The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Here and There

The time leading up to our departure has been hectic. Loads of doc appointments, trips to the lake, time with family and friends. Here's a brief update.

My friend Lin came to visit from Columbus. She was my teacher in high school (theatre) and very influential in guiding me in terms of university and major. She's not that much older than I, so she is more like a big sister! 

We visited some of her old haunts -- places she'd lived and also the high school where she taught and where we met. (We tried to get in but with no appointment, security was having none of it!) Still, a good visit. Then a bit of shopping in Old Town and a lovely dinner with Rick and another friend. All good.

Then it was up to the lake to bring things back home. It was just Lizzie and me this time, as Rick was tied up with his landlord activities. The best part was spending time with my cousin Mutty and her husband Howard. I hadn't seen Mutty in more than a year, since we were at a wedding together, so it was a very good time with lots of laughs and good food!

I also took some walks -- the weather was unseasonably warm and just gorgeous. Even got in a dip in the lake!  I don't have a photo of Harry North, but we had a remarkable sighting. He has a lady friend! More than once we saw the two streak across the sky together and it was a magnificent sight. Photograph of the Heart and Memory. But yes, colors are coming in -- slow, but sure.

I hit the farm market and bought a half-bushel of tomatoes, so in the time between the minute I stuck them in the car and when we leave I have to make pasta sauce. I realized my freezer at home is too big to store them all till I return. It might be a good time to clean the freezer. 

The little market was humming and boy, did that produce look good. I got some apples and peppers, too. And contemplated squash, but I'll never get it used before we go.

Rick and I went to a volleyball tournament in which his cousin's daughter was playing. I'd never been to a volleyball game before and it was fun. Here was Kate's Fan Club!

And, I took a brief trip to London, Ontario, to see my friend Suzanne and go to Stratford, where we saw the musical "Something's Rotten."

The productions are always terrific and this did not disappoint. Equally fun was walking around the town of Stratford.

It used to have loads of swans but it seems the Canada geese have taken over. There are tons of them, everywhere, by the river, and they cause their own traffic jams.

A walk by the river, nice dinner out and some shopping (we scored big at the used book store) -- it all makes for a great two days.

Best of all is hanging with a friend you've known for more than 50 years! 

In between other things (like figuring out how to live from a carry-on bag for three weeks and hitting more doc appointments than a woman should have), I've been trying to get a handle on the mess called the front yard. As I was clipping and raking I discovered this fellow.

Great eyes! I don't have an ID but I'm wondering if it's in the Praying Mantis family. Here's a longer view of his body.

Any ideas?

A bit of a crazy week coming up. More appointments and Rick and I will head to the lake for a final closing. Always hard.

Boy, time moves fast!


  1. What a busy life you've had lately. Glad you had fun.

  2. It is always hard! I was terribly sad every end of year.
    You made it to Canada! My son and daughter-in-law met at Stratford. She was in a show, and he was in a show at Shaw Festival. They play cricket in an annual tournament. Much fun!
    Oh, this is a poignant post for me.
    Right now, we are happy to see things quiet down.

  3. Wow! Lots of visiting and shopping and wandering...obviously so much to do before you leave. I LOVE the leaf you took a picture of and hope you don't mind that I snagged a copy to add to my drawing pics. One day soon I'll be feeling well enough to get back to some creative things again. I just don't recover as fast as I used to from illnesses, but I'm getting there. (And I did go to the clinic on Friday--just slow to recover.) Love all your pics and hearing that Harry North has a girlfriend. Oh, and that sure looks like a Praying Mantis to me. *love and hugs from Fargo*

  4. Always nice to catch up with friends. That pray mantis is huge. The ones I see in Ha w aii are smaller.

  5. My goodness you have been busy! I could never keep up with you! You have some amazing photos in this post, I love them. Ok, you need to sit down and space out for a are making me tired.

  6. That is some type of preying mantis. Maybe even a she? I love those green eyes. And boy you've had lots of fun. You've had a great September for certain. And good for you only going carry on. For 3 weeks. I hope you'll have a chance to do some washing. I don't think I could do that. Good luck. When do you leave? October isn't too far off. Enjoy. hugs-Erika

  7. What a packed life you have. The praying mantis is so gorgeous to discover!

  8. Beautiful Michigan-- and Canada! 🪿

  9. Lovely days heading up to your fantastic trip ahead! That sure is a large praying mantis Jeanie! It's been a while since I've seen one here. We seem to have a lot of doctor appointments these days as well--always exciting! I'm so impressed you still stay in touch with your teacher. That speaks volumes about you and her.

  10. Wow you have been busy mostly doing fun things with friends.
    I believe that is a praying mantis-I always would love seeing them in the garden.
    Happy new week Kathy

  11. have been packing your days full of fun activities.!

  12. It is a Chinese mantis. I found a Carolina mantis last weekend, and got to watch it catch and devour a dragonfly! Murder in the afternoon -- but fascinating to watch. Glad all seems to be going well -- keep calm, and keep packing!

  13. Your schedule is always headspinning, Jeanie. It's wonderful that you have the ability to do so much and have so much fun. That critter is pretty scary looking! I wouldn't want to be it's "prey". The geese act like our locals; they're always standing in the street and stopping traffic. Enjoy your last trip to the lake!

  14. You've been so very busy and that was a real quick trip to Stratford. You're doing well to get as much done as you have. I wish you all the best in getting the rest done before you leave for England. I think it's a very good idea to try and pack everything into a carry on bag.

  15. There's always a lot to do, transitioning from one season to the next, but you also are getting ready for your travels, and visiting with friends.How wonderful to do all the things you do, even though it can seen a little hectic at times!

  16. Hello Jeanie,
    You have been busy! It is nice to fit in some fun times with friends and family. Great sightings of the geese, cormorant and the mantis. Take care, have a great day and a wonderful week!

  17. I proposed in Stratford, and we spent our one-night honeymoon there.

  18. Jeanie, you have been really busy. That must be stressful trying to accomplish everything before your big trip. Take care of yourself!

  19. Glad to hear that you payed a visit to Ontario, Jeanie. Stratford is a mere forty-five minutes from my house. We often go to Mitchell, just past Stratford, and sometimes stop there on the way back, although mostly we detour around the city. I have given four presentations to the Stratford Naturalists Club, and years ago when Miriam’s daughter was the official photographer for the Stratford Theatre we used to get good deals on tickets. Once she took portraits of Christopher Plummer and said, “Could you turn slightly, Mr. Plummer, and we’ll get your good side,” to which he replied, “Young lady, I only have good sides!” Enjoy your trip to England. I hope you’ll be able to enjoy some of its natural beauty. A walk through the Yorkshire Dales would be just the ticket! Bon voyage!

  20. Time flies when you are having fun!How exciting this upcoming trip☺️☺️☺️☺️💫💫

  21. Interesting mantis, I think another commenter is right that it is a tan Chinese mantis. Enjoy your trip, I know you will have a ball! Safe travels.

  22. Hello Jeanie :)
    Getting ready to go on a holiday abroad can be quite stressful but you managed to make time for pleasurable moments with friends and family.
    I love the photo of the leaf, Canada Geese, that huge Praying Mantis, and the
    Cormorant. I'm excited for you that you are leaving soon for England and wish you all the very best.
    Have a wonderful time

  23. You are having so much fun, except for the doctor’s appointments. It’s that time of year to button things up. At least you have your trip to England in the future. The critter looks like it’s in the praying mantis family. Those green eyes are amazing. Happy first day of Autumn.

  24. Busy is a good thing when it includes family and friends. It is not hard living out of a carry on for three weeks, I do it every year. I go with black and grey as my basic colors, pack one pair of dress shoes and wear a good pair of walking shoes. No one knows that you wear the same few items over and over. 😊

  25. I was going to say that's definitely a praying mantis, but I was interested to read the comments about it being a Chinese mantis. I don't know much about different types of mantises so I zipped off to Wikipedia -- thanks for prompting me to learn more about them!

    I'm sure it's sad to see time at the lake winding down but it's great you got to spend time with so many friends. Why are Canada geese so prolific? They really are everywhere.

  26. It is so nice that you have so many wonderful friends and that you get a chance to spend time with them. As usual, your pics are beautiful and YOU are so photogenic!! Love the pic of the leaf and all the nature.

  27. Summer sure disappeared fast up at the lake. Love all those lovley apples at the farmers market. It's always great to see old friends and pick up where you left off. Have a wonderful trip, hopefully you'll have great weather too.

  28. Looks like a praying mantis to me but it definitely could be a relative. I haven’t seen one for a long time.
    Always nice to catch up with old friends. Do it while you can.
    Sad to close up the cottage But you have England to look forward to.
    Farmers markets are fun places to visit and great places to get local delicacies. Enjoy your week.

  29. I think it was good you could not get into the school. Now days it is awful. Bo y oh boy did you ever fit a lot into your time before you leave! So nice to see family and friends.

  30. Goodness ... you've certainly been busy!
    I like the photograph of the geese crossing the road, and the apples at the Farmers Market look lovely..

    It's Autumn now, one of my favourite seasons.
    Your England trip is getting close.
    Take care and keep calm as you prepare in these final weeks.

    All the best Jan

  31. Hi, Jeanie! You are one busy lady! I'll be very interested in learning how you manage with a carryon for three weeks in England. Terry is always grousing at me for packing too much. I did a google image search with your picture, and the search came up with Praying Mantis - Tenodera sinensis. It's the same species as a Chinese mantis which is native to Asia but was accidentally introduced to the US over a hundred years ago. This mantis is a common pet for people who like mantises. Not me!!! This is why I get behind, lol! I am easy to distract. Have a fabulous trip.

  32. YES.....time flies by so fast, I have been in my new home almost a year. So hard to believe. I bet you have been really, really busy. I hope you will have a great time.

  33. So much going on! Your river view walk looks lovely. Your mantis is big, isn't it! We have Canada geese that like it so much they stay year-round. They are messy critters.

  34. I’ve always wanted to go to the Stratford Festival but still haven’t the chance. And here you are all the way from Lansing MI. Mind you, maybe you live closer to London ON than me, from Calgary, Alberta. And I thought that’s a praying mantis. How wonderful to see something so rare (is it?)

  35. Beautiful photos, fall with the brilliant colors is the best time of year especially for photographers. The Canadian geese are so entertaining the way they just take over the area including streets. Hope this group is safe, in Ohio they are disappearing due to Haitians there using them for food sources, just another unfortunate by-product of open borders. Sad.

  36. Wow, Jeanie, what a busy week!
    It sounds like you had a blast catching up with Lin and visiting all those old spots.
    Love all your pics and hearing that Harry North has a girlfriend!

  37. Beautiful photo of the Autumn leaf, the beautiful produce at the market, and the cute ducks crossing the street :) There's always so much to do before a trip... Take it easy Jeanie.

  38. Stratford is such a pretty place. Our swans have left for their winter home. We had seven in the pond below my inLaws place this year.

  39. Oh Jeanie, that Fall leaf made my heart sing. I think your area in Autumn is one of the prettiest I've seen in blog land. So many wonderful events you went to and happenings with friends. Yes, a great eye to see that little guy on your lawn while maintaining it. It kind of blends in. That is such a pretty photo of the walk by the river. And I love the geese family. I always embrace them to the fullest, unlike the squirrels hahaha. Those apple look delicious at the market. I hope you have a smooth time getting ready for your trip. And I had to tell you, you have a radiant smile, my dear.


  40. The multicolored leaf is fantastic! Maybe even fantastical :-) I can't believe all the things you are doing while also getting ready for a big trip. I get anxious just reading about your lineup!

  41. Fall seems to be a very busy time for you. I know you must be very excited to start your trip. I look forward to lots of photos.

  42. A goose parade! Maples are one of my favorite leaves in the fall, so beautiful and colorful!

  43. I hear you about getting ready for a trip and hundreds of things to do before the trip! But I am so glad you stopped to smell the roses with friends and took in the seasonal joys!
    I loved the goose parade! 😄
    Enjoy these last few days before you head across the pond!

  44. We primarily travel out of carry ons. If you plan your outfits before hand and find ways to rewear certain items you should be fine.
    So wonderful that you were able to reconnect with your friend. Hope Kate's team did well.

  45. Hi, Jeanie, this is goofy. I got notification on the kitchen comment, but then I go to the blog and it's not there...something is weird...and you deleted all your comments...YIKES...Love this post and you all look great! Sandi

  46. Thank you for giving me a smile with the first words already!
    And the next!
    And the next. Do I repeat myself?
    Yes, can imagine it is hard to leave....
    But bet you´ll have fun decorating for the coming occasions!

  47. Jeanie,
    Sounds like you had some great times visiting with friends...How wonderful!! We have had some cooler weather so I have been out walking...I must be a bit hectic just getting ready for your trip....I hope you are enjoying your week!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  48. You ARE busy, but isn't it nice to have all this time with good friends? I think this is a praying mantis - sometimes they turn up in my garden as well. Good for you to travel just with carry-on - there are washing machines in England, too :). I hope you'll have a wonderful time in England and will enjoy your weeks there. I'm pretty sure you will!

  49. You are squeezing in a lot of activities before you leave for your trip. I love seeing all the friends you've gotten to see and all the nature around you in your world at this time of the year.

  50. Jeanie, I loved this post! How I would love to visit Stratford again. I'm going to use your lone leaf photo as a model for one of my next leaf "studies." Hope you can get off the medical merry-go-round soon. I know what a wear-out all those appointments can be.

  51. i became exhausted just reading your post, you have been busy. i lover farmers markets but always find i "over buy" and can't use everything before it spoils. it's wonderful while you are their, everything looks so good...i want all the freshness!! i like volleyball too but i too have never been to a live game. ricks cousins daughter had quite a nice looking cheering section!! that's a beautiful picture of you and your friend. lots of loveliness today!!

  52. That does sound like you've been quite busy! I love that you had and have such a close relationship with your high school teacher! That praying mantis was a neat find though I have never seen one with that coloring before.

  53. You have been busy Jeanie, its good meeting up with friends. I laughed at the geese traffic jam!

  54. Wow, you have been BUSY!! It's hard to feel so busy leading up to an epic trip that requires a lot of planning/packing. But hopefully once you get on the plane you can leave the busy season of the last few weeks behind and focus on enjoying yourselves at a slower pace. I feel similarly as I've been traveling so much and life is just always busy/hectic with young kids. It's unseasonably warm here, too, but the mornings are nice and cool so it's kind of perfect. It's been in the 80s and will stay there through the weekend, then things cool off which is good as the marathon is next weekend and you do not want hot weather that weekend! The guy that works for me is running it so I was really hoping for ideal weather for him!

  55. Wow, I hope you slow down and get rested before you leave, you have been one busy gal. Isn't it just the way it works out, so much to take care of till the last minute. Can't wait to hear all about it and hopefully lots of pics. Be safe.........

  56. Yep that is a mantis! They are so cool! We had an ooth a few a years ago and had hundreds of little babies! Although it did hatch in my house and freak me out. Thankfully it was in a container and I ran them all outside, quickly. Lol.

    Eeeee so exciting that your trip is so soon!!! I can't wait to see all of your posts about it.

    I need to get back to Stratford. I went there one time, in high school, and I would love to go back with Billy and Wyatt.

  57. Time does move fast! (e.g., is it really almost October!!???!) So glad you got to spend time with Suzanne and enjoy some theater.... sorry to hear about all your medical appointments (may I say: I can sympathize), but I've got to echo what I've heard here & on other posts: you look beautiful! Totally radiant!

  58. Excellent collection of photos. Wonderful that you are friends with your old teacher. And those apples. Yum.


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