The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, September 29, 2024

She's Back!

Look how the cat dragged in! She's back!

She came mewing at the front door about an hour ago. Rick heard her. Hungry and home. Thanks for all the comments on THIS POST. I'm graateful for your ideas, good thoughts, and prayers. Thank you, thank you.





  1. I am soooo happy to read this hugs for kitty and you

  2. YAY! That is Fantastic news!
    Sleep well!

  3. oh so thankful. Prayers are answered. we love our fur babies.

  4. Hallelujah!! I am so glad she made her way home! I wonder how she snuck out in the first place? Anyways, so happy to hear she is home! :)

  5. What a feisty cutie pie. Welcome home!

  6. Wow, well done kitty. I bet your heart leaped with joy and relief when she came back. Mine did when I read it. Hugs kitty.

  7. I hadn’t yet commented on your previous post, Jeanie, and now there is no need! Welcome home, Lizzie!

  8. Happy news indeed! I am glad Lizzie is home, safe were she belongs. Take care, have a great day!

  9. Thank goodness, Lizzie is home. What a relief. Too bad she can't talk and tell you all about it.

  10. Phew. That is good news! You must be a mix of emotions. But mostly happy. Hurrah that Lizzie is home.

  11. She was probably mad because of all the upheaval, cats don't like changes in routine plus they have vindictive tendencies. My cats sometimes hide a little poo treasure when they get mad, hence they are called "shithead" in addition to their more charming names of Boo and Goose. You are lucky she came back home, sometimes they just get tired of drama and pick out some new humans to occupy with.

  12. I was about to comment on the previous post when I saw 'Newer' at the end, so I clicked, and all is well. Bon voyage.

  13. What a relief! xoxoxo
    (And Lizzie, if you're reading this, don't you EVER try that again.)

  14. Phewww! Cats- they'll be the death of us! I'm so glad she came home. If only she could tell you where she was! -Jenn

  15. Oh thank goodness! I was so worried on your behalf! I am so glad she found her way back home! I was so worried you wouldn't find her before you left for England!

  16. I'm in tears! I'm so glad she's back.😻😻😻

  17. YAY! I'm so glad for you & Lizzie!!! Hugs ~

  18. Well! I'm ready to shout at her for getting us all upset. I'm very glad she's back.

  19. This is the best news. now you can enjoy your holidays. Happy travels!

  20. That is good news. You must've been losing your mind. Happy for you

  21. So glad to hear that Lizzie is back. Best wishes for your holiday.

  22. Bill and AC told me about your cat being missing--somehow I have been missing your blog. So glad she is home and safe!

  23. It would be great if Lizzie could fess up and let you know where she has been. So glad she has returned!

  24. So glad to hear she returned safe. WOOHOO. Janice

  25. I’m so glad that I am behind checking in on your blog , so I didn’t have to worry about Lizzie. So glad she showed up and you don’t have that putting a damper on your trip. Safe travels and I can’t wait to read all about it! It’s been many, many years since my sisters and I went to Bath and London. Have a wonderful trip. - Cara

  26. Yay! This makes me so happy!

  27. What wonderful news. Now going to Europe can be relaxing and enjoyable.

  28. Jeanie,
    So glad to hear she is back!!! I hope you have a wonderful trip and stay safe!! Thanks so much for always visiting!! I truly appreciate it!!
    Debbie-Dabble blog

  29. Thank God! ❤️🙏
    Have a wonderful trip!

  30. The prodigal has returned, which was good news to read Jeanie after reading the previous post. Now, you and Rick can go about getting ready for your well-earned trip to the UK.


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