The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Pink Saturday

This Pink Saturday, I'm in Canada!

So, I leave you with a memory from earlier this year -- my favorite flower, hydrangeas, in glorious pink!

Stop by Beverly's blog for a complete list of Pink Saturday participants and "think pink!"


  1. Very pretty, indeed. I dropped in at Beverly's blog and felt like Alice falling down the rabbit hole. I ran across a huge list of participants, most of whom I had never visited before. Now I have new shore to explore.

  2. Happy Pink Saturday!

    I love these PINK hydrangeas...I make jewelry with them...

    ~ Gabriela ~

  3. Very pretty and I never get tired of looking at them. Happy Pink Saturday!

  4. Happy Pink Saturday, Jeanie. I hope you are having a great trip.

    I love hydrangeas in all colors, and these pink are just glorious.

  5. Those are the prettiest, pinkest hydrangea I have ever seen. So pretty!

  6. I love hydrangeas, but I prefer blue.

    Maybe that's why I do Blue Mondays!

    Please come visit for my Pink Saturday offering, and then click on the book in my sidebar for a book giveaway!

  7. Have a good time on your trip. I scanned back through your blog and enjoyed the pictures around the lake. I had a wonderful time looking at the old family pictures of your dad and reading about your memories. What a fabulous life!

  8. Just lovely!! I love hydrangeas.

  9. I loved the picture! I cannot grow hydrangeas!

  10. Hi Jeanie,

    Welcome to Pink Saturday. Thank you for your comment on my blog. If you ever have any questions about felting, feel free to leave a comment on my blog.

    I like your blog - it's very nice.

    Take care,

  11. There is nothing prettier in pink than a hydrangea.
    Have a wonderful pink day!
    Cori G.

  12. I love the pink flowers, what a beautiful picture, thank you.

  13. Very,very beautiful. One of my favorite flowers. Your photo is great. I really think all flowers are my favorites. Happy Pink Saturday!

  14. I love hydrangeas, to me they are so soft and romantic looking.
    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Blessings, virginia

  15. Pink hydrangeas - always a perfect post! Happy Pink Saturday! ~ Robyn

  16. Mmmmmm.... these are luscious!

  17. Your hydrangias are gorgeous My fav too. Why does summer have to end? Happy Pink

  18. Those pink hydrangeas are so pretty. I love all the different soft shades of yummy pink.

    Happy Pink Saturday!


  19. Aaaahhh....such pretty flowers.

    Happy Pink Saturday!


  20. What are you doing in Canada? How did I miss that? Thanks for stopping by the blog and all your sweet comments. You are one person who totally exemplifies what I posted about today, getting out and burning rubber. Hope you are having a marvelous time!


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