The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, April 29, 2024

A Colorful World and Other Happenings

It has been a quiet week here at the homestead, with Rick on his bike hike. And sometimes, that quiet is good! I've enjoyed some walks and seeing how lovely it is now that spring seems to be setting in for real.


 There's a lot of pink in those trees but the green is coming in quickly.

The house is full of flowers, some from the garden. . . 

. . . some from the grocery store . . . 

. . . and a lovely arrangement from a dear friend that really brightened my day.


I got in a couple of walks. Mother Goose is still sitting, but it could be any day! And some of you asked about the green patch on the egret's face (I haven't seen him again. Alas -- he has moved on.)

I call the egret Ellie, which I think might now mean "Elias" or "Elwin." Why? Well, I looked up that green patch and found that the Great Egret dresses for the breeding season and a patch of the face turns a bright neon green. (Apparently, long plumes called aigrettes grow from the back, too.) So, there you have it!

Rick has been having a relatively jolly time on his ride, enjoying the beautiful Natchez Trace roadway in his trip between Nashville and Tupelo, MS. He traveled on tandem with his friend, Nino, and along the way met some fun people and enjoyed on-the-road time. (He's back home today, and thankfully, all in one piece!

One sad part of the trip, though, was learning that his friend and bike-hiking mentor, blogger George the Cyclist (aka George Christensen) was killed when his bicycle was hit by a Mack truck pulling a trailer in South Carolina. 

If you followed George's fascinating travel blog, you'll know he cycled on every continent (except Antarctica) and in some of the wildest conditions one could ever imagine. He cycled every Tour de France route during the tour and his writing about the event was insightful and interesting, focusing not only on the race itself but the people -- cyclists and those he met along the way. He was a hard core film fan, always attending Cannes, Telluride and our own Traverse City Film Festival, among others and always volunteered. George was truly a citizen of the world. (There is more about him here.) He visited us at the cottage more than once and it was always an interesting time. He will be missed.

While Rick was gone (apart from worrying) I started planning our trip to England in October. The post-ts below target things we want to do in England (blue), Scotland (pink) and Ireland (green). More has been added since this picture was taken. Dates aren't locked in but I'm getting things in order, trying to figure out how long to spend here or there. Truth is, we could be gone a year and it wouldn't be enough time.

The day before my cataract surgery I had friends Jane and Susie for lunch. Our lunches are long talk fests on all sorts of topics with the most interesting conversations and such warmth. I'm grateful for these two, as the three of us muddle through life's challenges with great humor and introspection. I made a quiche and Marie's oatmeal maple muffins; Jane brought dessert and Susie, salad. No one left hungry -- in fact, we were satiated in every possible way.

I have a week off till they do the second cataract surgery. The first is going well, though I haven't seen a lot of difference yet (and they say that is normal). 

But I've been rocking the oversized sunglasses they gave me -- I think I'll wear them forever (they fit over my glasses!)

And lest you should think that Rick's travels have left me lonesome... well, someone has helped out with that!

I can forgive a lot of litterbox issues for her sweet purr!

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  1. What exquisite photos. I especially love the 1st one. Glad you are enjoying your precious time while Rick is away. I am blown away with your organization of color coding your post its for your trip. We are leaving for a cruise and then London and well... haven't done much except pack. I have not planned much...

  2. Good morning, Lovely photos of spring. Such a horrible sad story for this cyclist's life to be taken in such a way. I read about him from the link you shared-he lived an adventurous life

  3. So sorry about George's death. RIP. Great that you had lunch with friends. Take care and God bless.

  4. So sorry about your friend. It's very sad.
    And is that Fiesta ware?? Very pretty table anyway.

    I hope you've included York and Roseberry Topping and the North York Moors National Park in your itinerary? That's a famous hill, not a dessert.

  5. Love all the flowers. Good luck with the cataract surgery on the second eye.

  6. Awesome pictures Jeanie!
    Sorry to hear about George.
    Have a great week!

  7. So very sorry to hear about George! He sounds and looks like a fascinating human being.

    My dad had a friend when I was a kid named Eldy. I don't know what his real name was (Eldon maybe?) but I always liked the sound of Eldy. (Can't even remember his wife's name--lol!) I do remember they wanted a girl so badly...had four boys and finally adopted a baby girl--lol! They lived on a farm and we visited often when we were young. Every time I watch "A Christmas Story" I think of the two oldest boys because they were playing around playing cowboys and Indians with BB-guns and the eldest, Brandy (Brandon), did accidentally hit his brother smack in the eye with a ricochet shot. Wayne was blind in one eye. Thanks for invoking a memory of that entire wild and crazy family that was always laughing. Even though probably a name like Eddie would be easier to remember--lol!

    So are you having litterbox issues, too? Goodness!

    Glad your hubby is back home safe and sound. Your October trip sounds amazing! How long to you plan to be gone?

    Have a marvelous week! :)

  8. I would also take a year + to explore all the places on the post-its. Where will you choose to go? Love the photos.
    My son was a cyclist, went to Ireland, Switzerland, Germany. I prayed every time he goes out on a ride.

  9. ...I had my bad eye done first (it had been 20/400), now it's 20/35. I hope that your surgery goes as well as mine.

  10. I am so sorry about the death of your friend. Such a tragedy.
    You'll be happy to get your other eye done!
    I do miss biking. I just kept pulling muscles, though. I did 20 minutes on the eliptical. That was good.
    What a lovely lunch!

  11. Glad spring has moved in with you and that Rick is safely back. So sorry about his friend, that's so sad!
    I will be going to London for a few days soon, but I am not hoping to visit so many places and events as you! I Just want to visit a few old faces and places! Hugs, Valerie

  12. That is too bad about George. The photos are amazing. Such wonderful flowers. The muffins sound so good. Oh, I love these sunglasses. I still have mine. One pair in each car. Nice to have a fur friend when times are lonely.

  13. Oh Jeanie, that first picture made my heart sing, and looks like it should be in a magazine. I love that you're seeing the pink trees right now and Spring is showing up. It's good to hear the cataract surgery went well. I am so sorry to hear about Rick's friend and the bicycle accident. That's terrible. Sounds like he was friendly with the people he met along the way and led an interesting life. How fun to be planning your trip to England. Nel will also take a trip there this year for work. And lastly, I love your red plaid flannel. It's something I would definitely wear myself. ; )


  14. I am so sorry to hear about Rick's friend. My condolences. Beautiful photos of the flowers. I specially like the very first one. The green patch around the egret's eye is fascinating. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Your little kitty looks wonderful and I am so glad he is there.


  15. Oh no Jeanie, how very sad about George. What a dreadful tragedy! I'm glad Rick is getting home today. Good that you have your trip to plan for also. You shared lovely photos, every blog post actually. How sweet of your friend to send you those special flowers. I'm sure you will be glad to get that second cataract surgery done. Onward and upward!

  16. Isn't spring blooming glorious. For some reason it seems to be extra beautiful this year. It could be that last year we had some weird frosts so only the lower branches bloomed on all kinds of trees. I'm glad Rick has made it back; that is really sad about his mentor. I can see why you'd be worried. And isn't trip planning such fun? I'm ready to go someplace again, but nothing on my calendar...yet. Grin. I hope everything goes well with your other eye, and you have a great start to your week. hugs-Erika

  17. I've never seen a Great Egret in breeding plummage. Apparently ours here migrate up to you to settle down and have a family.

    Looking forward to hearing more about your plans for your trip to England.

  18. These are lovely spring flowers and great cycling spirits captured

  19. Spring is looking beautiful, Jeanie. Love the photos! The flowers from your friends are lovely. Glad to hear that Rick is safe back at home. What a terrible tragedy with George. My condolences to you all. You look quite glamourous with your sun glasses! I do hope you do well with the second eye. I've been told that might be in my future. I must say you have a wonderful trip planned. Planning is one of the best parts about traveling!

  20. Prayers for your healing
    The table is gorgeous, a really nice comfy vibe

    My sympathies for the loss of your friend

  21. So glad Rick has made it home safely. So sorry to hear about George though.
    Hope your second surgery goes well. Glad you had Lizzie to keep you company.
    How exciting to be planning an adventure to the UK in the fall. I am hoping for next year. This year there is just too many other things to take care of. I didn't know that about egrets adding color during mating season, fascinating!

  22. I enjoyed your post Jeanie. The trip to England, Scotland and Ireland sounds fabulous. I know there is always much to see and so little time but you will enjoy what you see. I loved the flowers. Spring has definitely arrived in Lansing. I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. It's a sad story but at the same time, he left this world doing what he seemed to enjoy most. Continued best wishes with your eye surgery and planning.

  23. Your trip sounds fascinating. I hope you get to the places you would like to see. The egret
    changes in plumage and colour around the eye area is interesting. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your cyclist friend. I send my condolences to you and Rick. All the best Jeanie for your eye surgery.

  24. Your lunch with Jane and Susie sounds like a perfect blend of good food and even better company. There's something truly special about long conversations shared with dear friends over a delicious meal. I'm glad you had such a nourishing time together—it's moments like these that truly enrich our lives. Wishing you continued tranquility and joy in the days ahead! By the way, I've just published a new blog post—make sure to check it out!

  25. Hi Jeanie, thanks for your comment on my blog!
    Not only a fellow potter but cyclists as well!

    Sad to hear about George..his progress was followed from all over the world

  26. I am so sorry to hear about Rick and your friend. How horrible!
    I am glad your cataract surgery went well, and I know your second one will, too.
    The colors of Spring are so pretty in your neck of the woods. That first photo is quite stunning.
    My sister has an egret that visits her daily. She calls him Eddie. 😀
    Happy Tuesday, my friend! Enjoy the rest of your week.

  27. Losing a friend is hard: I wish you and Rick peaceful healing from this.
    Good to hear that your eye is doing well -- and best of luck with the second eye.
    Have a good week, mae at

  28. What a tragedy re your friend:( Yikes..That is truly sad.

    Thank goodness you are rich with many friends and that upcoming trip.So organized! The post it type :)

  29. How terrible to lose your friend in that way.
    Glad your cataract surgery went well. Most people say the colors get brighter right away. I hope you heal well and the second surgery goes easily.

  30. Love seeing the colorful flowers. Spring is lovely. So glad Rick is enjoying his bike ride. So sad to hear about George. I always worry about 🚴 cyclists when I see them in the road. There are so many careless drivers nowadays. Glad you have friends to keep you company. Potluck is always a wonderful time with friends.

  31. Mother Nature is so amazing! Wouldn't it make life simpler for we humans if we grew a green patch on your faces during breeding season. Love your photographs today. We are a a few days behind you over on this side of the state.

  32. Whether it be creekside, from the store or from the garden, those blooms are beautiful! What a sad story about the cyclist.

  33. Geez, Louise. I am so thankful that I don't develop green facial patches when I have a urge to mate. Can you imagine?

    Love the way that you making notes. What an great idea!

    TG our cat is good with the litterbox. She does have quite the purr too, but I might not be a forgiving as thou.

  34. So glad that Rick is back in one piece.. I would be very worried. So sad about George.. Beautiful flowers, beautiful time of year. You look like you will be all set for your trip.... It doesn't look like you're going to miss anything.
    Hot here this week... Already... 90 yesterday and will probably hit 90 again today. I think it's supposed to be cooler next week. I sure hope so. Enjoy your week.

  35. What a beautiful place and such lovely photos too. I had no idea an egret's face turned green and such a vibrant green too. You learn something new every day. I'm sorry to hear about your friend, the way some drivers just barrel along without any thought is disturbing. Someone on a bicycle doesn't stand a chance. So sad. I hope that throw the book at the driver.

    Good luck with your second surgery. My Dad had cataracts removed about two years ago and he is extremely happy. He did say that the scratching was the only downside but you do have an adorable purr baby to keep you company.

  36. Sorry to read about the unexpected and tragic death of you friend, George, who really sounded like quite an interesting person. Glad to read that Rick and his friend have had safe travels and that he will be back home. It figures that the green patch was a mating thing as male finches and cardinals and other species also turn quite colorful when looking to attract a mate.

  37. That first photo is so lovey and makes me think it must be a similar view that inspired Monet's waterlily series. Glad to hear that your husband is home safe and sound and that your surgery is healing well. I was so sorry to hear about your husband's mentor though; that is so sad.

  38. they say every garden should have a little bit of yellow in it!! what a terrible accident for your friend and fellow blogger, biking can be dangerous!! i would have to agree about the sunglasses, you sure are rocking them!!

  39. Hello,
    Love all the beautiful spring blossoms. It is sad to hear about Rick's friend passing. I think I will need cataract surgery soon too. You do rock those glasses and cute shot of your furbaby. Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  40. These photos are just wonderful! Gorgeous. So sorry to hear about your cycling friend. Enjoy the trip planning--for me, it's always almost as much fun as the actual trip. I love the anticipation. And England is delightful. Thanks for sharing this post at the Will Blog for Comments #36 linkup!

  41. Beautiful pictures! PS so sorry to hear about your friend.

  42. Jeanie,
    Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind words in regards to Joe's passing...I gratefully appreciate it..Also thanks for telling me to print out the post because I did not think of that....
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  43. What a lovely post The flowers brings hope of spring for sure. How interesting about the green colour on the bird. Nature is marvellous.
    How sad to hear about George. He seems to have been av wonderful fellow, and as you say, a true man of the world. I guess these bike tours can be rather dangerous especially with all the cars driving so fast.
    Glad to hear your operation went well. I had to look it up to see what it means. I guess your vision might improve after the operation?
    What a trip you are planning. Always nice to visit Great Britain. Tomorrow I am going for a 5 day trip to Ireland on a guided tour. Really looking forward to that. You will be able to read more about it in my newsletter later on.
    Take care, both of you.

  44. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Clearly, he was experienced and careful, but I often see utterly foolish bicyclists here and fear for their lives. Running red lights on a bicycle or weaving through traffic isn't particularly smart. Of course, motorists aren't always cautious or polite. I'm glad Rick made it home safely.

  45. So sorry to hear the sad news re. cyclist George. What an adventurer and what a tragic end.
    Your spring sure is blooming colours… can you believe winter returns for us, been snowing these few days! So, no birding for me yet.
    And, I look forward to reading your UK and Ireland travel log come this October. How exciting! I’m sure it will be a rewarding trip for you and Rick.

  46. The bit of green on the egret is very striking. I'm glad your cataract surgery went well and hope the next one does, too. Trip planning is so much fun. We're in the midst of planning, too - for 10 days in Amsterdam followed by a cruise around Iceland.

    I'm so sorry about the death of your friend George. What a tragedy to be taken like that.

  47. Beautiful photos! It looks like spring has arrived. :)

    I am so sorry to hear about your friend's passing. :(

  48. Lovely photographs, spring is a glorious season.

    I am pleased that Rick made it home safely, but was very sorry to read about cyclist George, so sad.

    Pleased you are recovering well from your first cataract surgery, hope the second one goes well too.

    Happy planning for your October trip ... exciting.

    All the best Jan

  49. So sad to hear about George. What a terrible loss for Rick. I never knew that about egrets. Thanks for sharing that. Seems not much sightseeing in Scotland yet. I would love to see the Highlands myself. Good luck finishing your list. Janice

  50. Hello Jeanie :=)
    It's good to know that Rick is back home safe and sound. Please give him my condolences for the loss of his friend George, a fellow bike hiker and his mentor. Your photos today are full of beauty starting with those gorgeous pink blooms and your table setting which looks so colourful and inviting. Your lunch with your three friends sounded like fun and the gift of the flower arrangement is lovely.Planning your trip to the UK is exciting and you have made a good start.Your glasses are just like the ones my late husband was given and you look fabulous in yours, they really suit you. I'm glad your eye is healing well
    All the best

  51. You got some beautiful shots. Your area is enticing:)
    So sorry to hear about Rick's friend. Glad Rick is back safe and sound.
    Good luck with your next cataract surgery.

  52. I am so sorry to read about George, so very sad! The flowers are beautiful and will certainly brighten a day, happy you are seeing spring! We have been to England 3 times and once to Scotland and Ireland. As you said, a year would not be long enough to explore these countries. Happy week, Jeanie!

  53. Jeanie, it's been too long—too many difficulties taking up my time! Down to posting just once a month now (supposedly the third Thursday of the month, but stuff was happening and I didn't post until the fourth Thursday)! So glad to visit you today. Your beautiful photos gave me such a lift, as did the photo of dear Lizzie, who I'm happy to see is still perking along. Our dear ginger boy is no longer with us. AND I am so thrilled that you're going to England in October. Will eagerly await more posts about that dear-to-me subject!

  54. Beautiful colorful flowers. Love them. We are past the tree blooming season but we are covered in the yellow thick yucky pollen. Sorry about Ricks friend.

  55. Despite all the gray days in Michigan, I must say spring there is fabulous. Love all your photos of the trees. The green area on the egret is fascinating. I have never seen that despite years of watching egrets. Have a great weekend!

  56. So sorry to hear about Rick's friend. My condolences.
    Your upcoming trip to the UK sounds exciting!
    Love the beautiful captures of Spring in your neck of the woods.

    Hugs and blessings, Jeanie

  57. So sorry to hear about George, that is terrible. I know Rick will enjoy the Nachez Trail, it is truly beautiful {and safe!} Your spring flowers are beautiful! Good luck with your surgery~

  58. I am so sorry to hear about Rick's friend George. That is so sad and horrible. And I imagine things like that give you the "what if that happened to Rick" kind of spiral.... :(

    We are starting to see some color here in Minnesota. It's been a very uneven spring which is to be expected in Minnesota but it's tough to go from 80 degrees to 40 degrees... This weekend looks pretty good, though, especially Sunday! I'm so ready for warmth and sunshine. I soaked up as much as I could during my very brief trip to Napa this week. It was 80 and sunny there!

  59. Lovely flowers, fingers crossed for the 2nd surgery!

  60. Hello Jeanie,
    The spring blossoms are looking beautiful. Your friend gave you a lovely arrangement. It is nice to have flowers around the house. The breeding Egret is beautiful. Maybe he will return for another visit. Lizzie always looks adorable. I am glad Rick is home safe and sound, so sorry to hear his friend George passed away. Your trip sounds exciting, I love planning my trips.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  61. So sorry to hear about George! He sounds like an amazing guy. Love the pic of the colorful flowers!

  62. I know you are glad to have Rick home safe and sound. That is so sad about the loss of his friend. I know we should always keep doing what we love to do but it's still hard when someone is hurt or dies. I try to keep hiking and not worry. Love seeing you with your beautiful smile!

  63. I read more about George the cyclist...sure made me feel sad to know he was lost when he was still able to do the things he loved!

  64. Dear Jeanie, I'm so sorry to hear about Rick's friend, George. He sounds like he led a big-hearted, large-living life - it's hard to lose friends like that. And thanks for the note that Rick is safely at home; I'm glad to hear it, and I'm sure it was a relief to have him back with you.

    Your pictures, though, wow!So much lovely, lovely pink! we're just starting to see a bit of it now... I'm hoping for our lilacs to start to flower this week. Hope you're enjoying a wonderful weekend! xoxo anno

  65. I’m so sorry to hear about Rick’s friend. I can understand you worrying when Rick is one a ride. I learned something about the egrets. I never knew about the green markings on them. Isn’t wonderful that spring has finally arrived here in Michigan. I’m beyond thrilled!

  66. Spring is such an exciting season, isn't it? All the pink (and green) is truly lovely. - How very sad what happened to Rick's friend. I think this is always the nightmare of partners of bikers. I'm always happy when my husbands comes home in one piece from his daily biking commute. Some people really drive crazy and have no freaking clue how to behave around bicyclists (and unfortunately there are also many bicycle rirders who don't stick to the traffic rules either).

  67. Rick wrote us a wonderful letter about George which made us wish again that we had known him. Your post-it notes are a good idea, and you're right, trips can never truly be long enough! The more we go into the things we'd like to do, the more there is, and it spreads out like ripples on a lake! For me, there are usually one or two must-dos and the rest depend on how easy to physically get from one thing to another. ( But then I don't much care for the actual process of travelling, sitting on boats or trains - which for some people is part of the fun). Your get together with Susie sounds so good, and I know you'll be so glad to have RIck back too.


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