The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Catar-action and It's Triplets!

Well, cataract surgery, part one, took place this week. My friend Kate took me to the surgery and  friend Jan to the follow-up appointment after. (Rick is on a bike hike from Nashville to Tupelo, MS, on the Natchez Trace with his friend, Nino.) 

I went in my email to sort through comments on the last post (the Tornado post) and somehow I deleted all of them. Note to self. Do not go NEAR the delete button when the eye that can read a computer screen is covered by a patch. I'm sorry, gang. If you asked a significant question, ask again and otherwise, thank you so much for commenting and sharing your memories on that post.

Before the surgery, our weather took a turn for the really-terrific so I headed back to the Ditch. I was surprised and delighted to see the return of Ellie the Egret.

I've only seen her before in the fall -- never in the spring. I hope she sticks around.

She was having quite a successful day fishing -- and you can see that the fish are fairly good sized in the Ditch. 


Here's a better, if less attractive, view. 

Of course, one of my better informed bird friends might tell me this isn't an egret but something similar, even a weird heron! So if I'm wrong, please correct me!

I'm not sure if the unknown commenter who came by my post on the ditch is a regular reader or a new one (if you are new, welcome!) but he/she asked a question: "Is the Ditch a dedicated nature reserve?"

Yes and no. It was developed as a drainage ditch for our subdivision in an area that had been a woodland. It is pretty much entirely human-made, though it was a bit swampy and the area had plenty of trees to start with. The park itself includes five connected ponds and covers over 12 acres with a paved path circling it. One website said the path is a mile long. It doesn't feel that long to me -- I'd put it at more like half a mile.

Although it wasn't designed as a nature reserve, (it is actually a drainage ditch for the neighborhood golf course, among other things), that's how most of us think of it. On any given day, nature abounds, from waterbirds like herons, egrets and ducks, to an array of birds. Right now we're seeing a lot of red-winged black birds.

I checked in on Mother Goose on that walk. Mr. Goose was still standing guard.

He's always on patrol!

It looks as though she's finished her nest and is now sitting. We'll see goslings soon! And here's news -- it will be triplets!

How do I know this? Well, on one of my walks, I was fairly close to the geese and had started to move on. All of a sudden there was terrible squalking. I thought maybe someone got too close but no one was near, although two other geese had just flown overhead (loudly). They didn't seem to be picking on our family but whatever triggered them, BOTH mom and dad took off toward the south pond (or beyond). I took the vacancy as a moment to check out the nest. I didn't get too close and I cleared out quickly. I didn't want to be that close to an unattended nest when they turned up! But there they were -- three eggs! 

(In answer to someone's question, this is the first time they have nested by the viewing bench. Someone else asked how I knew it was Harry. For me, all herons are Harry!)

He, too, was having a good fishing day. 

I love it when he fluffs out all his feathers. He's a big guy!

Of course we have the ducks, too. Word has it that a new duck family has hatched so I'll check them out!

So, spring has come, at long last. It's not that warm and it's not always sunny or dry, but when it ticks all those boxes, you can't beat it.

Just a word of warning....

....don't mess with Mother Goose (or Papa Goose, for that matter)!

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  1. Re: the eye surgery... one of our eye surgery docs docs always told his patients "Itchy, scratchy, blurry ~ no worries!" It will pass quickly.

    Awesome pix from the Ditch!! TFS!!

  2. Good evening, Lovely post. what a special area that drainage area created. I love watching all the wildlife too.
    we both had the cataract surgery several years ago now-good luck with everything.
    we have at least 24 hours of steady rain right now-when it finally rains-it pours haha Happy friday and weekend

  3. ...I hope that your cataract surgery turns out successfully, I couldn't be happier with mine!!! Take care and be well.

  4. I'm glad you got your part 1 of your cataract surgery done Jeanie. Speedy recovery! What a great collection of photos, I enjoyed them all. Thank you so much for sharing them, especially since you in recovery mode now. Happy Friday to you my friend :)

  5. So glad to hear your cataract surgery went well.
    Your photos of Ellie the Egret are beautiful.
    And congrats on the goose triplets - such exciting news!

    Wishing you a speedy recovery and more great walks ahead, Jeanie.

  6. Your photo brings back memories--lol!
    I just love your "ditch" walks. I am no help on varieties of white birds with long necks--lol! Beautiful, though. I love seeing them all. And surprised to see how large the fish are in the pond! No wonder Harry and Ellie love to dine there. ;)

  7. Congratulations on coming through the surgery! Hope you’re healing just fine! I think I would love visiting that area, whether it’s an intentional nature preserve or not! I love seeing all kinds of birds ( but have a healthy respect for the geese or cobra chickens as they are sometimes called). - Jenn

  8. I am thankful doctors can help us but I think I would freak out if they went to my eye - well done you, you even can laugh :-)
    Quite a fish there! And a cousin of Peanut, aw.
    I remember geese in Great Britain, my, they really can tell LOUD when you sneek over to a friend at night. Meep. (I was 13).
    We have the I don´t know which generation of squirrels and we call them all Peanut (because at first I gave them peanuts but learned walnuts are better - the name sticks).
    Have a great day and I bet all will be fine with your eye, too!

  9. You must be a very positive person. You even smile after a cataract surgery!
    The heron feeding is a nice series of shots

  10. I am surprised that you had to wear a patch. Both Miriam and I have had cataract surgery and neither of us wore a patch, other than on the drive home from the hospital. I am glad that your eyes are in high gear to see all the birds, Jeanie. You may see details you never noticed before!

  11. I think your ditch area definitely sounds like a great nature sanctuary. Even if it isn't officially one. And isn't it lovely that spring has arrived? To see things in bloom and the birds coming back is so exciting. I hope the eye heals quickly. Everyone I know that has had it done says it makes a big difference. Happy almost the weekend. hugs-Erika

  12. We have a little pond in the nearby park, but there is very little life in it this year. There is another, bigger pond not too far away, and there is also a lot of river and other parks.

  13. Your pics are so beautiful of all G-ds little creatures that it made me smile. Speedy recovery from the cataract surgery. Glad you are feeling well.

  14. I'm glad you got your cataract taken care of. I'm amazed at the amount of wildlife that frequent the ditch. It's marvellous!

  15. Happy to hear you got the 2nd surgery over with--
    You have a real bird wildlife area there--we see egrets here in the marshes as we drive past--but none that close up to...Lovely photos...
    Take care and rest up hugs, Julierose

  16. Ellie sure caught a huge fish! Our Ellie has 8 babies and one of the Canadian geese has a yellow baby that is freaking everyone out....looks just like an Easter chick.

  17. Here’s to great success on your cataract surgery. My husband recently had both eyes done different times. He says it is amazing. I was just informed I have a cataract. In a matter of time, I shall have the surgery too. Love seeing nature and the birds. Spring always brings more babies. Happy weekend.

  18. Thanks for the ditch explanation. I had wondered about it too.
    Love seeing all the wild life there. And love your visits too.
    What a great place to have nearby for walks on the wild side.
    Hope you are healing from your surgery and that it was a success.
    Also wish Rick well as he bikes along.

  19. That was interesting!
    I am sure you'll be in top form soon! I had both eyes done at once during COVID. It was quite the event.

  20. Thanks for answering my question about the geese and whether they'd nested there before. Can't wait to see the goslings.

    I had no idea egrets have a green face!

  21. Congrats on having that surgery after such a long wait. You'll be able to see better, now. Love your pics of nature. It's refreshing!

  22. Love your nature pics. Ellie is gorgeous. Glad the surgery went well. Have a lovely weekend.

  23. I hope your eye is fully recovered! They say if you live long enough you are guaranteed cataract surgery (laugh). I really enjoyed the Spring weather you were experiencing with all the new flowers blooming, Ellie returning and the geese. I have a small park near my home which I often experience the geese all year round.... There was a dog and goose adventure that I blogged about-you can read it here if you are interested-

    Take care.

  24. I hope the upcoming combination of the two new eyes is great for you! Nice bird photos too — and egrets belong to the same heron family as great blue herons. Bitterns are also in the heron family but they are very elusive.

    Have a good recovery …. best, mae at

  25. Hi Jeanie, hope your eye is soon better, in the meantime, keep your fingers away from swtches, computers, and anything else that could go wrong. I call all herons Henry and erets are Whities....Have a great weekend, hugs!

  26. Speedy recovery for your eye. Yes, that delete button is so close. I've done that before too!!!!! Great pictures. Catch you in the next post. Heal up, cheers, Ivy.

  27. The people I have known who have had cataract surgery all say it is the best thing ever:) Your eyes will see all the beauty around you even more clearly:)

  28. Hope your eye heals and yes no computer screens until it does. Am sure the next one will be in two weeks as my moms was back when she had the surgery Janice

  29. I'm glad your cataract surgery is halfway over. I had one eye done a couple years ago. I'm not gonna have the other one done because I am your cited and can still see Will through that eye so I use one eye for distance and one for close up. I used to do that with my contacts. I would wear one contact for distance. Enjoy your weekend.

  30. I'm so happy you have had your surgery. It's always nice when surgery is over and appears you are doing quite well. You are so right about not messing with nesting geese. They will attack if you get too close. Don't ask how I know this! Lovely photos of all the birds. You are quite fortunate to have such beauty close by.

  31. Best wishes to you, Jeanie, for a good frecovery. I too had the surgery a few years ago and as you mentioned earlier the pre and post eye shots was the most tedious part of the process, but also necessary to prevent any infection. I also thought that the white shore bird was a great egret as it looks similar to others I've seen.

  32. So pleased you have had part 1 of your cataract surgery done.
    I wish you a speedy recovery.

    I enjoyed your photographs from the ditch :)

    All the best Jan

  33. Beautiful blossoms and birds!

    I'm so glad to see, by your smile, that your surgery seems to have gone well. I know you will make the most of your improved eyesight, to look afresh on all the wonders of the world <3

  34. Great post. Glad you got your eye done. Oh yes, stay away from the delete button. That's too bad about the deletes. I love all of the photos. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a lovely weekend.

  35. I was surprised to see you wearing an eye patch. Was your surgery done with a scalpel or by laser? My were done by laser, and there wasn't any need for protection afterwards -- just some steroid drops to reduce swelling. It did take a few days to be able to use the computer without putting my sunglasses on, though. These screens are bright! I'm sure glad you were judged healthy enough to have the surgery!

    More baby mallards are appearing now. Actually, some are teenagers, and some haven't been out of the egg very long. It will be fun to see yours after they hatch -- I hope mom and dad are successful in protecting them!

  36. Glad part 1 of surgery is over. Wonderful
    Photos -Christine

  37. I'm glad that the eye surgery went well. Nature is wonderful. I hope you recover well.

  38. I hope you are feeling ok after the surgery. Love all the pictures with the birds.

  39. Jeanie, thanks for your comment on my post about the Cliffs of Moher, which were quite spectacular even on the rainy and overcast day we visited. The stop was part of the tour, so a one-off as they say but maybe one day we will revisit. No, we did not see the puffins and the photo posted was from the internet.

  40. Wonderful pictures, thank you very much.
    What a beautiful nature reserve.
    All good wishes for you from Viola
    Get well soon. Hug

  41. you are seeing a lot of the same birds i am. the egrets are in mating season, causing the green patch on their face - you captured that well!! good luck with your recovery, i hope things move along quickly!! have a nice weekend!!

  42. Hi Jeanie. Glad your surgery went well. I had my eyes checked last week for new prescription and my cataracts are not ready yet. The ditch is always such a fun place to hear about. Ma and Pa Goose are wonderful and always love Harry. I have never seen the green around the white guy's eye. Is that common for egrets? xxoJudy

  43. Jeanie, I’m so happy you’ve gotten phase 1 of your cataract surgery done. It’s amazing to see the difference. Mr. Cottage went last year for an exam and they told him he didn’t need surgery yet. He’s made another appointment for in June because he’s having issues seeing a night. So we shall see! I’m going to miss so much of the wildlife at our cottage. Fortunately, we have a retention pond behind us where ducks, geese and herons fly to and build nests for their eggs. One winter I saw two foxes chasing each other across the ice.

  44. Glad you surgery went well..wish u a speedy recovery.

  45. Hello Jeanie :=)
    I didn't think anything extraordinary about your eye patch because my husband had a patch over both his cataract surgeries. It depends at what hospital you go to I guess. I hope you have a good recovery. I am still waiting to have mine done.

    The Ditch is full of wildlife activity, and I'm glad you managed to get a photo of the three goose eggs. Lovely photos of Harry the Heron, and the Egret, ducks, and squirrel, and also the pretty white blooms.

    All the best

  46. Harry's beak colors are wonderful. Speedy recovery to you Jeanie! ♥♥

  47. This is Lisa. I am glad phase 1 is done. My parents had a great experience with their cataract surgeries. My mom said it was like seeing the world with new eyes. She couldn’t believe how much more vibrant colors were after the surgery!

    You are seeing so much life along the ditch. Ellie is so pretty! And yes, I steer clear of geese. Their honking can be so aggressive!!

  48. Hope your cataract surgery went well and you have a speedy recovery. Love the pictures of the Egret - what a successful fisher!

  49. Love that photo of Harry the heron and the geese! I am a twitcher from way back :) Good luck with your eye surgery; I am still getting used to my new vision after 5 months. It has not been easy so I wish you all the best!

  50. Cataract surgery for me has been amazing. It is like I was seeing in color once again. I know the ditch visits delight you with wonder, I always enjoy you sharing with us. Wishing you much success with both cataract surgeries. Happy week, Jeanie!

  51. I hope everything goes well with your healing. Don't you love the song of the red winged blackbird!

  52. Awesome photos and hope you will be back to your normal soon after the eye surgery.

  53. Hello Jeanie! I have had cataract surgery on my left eye in 2021, and four weeks later, the right eye was "lasered", too - it didn't have a cataract, but the difference between the two eyes would have been too big for my brain to make proper sense of it. Both times, things went super smoothly, and I am so very grateful for that.
    Is your other eye going to be done, too? Here, they usually wait four weeks before the 2nd surgery.

  54. I just saw our geese with a few goslings on Friday but I didn't have my camera handy to snap a picture. I hope your surgery recovery goes well!

  55. Oh so happy to see you have one down and now one to go on the cataract surgery. I haven't had it but probably will need to in the next few years. I always enjoy your nature photos and the size of that fish!
    Hope you have a nice week.........

  56. Hello Jeanie,
    Sorry I am late visiting and commenting. I hope you are recovering from the cataract surgery and all is well. I love seeing your birds at the ditch.
    Great captures of the Egret with the fish and Harry the Heron. Safe travels to Rick. The geese can get upset if you get too close to their nest or little ones. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post.
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.
    PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  57. These are wonderful bird pictures! I love the one with the egret and the fish. So neat. Glad your surgery went well! It's amazing what they can do these days. Thanks for sharing this post at the Will Blog for Comments #36 linkup!

  58. I love the pictures of the wildlife!

  59. I love that the drainage ditch has turned into something much more wonderful and has become part of the ecosystem, providing homes for all of these creatures. How lovely!!

    I hope you are feeling better after your surgery!

  60. Congratulations on getting that first surgery finished! Here's to getting through the second surgery and then to the amazing new and improved vision you will enjoy... looking forward to seeing the beauty you will notice afterwards! Love your pictures of the heron/egret -- what great birds! It's always a bit of a thrill to see them...


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