Sunday, September 29, 2024

Lizzie Is Missing

A quick post to alert you to something very sad that has happened -- and right before we leave on Wednesday for England.

My sweet Lizzie has disappeared. Vanished. Put on the cloak of invisibility. And I am frantic and bereft.

We had a work day at the lake Saturday -- lots of cleaning, scrubbing, vacuuming. It's a rough day for her and she hid under the biggest and heaviest bed in the cottage. I finally got her out and into her cage for about an hour or so before we left. 

The trip home -- with some necessary stops -- took longer than usual. When we got home I fed her right away, which she gobbled, and used her litterbox. I settled down to check email and watch a little TV for about 45 minutes before bed.

She always looks forward to bed, often getting there before me, because she gets treats. This time she didn't come, which is unusual but since her eating schedule was off (she was fed about 9:30) I only worried a bit when I couldn't find her. 

But after a sleepless night with multiple searches and no morning action on food or litter or puppy pads, I became very worried. I searched everything. Rick searched everything. Friend Kate and her husband came and searched every embarrassing nook and cranny, along with the exterior of the house. 

I drove around the neighborhood looking for accidents and asked walkers and neighbors to keep and eye out, and have posted on pet finding and neighborhood sites.

Now all I can do is hope and pray that she is all right. I don't know what else I can do.

We don't know if she had a stroke or aneurysm and found a place to die (and if she did and it's inside, she's better than us because we've been everywhere). Or, if she got out when I got the mail (highly unlikely but possible. She's never shown much interest in getting out.) 

We do have a bit of a plan if she isn't back, but I don't even want to think about that. So please send up prayers, good juju or all the best thoughts you can before Wednesday (and after, if she isn't back by then. We need all the help we can get. She's my sweet, funny, sassy little girl and I need to know what has happened to her.


busybusybeejay said...

That is so sad.I have got my fingers crossed you find her.Barbarax

bobbie said...

I'm so sorry, Jeanie! Know I'm sending positive vibes to
you and her ~

Sandi said...

Praying Lizzie's safe return! I think she may be hiding in the house. I would be after all of that. 🙂 Please let us know as soon as you find her!

Rita said...

Oh how scary! Where could she possibly be!? I hope you find her soon!!

Vivian said...

We've been on the lookout for our cat who went walkabout on July 14 this Summer. I've had cats take their sweet time coming home, and one cat showed up after 3 months with no explanation, apology, excuse, or shame. Don't give up hope!! I'll send messages to my guys in the ether to find this girl and send her HOME.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Prayers she is found safely!
It can be a frantic time.
Happened to me once. I found the kitten behind the fridge inside a soffit area I didn't even suspect was there.

Haven't got one. said...

Oh I am so sorry, it's devastating when this happens. I hope she is alright and you will find her soon. Fingers crossed and sending positive thoughts and wishes for her safe return.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Oh Jeanie, how awful. I take it she hasn't got a microchip. Have you checked the humane society? I see she isn't wearing a collar or an ID tag. If she DID get out, it might look like she is a stray. I know how I would feel if my boys got out. SO sorry to read this. I hope you find her before you leave.

kathyinozarks said...

I am sooo sorry, hoping you find her before you leave-hugs

Joyful said...

Oh no! That's awful. I'm definitely praying for Lizzie to be found.

Hena Tayeb said...

Oh no.. So sorry to hear that! I pray that she is okay and she will find her way back to you.

Lisa’s Yarns said...

Oh Jeanie! I am so very sorry to hear this! That is so upsetting and the timing couldn’t be worse. I hope she turns up!! Thinking of you and your sweet, spunky girl!

acorn hollow said...

Oh No I am so sorry! I do hope you find her.

Tom said...

...things have a knack for working out for the best. Keep the faith.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Oh Jeanie, where can your sweet Lizzie be? I'm so sad to hear about her disappearance. Sending up prayers for you and Lizzie. Take care of yourself, my friend.

Debra@CommonGround said...

Jeanie, I'm so sorry. I'm hoping by this time; 6:00 you'll know something. Sending prayers for all of you, to know where she is. This is hard enough any other time. But right when you all all scheduled to leave is so difficult. After having about 15 cats in my lifetime, I know what you're going through.

Boud said...

Oh dear, worrying, especially now. Come out, come out wherever you are, Lizzie!

Pamela said...

My heart goes out to you. I pray Lizzie turns up soon!

Regina said...

Oh I pray you find her and she's safe. We love our cats so much.😿

Lynne said...

Sad for you Jeannie.
I hope she peeks out, shows herself if she can.
I ache for you . . .

Prims By The Water said...

OMG I hope she is found soon and with your trip coming up. What a bad time for her to escape. I would be worried to death and know you are. Sending good vibes she returns safe. Janice

Linda Stoll said...

oh sweet, sweet Lizzie, head on home to your mama. she's missing you more than words can tell ...

The Happy Whisk said...

Oh no. This is heart breaking. Hope she finds her way back. A coworker had his dog missing. After three days the pup came home. Sending good vibes and wishes your way. May she make it home soon.

DeniseinVA said...

Oh no! I am so sorry Jeanie. Praying she turns up tomorrow.

eileeninmd said...

I am sorry you went through this, I am sure you were worried sick about Lizzie missing. I did read the post she was home, that is good news. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

Julierose said...

so sorry that your little buddy has gone missing;(((( Sending good thoughts that she will find her way back to you soon...hugs, Julierose

shoreacres said...

Of all the posts to never show up in my mail box, it had to be this one! The good news is that your "she's found" post did show up. Your comment about the good wishes, and the back story, made me think, "WHAT?" I'm glad all is well!

The French Hutch said...

Oh no, I'm so sorry Jeanie! Keep us posted........

Steve Reed said...

Now that I've read this, I'm even more glad to hear (from your subsequent post) that she turned up again. Any idea where she was hiding?

This N That said...

I can only imagine what you are going through. Sometimes zoey hides in the closet and doesn't come out and I look and
look, call And call... Drives me nuts. I know she has to be in the house somewhere but I still get this feeling in the pit of my stomach. Praying for a quick return.

Marilyn Miller said...

Oh that Lizzie! She had quite the adventure!

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