The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, October 6, 2008

Autumn Images -- and Thanks!

Another of the daily (I hope!) autumn images -- this one from last week's visit to the lake and my whirlwind tour through the shops in uptown Gaylord.

As this gets posted o Monday, I'm on my way home from Canada where I will have enjoyed two musicals at Shaw Festival in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario and lots of terrific time with my friend Suzanne -- this year celebrating 40 years of being great friends.

I'll post photos from the trip as I get into next week's routine! And, catch up on blogs I've not been able to visit.

Meanwhile, thanks for all the lovely comments on my posts -- particularly the one about my dad. Your comments truly warmed my heart.


  1. Lovely images Jeanie! Sounds like you had a wonderful time. I bet it was very pretty and some great shows too!

  2. What a cheerful window. Window shopping is so much fun.

  3. I love everything about your blog, Happy Pink Saturday. xx

  4. Hello,

    Niagara-On-The-Lake is a great place to visit! I love it!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  5. I like the idea of fall images (it's my favorite season). Hope you had a great time in Canada and look forward to reading about it.


  6. Beautiful image! Looking forward to hearing about your trip!

  7. Can't believe you have had a friend for 40 years! amazing. I recently made contact with my bestest friend from boarding school back when I was 11 and it was like we were in the dorm chatting just like yesterday... true friendships last the test of time x


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