The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Postcards from the Lake: Art Camp's Special Visitor!

My friend Kate and I began our annual "art camp" holiday at the lake this week. For those who aren't familiar, there is no scheduled program. It's just the two of us, creating our own art, sometimes sharing a technique or video, and spending the rest of the time walking, reading, watching a video, maybe (if the weather is right) swimming. 

We kicked it off by getting some provisions at the farmer's market -- cherries, peaches and blueberries are hitting their stride and fabulous!

We also had a special guest. Harry North. 

It was thrilling to catch up with our lake heron, not at all far away from us on the beach.

I crept slowly, like a stalker, to get as close as possible and to max out my zoom. I was pleased with the detail!

He was fishing. Those that come so close to shore are mostly minnows so he needed rather a lot of them!

I'm not sure if you can see it in this photo without enlarging it, but you could even see the eye on the little fish he caught!

And I love his spindly legs!

So, yes. You could add "bird watching" to our list of activities.

As for art, I have one thing to share. This is another of the color challenges I've been doing and the theme was Ocean. So, based on our current turtle stamps, a Loggerhead Turtle.

Frankly, I don't have it right. But as Rick often says, declare victory and move on.

So more to come!

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  1. I think your turtle looks great! And good shots of Harry North!

  2. sounds like a wonderful week, Jeanie. LOVE the turtle painting, and of course seeing the Heron at work. Happy Week!

  3. So happy your art time has arrived with your friend. Art and relaxation days!
    Cute turtle pic. Love the coloration. :)

  4. Looks like a great week..Nice turtle :)

  5. What a fun way to spend time with a friend. GREAT bird pictures..and I love your turtle. Have a wonderful week! xo Diana

  6. Have fun with your art camp! The heron photos are fabulous, well done. And your turtle looks like a turtle, it's fine! Hugs, Valerie

  7. How nice!Two girlfriends shopping together for provisions at the Farmer Market, and... making art together. Your turtle painting is awsome!

  8. Harry North sounds like a private investigator. :) I love your turtle, great job painting it. Have a grand week and a creative one too.

  9. ...I never much cared for schedule.Fruits are my favorites too. Yesterday I saw a few of Harry North's New York cousins, but they were shy and way off in the distance. Rick is a wise fellow.

  10. Such a wonderful idea to get together with your friend for art camp! Looks like you both had a lot of fun and your turtle painting is better than anything I could do!! I love Rick's comment!

  11. Fresh fruit! How wonderful! That heron is beautiful. How nice that you could get such a clear shot

  12. I am SO sorry to have missed so ,uch this month. The last post I commented ln was the Cork Poppers! I feel bad because you visit so often, Jeanie.

    I was glad to see Art Camp again this year. Loved the idea of stocking up on fresh fruit.

    What absolutely stunning photos of Harry North. Truly great pix. I look forward to more Art Camp!

  13. Your camp sounds so much fun, like a breath of fresh air.
    Love your turtle painting:)

  14. It is always great day to see Harry N.! Happy creating!

  15. What great fun!!! Anytime you can get together with friends is a good time.

  16. I love that heron, and your turtle painting is wonderful!

  17. I'm with Rick. I think your turtle painting is terrific and good enough to frame and enjoy.

  18. I look forward to reading about your art camp every year. Secretly sort of jealous. I sounds like such a special week. I love, love the turtle too.

  19. I would buy the turtle painting if it was for sale!

  20. That’s a cute little turtle. I like your idea of painting from a postage stamp.
    Keep having summer fun at your cottage.
    best, mae at

  21. This sounds like a lot of fun!!!!
    And oh, Harry - great shots. I love your turtle, too - great one!

  22. I love Art Camp! Every year, I wish I could attend also. Your photography skills and patience are amazing!

  23. The turtle is great! and so is the photo of Harry North!

  24. Your turtle is adorable! It sounds like you had a lovely week relaxing, creating, and sharing.

  25. A great week! I know it's the height of summer when you have market fresh food, art camp and the lake. Harry North was a big bonus! Great shots!

  26. Camp for grownups, what a great idea.

  27. Sounds like such a special time to spend with your friend. I would love to be able to do something like this with my sister. She's my best friend and we both love art and painting. I think your turtle is lovely. I also loved seeing your heron! xo

  28. I am very happy that a turtle provided inspiration for you, Jeanie, and that a Loggerhead Turtle was commemorated by the US postal service (I must try to get a stamp). Art school in the summer seems like a very agreeable way to spend time, and keeping company with Harry rounds out the perfection. Continue to enjoy life. I know you will!

  29. Hello,
    Your art camp sounds fun! The fruit from the farmer's market sounds great, some yummy choices. Love the series on the heron at the lake. I like your turtle painting, well done. Take care, have a wonderful week!

  30. I am sure that every High School must have had this cheer.

    Victory, victory
    Is our cry

    Yes, good job on the turtle and on Harry too.

  31. Love to see you and Kate enjoy ART and being together as friends. your zoom pics of Harry are stunning; love the movement and shading of the pattern of the water behind him is awesome. will try to do a small test painting of that pattern. give my best to Kate please.

  32. I love your friendship with Kate:)I loved watching all the shore birds in Florida:) Marvelous creatures:)I agree the turtle is very good!

  33. Your turtle painting is lovely. You did great! I also love your photos of Harry North. We saw lots of heron at our cottage and I sure miss seeing them along with the the sandhill cranes.

  34. You, my dear, are having a fun week! Nothing is better than spending a week with a friend and enjoying each other’s company!
    Your shots of Harry North were spectacular! I enjoy seeing herons on our lake as well.
    Keep on having fun, my friend! Enjoy the rest of your week!

  35. Your ART CAMP is fabulous and I love Rick's "Declare victory and move on." Perfect for when we can't quit fussing with something creative that seems unfinished but we don't know where to put that final touch of a brush.

  36. Your art camp sounds delightful, and I love the detail in your photos of Harry North.
    Bird watching is a perfect addition to your activities.
    Your Loggerhead Turtle art is beautiful, even if you feel it's not quite right.

    Thanks for sharing your lake adventures! 🌞🖌️📷

    Hugs and blessings, Jeanie

  37. How great to have a friend to share your interests. Fresh fruit this time of year is heavenly, and that loggerhead turtle would look good on anyone's wall. Wishing you a lovely 'art camp' week.

  38. I love the heron and your photos of him! Also I think your painting is great.

  39. I like the fun, creativity and friends you keep. Keep going!

  40. This is probably the best time of year for the farmers market. Fruit and produce at its best!
    Great pictures of Harry..
    Love the turtle...good painting.
    We just had five minutes of rain. First this month!
    Have a fun week..

  41. You are very fortunate to have a friend who likes to craft with you, Jeanie. None of my local friends are crafters, but they are readers so we do have a book club that meets once a month. It was nice to see Harry North again! YOur turtle watercolor looks very much like the stamp--good job!

  42. Wow you can get so close to Harry! Looks like he’s one of your beach buddies enjoying the sun and sand. As for me, I can only see from a distance any GBH at the pond here. But so far, actually, for the last few years I haven’t seen any! Wonderful art camp you’re doing, glad you’re having so much fun at the lake. 🤗

  43. A lovely work of art your loggerhead turtle, and clever to use the stamp as inspiration. I must check our post office out to see if they have any. Thanks for the heads up Jeanie. What a fun tradition you and Kate have. You took splendid photos of the Great Blue Heron, such sharp and clear photos. Always enjoyable to see that kind of detail. It must have been fun to watch him fish. I look forward to seeing more photos. Have a great week!

  44. It sounds like a great week. And you did get some super shots of the heron. You were lucky he didn't fly away, because at least when I try to take photos they birds always do. And I like your turtle. It doesn't have to match, it's your take on the turtle. Have a super new week. hugs-Erika

  45. Your art camp reminds me of the day camps I went to during my grade school years. Mine was held at my grade school. Now, I have no idea who was in charge, but it was great fun, filled with macaroni and dried bean art and bead-stringing. I had no idea the post office is offering turtle stamps now. I'm going to see if I can find some; I'm almost out of my current flowers.

  46. Love Harry....and the turtle painting. Great job. I conducted my last paint class in Oct before my move in Dec. I don't know anyone up there to be able to get into doing here. But then again, poorer rural area,might not have takers.

  47. Your creativity amazes me always. Always fun too to have a friend who shares the same interests visit you and you are able to create together. Always love seeing Harry North that one was sure a close up for sure. Janice

  48. Leanie,
    How wonderful to share your talents with a good friend!! Looks like a great relaxing time for you!! Thanks so much for stopping by and for all your sweet comments!! They brighten my days!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  49. Declare Victory and Move ON!!! Needs to be a bumper sticker...may have to paint that, hugs, Sandi

  50. Enjoy your lake time and art camp Jeanie! I think your turtle turned out cute!

  51. Art camp sounds so fun. How special to enjoy with your friend. The turtle is lovely. happy week ahead.

  52. Wonderful summer days by the lake. Looks really like a real summer. The Heron is amazing, such a grand bird. Just love Rick's comment: "Declare victory and move on." I will use that for my efforts in trying to produce something artistic.

  53. That is such a lovely way to spend time together!! The Loggerhead Turtle painting looks so wonderful. I couldn't agree with Rick more. My husband says the same thing and I am trying to follow that as well. Have fun!


  54. I love that you two do this! I want to say Kate wasn't able to join you last summer but I could be completely dreaming that up. It sounds like an absolute delight to spend the week in a beautiful, calming setting!

  55. I'm so glad you can share your love of art with your friend-- A perfect combination. So glad to see Harry North. Great photos of him! And your turtle is great. I haven't seen those stamps.

  56. Delicious provisions, avian inspirations, and visits from the best of friends -- this sounds like a winning trio! And maybe an excellent distraction from the surfeit of current events?

    You got some wonderful shots of the heron. And I love your turtle painting... such great detail in its front legs, and lovely use of color on its shell.

    Hope you're enjoying this week, maybe even getting into the water?

  57. I love art camp and your turtle. May your day be richly blessed.

  58. So sorry, I am late Jeanie. Art camp with Kate must be loads of fun with shopping at the farmers market, watching Harry North, relaxing and painting. Sounds like a perfect week with a friend! Enjoy the last week of July!

  59. Nice! Good times !!! And I like your turtle painting. And I love nothing more than sitting along the shoreline and just watching ...and an occasional jump in !!! Enjoy your 'art week' with your friend.
    Dawn P. Albany, GA

  60. What a big bird is Harry North!
    A sight to see for sure.
    So nice to have a painting pal.
    Love your turtle painting, Jeanie.

  61. But do you have to get it right? I think your Loggerhead Turtle is beautiful and if someone wants to see a "right" and realistic one they can look at the stamp or a photo. I love your art and what you do with your inspiration, and the main thing is that you enjoy what you're doing. So shut up that inner critic's voice and tell him (it's definitely a he) to bugger off!

  62. I like Rick's philosophy! Yes, I need to save that for my writing.

    I can't wait to see more of your art from Art Camp.

  63. Oh, that Heron is always a delight to see. He's so BIG! The lake has such a calming vibe to it. Your turtle painting is cute, Jeanie. You did a nice job on it. Cherries, peaches, and blueberries sound fantastic at the farmer's market. And if I lived that close to the lake, bird watching would be a MUST!

    Have a beautiful rest of the week, Jeanie.


  64. i really enjoy a good farmers market. our town has one every saturday and they have a lot of great produce and other things that are fun to look through!! harry north is gorgeous, great pictures and a great catch on his part!!

  65. Great photographs of Harry North and I like your turtle painting.

    All the best Jan

  66. What a great week... I would like that too :-)))
    Have fun!

  67. Sorry I'm late! Even though you're critical of your your cute turtle painting, I like it! And your bird photos are getting better and better.

  68. I don't know why I'm posting as Anonymous - the site won't let me sign in on my phone! Jenny W

  69. The pictures with the heron are stunning. He is so close! Fantastic.


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