The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Autumn Images

Beginning today, I plan to include an "autumn image" on my October posts! Enjoy!

(These are autumn leaves, photographed in Gaylord, Michigan, at one of my favorite home stores.)

Some of you visited my cousin Bonnie's Blog (Mama K's Blog) recently. I don't know if you've been back, but within a day or so, she posted a wonderful recipe -- her three-cheese spaghetti bake. Rick and Greg ate so much of this one night (it makes a huge portion) I didn't have any left for lunch the next week. You may have to read down a post or two to find it -- the link is for her blog in general, but it's worth it! Great fall food!

I'm pre-posting (and thanks to Beth McW at Doors are Everywhere for telling me how!) and will be catching up on your blogs next week!


  1. Isn't it fun to take your camera everywhere? I love your photo-blogs.

  2. I hope you are having a great time in Canada. I picked up the recipe at Mama K's. Yumm.

  3. It was like going with you! Can't wait to see more. Be careful coming home. Hugs.


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