Stacey

  2. Looks likea great trip! I love it when people "theme" their photos for these different blog carnivals!

  3. Happy Pink Saturday! I love all your pictures!

  4. It looks as if you enjoyed your trip. I'm giving away 3 free books, so be sure to stop by. Happy Pink Saturday!

  5. Happy Pink Saturday, Jeanie.

    I adore hollyhocks. I don't know why I haven't ever planted them, but I should.

    And, that little pink coat is just adorable.

  6. enjoyed your pictures and loved the log cabin pink quilt....

  7. Love and hugs and many blessings
    May you always be in the Pink.
    Love Jeanne

  8. HOLLYHOCKS!!! Oh, it snowed here today and I MISS the beautiful flowers! I am jealous! Those darling things for little girls are FAB!

    Happy PINK to you too!

  9. I love all your pink things. The quilt is gorgeous and hollyhocks are my favorite!
    Happy Pink Saturday...Kathy

  10. I love hollyhocks! They are my very favorite flower!

  11. Great Pink Photos!!!!
    Happy Pink Saturday.

  12. These pink posts always make me so happy... maybe that's the point? I think I might need a pink tea table.

  13. Love all the pink that you show! That little pink table is adorabel!Niagara on the Lake is the best for browsing!

  14. Fun pink post! You had a fun day for your pink post. Happy Pink Saturday!

  15. so much pink sweetness. I love hollyhocks. Do you or did you ever make hollyhock dolls? I always thought they were so fun.

  16. Fun pink post! Happy Pink Saturday! Hugs, Bobbi Jo-AZ

  17. What a fun post. Very cheering. Loved that little jacket.

  18. You definitely were in the Pink! What a fun post! Hope you had a Happy Pink Saturday! ~ Robyn

  19. I love hollyhocks. Especially the pink ones. Have a wonderful pink weekend.
    Cori G.

  20. I had fun going "with" you on your fun adventure! Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday!

  21. It looks like a fun trip filled with Pink : )

  22. Looks like a great trip! Love all the pink!

  23. How fun!! Love all the great pics! I wonder what the yarn will end up being.....?

    Happy Pink Saturday!


  24. Hi there
    You were at is a really lovely spot isn't it? I am under 2 hours north of there in Canada.
    That little pink coat is very darling....and the quilts are beautiful....
    thank you for sharing in Pink Saturday

  25. It looks as if you enjoyed your trip.
    Happy belated Pink Saturday!
    Blessings, Virginia

  26. The Stitch store looks intriguing! I'd love to visit there!

    Have a lovely week!
    Margie :)


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