The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, September 16, 2024

Oops. Deleted Comments!


I accidentally deleted all my comments from September 1 on when I was deleting a bunch of spam messages (I'm hurrying too fast.) Sorry about that! They won't be reinstated (I have no idea how to find deleted comments) but they are appreciated and each was read!

UGH. I've got to slow down.  (My post on "Surprises at the Ditch" is below -- or next! Deer and egrets and herons -- oh my!)


  1. ...fortunately, I get very little spam.

  2. To quote my grandma "The hurrier I go, the behinder I get"....

  3. No problem. I'm sure I didn't write anything profound. On second thought, I did! What ashamed no one will see it!

  4. Sorry, I have done that too. Take care, enjoy your day!

  5. ugh, I do that all to often as well

  6. Have a cuppa tea, take a deep breath, sit and watch the grass gfow...Shhhh.

  7. Yes, in deed keep calm and move on

  8. Oh no! I've accidentally deleted a few comments on rare occasions, and I really wish there was a way to get them back. I think everyone understand though.

  9. I always make mistakes when in a hurry. Janice

  10. Sorry I know it is frustrating

  11. Just slow down and rest if you can. Comments can always wait.

  12. It’s just like turning the page. We will all start afresh. I will pout, sulk, have a hissy fit and seethe with grief, but doubtless I will get over it! Your trip to England must be coming up soon. Go away, have fun, enjoy!

  13. Everyone does that at some time. Smile - it's Tuesday!

  14. Oh I hear ya, friend. I almost lost not 1 but 2 websites in one day. And a few years later deleted my subscriber list. Yikes. But it all turned out well in the end. Deep breath!

  15. Sending a smile.

  16. Stuff happens! No matter. All the best.

  17. I do appreciate that you mail comments -- at least when you haven't deleted them. Commenting is done poorly on Blogger. I see that I now have a reply option, but just on my phone and not my computer or tablet. Go figure.

  18. Oh my gosh. I hate when I do something that wipes out stuff. Like I will be writing a post and then all of sudden I have done a thing and its all gone

  19. Sh*t happens, as they say. No worries.

  20. hehehe, don't worry, we all do shit like that!!

  21. It is ok, don’t worry or fret, Jeanie!

  22. It can happen!

    Keep smiling, keep calm and think of England and your forthcoming trip.
    Sending lots of good wishes to you.

    All the best Jan

  23. We all do that from time to time...probably trying to multitask!!!

  24. I'm betting your mind is on England, Jeanie! Enjoy your planning and don't worry, be happy!

  25. It probably has happened to each of us. Don't beat yourself up. I know that I make a lot of "stupid stuff" when I hurry. Slowing down is a wise advice.

  26. It happens!
    Also I find too many comments getting stuck in spam in blogspot. Every time I have to visit spam and release the comments.

  27. Awww, these things happen. Not to worry, though I know how frustrating it is when I do that. Touch wood, it has been a while so I hope I haven’t just jinxed myself, lol! Onward and upward as the old saying goes. Have a great day Jeanie :)

  28. At ALSTOM when someone guided me through something and said "yes" or "ok" - I clicked immediately. "nono, don´t click!!!"
    It was a learning process for both sides ;-)

  29. Mishaps happen, Jeanie, and I have done the same I'm sure as have others most likely.

  30. Don't worry Jeanie, "no cow on the ice" as the saying goes in Sweden. I am full of admiration that you manage to always reply to the high number of comments you get. I am sure we, your blogging friends all understand. Think only of yourself for the time being, take care and take time to recover. That is the most important thing.

  31. I am doing this kind of thing all the time. In fact in my last email to you I managed to delete a whole section that I hadn't intended to delete and left in what I had planned to get rid of, and then I sent it before I had read it through. ( I wasn't going to mention that ) Fairly sure I'm getting more careless..


Thanks for coming by! I love your comments and will answer do my best reply directly with email if your address is included. If you are a no-reply blogger, know that I appreciate your visit but may not be able to reach you. I will not publish malicious or spam-like robo-comments so if you are coming in as anonymous or unknown, please ID yourself with your name and or contact info. I tend to avoid conflict. I know not everyone agrees with me on issues or I with them and I will probably not get into an argument with you. If a comment is made respectfully, I will post it, even if I don't agree with what the commenter says. If it is obviously spam or uncivil, I may not post it and I certainly won't reply. So, if you have a question, please post it in the comments and if you aren't connected to a blog or email, I will be happy to answer if I can. Please note that if you are an "anonymous" commenter, you are a no-reply blogger by default. (And I hope the person who asked that sees this because they came in as anonymous with no contact info so I can't reply directly!)