The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, January 21, 2008

Off for a Few Days!

A quick post before I take off tomorrow morning for the NETA (National Educational Television Association) meeting in Columbus. Four days of workshops and fun hospitality suites. I'm especially looking forward to the "How-To" show suite, where one does make-and-take projects related to scrapbooking, knitting, beading, quilting, you name it! And best of all, "Cloth, Paper, Scissors" editor Patricia Bolton (host of a quilting show!) will be there too!

Best of all I'll be staying with my dear friends Lin and Larry! They're like a big sister/brother to me and their lovely home will be a peaceful refuge from conference craziness. Does it get better than that?

This weekend was partially creative -- when I get the ATCs scanned that I did for some swaps and just for fun, I'll post them -- but that won't be today! And some knitting. A couple of DVDs preparing for next weekend's tap-dance-movie marathon. I wrapped up the day with "Northanger Abbey" -- part of "The Complete Jane Austen" on PBS' Masterpiece Classic. Really quite delightful and fun.

And, I made a wonderful fish dish, which along with an apple crisp made courtesy of Cousin Bonnie's great Christmas present -- a box of apple-related things from Cracker Barrell! -- was great.
Fast Fish Filets

Tilapia filets (I had three big ones; there was enough sauce for more; I'm not good on fish substitutions...cod, maybe?

Cook about 2-3 minutes per side in olive oil over the stove and remove from heat.

In a bit more oil saute:

3 cloves of garlic
1 T. capers (I have added to the original recipe, because I love capers)
handful of chopped kalamata olives (optional, but good)

Then add one small (14 oz) can of diced tomatoes. If they aren't pre-seasoned, add 1/2 t. each of basil, oregano and rosemary. I added extra anyway.

When tomatoes have warmed, put the fish back in, cover with tomatoes and just warm up.

Serve with rice (or whatever you like!).


  1. Is that Columbus OH? If so you'll only be about 30 minutes away from me...LOL...dress's freezing down here!!!

  2. Tilapia is good mild fish. This looks great. Have fun at NETA. Wish I were going with you.

  3. It sounds like fun!! Enjoy your time. (I don't "do" fish--only shellfish.) xo


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