The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Danger! UFO!

Last week I mentioned that the knitting guild program for this month was bringing in your oldest "UFO" (unfinished object). I dug mine out and though I never made it to guild that night, though I'd post it.

In short -- What was I thinking?!!! Love all the colors; they're my favorites. But I am a woman who should never wear horizontal stripes, particularly on a tunic (theoretically hip-length) and certainly not stripes that are anything but muted! It looked so cute on the model on the pattern. That must be it.

So, this was to be a turtleneck tunic. I found the completed front, back and sleeves. Basically, just had to finish the t-neck and sew it together, so I was pretty close. Not sure why I put it down, but I did!

After conferring with friends Suzanne and Kate, it was determined that this should never be a tunic sweater. I think I'll probably felt it and make placemats or coasters, maybe a tea-mat or a purse... of maybe, just maybe...

Yes! A cat bed! My orange boy seems to like it! And heaven knows, orange cats and navy sofas require something in-between!

Any ideas?


  1. Ha ha! UFO or unfinished objects! I could never wear horizontal stripes either. Looks like your cat finds it quite appealing! :) xo

  2. Cats know when they see a good thing!

  3. Hi Jeanie! Thanks for visiting Bookstack :) It's always nice to see a fellow Michigander stop by. We're about 30 minutes from Ann Arbor (yes, we're Michigan grads - don't shoot me!) but I've spent a fair amount of time in Lansing too.

    I think you've found the perfect use for your horizontal stripes!
    He looks very much at home there.
    If he's anything like my two dogs, once he settles in on a "blannie" it's his for keeps.

  4. knit well. Me, I'm just a plain jane knitter..meaning I do a lot of scarves.

    Good job!

  5. How sweet and precious!
    Love and hugs and smiles!

  6. I Love the colors,,so pretty! And Marmalade does seem to really enjoy it.

  7. You crack me up!! Love "it" as a kitty bed.

  8. The colors are great! And it seems kitty has decided that it will be the new cat bed - how cute!


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