The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, January 18, 2008

Play Date!

How fun to have an old friend visit and just take the day to play!

Suzanne and I have known each other for 40 years this year, meeting in high school through drama productions. We managed to stay friends ever since and grow together (versus growing apart). We still share so many of the same interests – knitting, craft, books, movies, theatre, travel, good food and shopping!

So, her visit had to include a number of those elements!

We headed to Ann Arbor for some shopping, first stopping at Cabela’s in Dundee, Michigan. They have these huge dioramas of the outdoors, and while stuffed animals aren’t quite my bag, they did make for fine, immobile wildlife subjects! I especially liked this white wolf.

Next stop: Barnes & Noble, where I found a tapas kit with cookbook, skewers, plates for $2.50 on sale from Christmas! Also found a great calendar to rip up and mix about for ATC elements! Then off to Trader Joe’s – a favorite! My purchases included apricot-stilton cheese, interesting dried fruit, their wonderful salsa and roasted red pepper soup!

I liked this cheery cat by their bulletin board and the beautiful flowers which reminded me – on that dark, gloomy day – that spring would be here someday!

From there we headed back to Lansing and the famous ThreadBear fiber arts, an enormous knitting store (their website is linked to this blog – check it out!). We both made purchases, though I was somewhat self-controlled! But aren’t these colors unbelievable?

Dinner time – one of my favorite Lansing dives – a Mexican restaurant called El Azteco. Then we picked up Rick and headed to the movies for Sweeney Todd. It was almost filmed in three colors – black, white and red. Lots of red. I’m a Stephen Sondheim fan, and this is a favorite, albeit a gory one! I enjoyed it, but confess I was glad we didn’t pick it for New Year’s Eve!

Christmas presents (yes, still!) followed. Suzanne shops well for me and all were perfect, but one of the most fun was knitting needles that light up in the dark!
Mr. Gyps loved it!
The time flew too quickly! But it was such fun. Now I have to get something on those needles!


  1. How fun! I love all the colorful pics. Thank you so much for all your kind thoughts for my bro. He's better! Thank you thank you thank you. xoxo

  2. I love all of your photographs and how lovely for you to have such fun
    and frolic with a fabulous friend.
    Love Jeanne ^j^

  3. Wow,,I would love to go to Trader Joes,,it looks like a cool place. And it looks like you had a wonderful day with your friend too. Hope you have a great week-end,,those light up knitting needles sound cool!!

  4. I loved all the cheerful colors in all of these certainly brightened my day to read here!

  5. Isn't it wonderful when you can get together with old friends, as though it were just yesterday that you saw each other??!! Sounds like a fun day!


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