The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, July 10, 2023

Postcards from the Lake -- Getting a New Routine

I have decided that it takes a good week to begin to get a new routine going, to look at time differently than I do at home. There is no schedule -- a Zoom doc appointment was the closest I'll probably come to one. It's caused me to ponder the question of time a good deal. But that's for another day! Meanwhile, here's a look at the week!

Day Four -- July 4

You'd never have known it was the Fourth of July here. I think everyone was worn out from the activities of the weekend and lots of the long weekend people left for home. The temps were warm -- in the 90s, I think -- but it feels rather comfortable here. It wasn't windy but a nice breeze off the lake now and then. It was a good day to paint, read, puzzle and swim. 

Alas. Good Neighbor Jim finally has a for sale sign by his house. He has the best site on the lake, I think -- and .8 acres. Am I selfish in wanting no one to purchase it right away? Other Good Neighbor David is hoping to talk his family into buying it as a joint effort just to protect the lake but who knows. My neighbors on the north side are great. I don't know if it is a good or bad thing that it will probably have a very high asking price!

Because we aren't going to England in the fall as I'd hoped, I'm doing this puzzle. Shoot me now. 

Day 5 -- July 5

I find myself having to reprogram myself for lake life with a new routine. It's quieter. No particular schedule. I still haven't found a radio station I particularly like, so I'm streaming a bit more. I've come on to Radio Garden, which gets stations from all over the world and am having fun sampling many of them. (Oddly enough, no matter where they are from, for the most part the music is much the same -- classical, pop-rock, folk, the usual genres.) Most of the time I listen to Scala radio from London.

I also hit the movies, something I seem to do rarely. It was a private screening -- I guess no one else was interested in "Asteroid City," Wes Anderson's newest. But I love his quirky work so I thoroughly enjoyed this! His color palette was one I love and was consistent throughout the film -- aqua, peach, earthy colors. I loved the art direction! (When you go to the movie and you're the only one there, you can take a photo!)

Mornings tend to be computer time and NYT puzzles (Wordle and Spelling Bee) -- much as at home. Swimming is later in the afternoon and I'll be adding morning walk as my back and hip appear to be doing a little better here.

And I have been painting a bit. A friend posted a photo of this house in a lavender field on Facebook and said I should paint it -- I'm not sure I am wild about the results but it was a good one to kick off summer painting!

I'm more fond of this one, perhaps because it reminds me of a wonderful day in London. (Can you tell I'm really having trouble dealing with the postponement of our trip?)

Day 6 -- July 6

The rain really cooled things off but the breeze kept coming. It was a good day to stay in and work on the dreaded puzzle and finish "Devil in the White City." I think everyone's read this book except me but I've finished and I can see why it appeals. It's about the Chicago World's Fair and it was fascinating.  Look for it in the upcoming July book review post. I took a short walk -- about all the back could handle and to be honest, not anything new much to see.

Day 7 -- July 7

The morning started early with a Zoom appointment with the back doc at UofM. I had decided to have the neurotomy (also called Radio Frequency Ablation) this fall. But he was pleased with my progress at PT and wants to delay a decision for another month or two. That's fine with me -- the later in the year we do this, the longer into the new year it should last. He said keep walking so off I went. A mile this time. He said not to ramp it up too fast (as if I could!). I was ready to rest my back and stretch when I got home. I must admit, I liked seeing this array of tiger lilies -- seemingly just growing in a wild clump but I suspect long ago someone put them there. 

Later I went to lunch with Neighbor Jim's wife Kathy. I don't know her all that well because she isn't here as often -- and it's a pity because I like her very much. I'm so sad they will be leaving. I understand -- they need something smaller. But she is such a delight and someone with whom I have much in common. I wish she'd spent more time here in the past and that I knew her better. When we came home we looked for leftover signs of the trailing arbutus that comes out in April and is short-lived. We aren't sure we found that but we did discover this interesting bloom and thanks to Facebook, it is from the wintergreen family.

Day 8 -- July 8

Much of the day was rainy but it cleared up just long enough for me to get to the farmer's market, my first visit of the season.

The early July market isn't much to write home about. One of my favorite veggie vendors retired last year and no one has really replaced him, though it is a little early in the season for the kind of produce he would bring in. But I scored some northern Michigan black cherries and some gorgeous strawberries.

And yes, it's all more expensive than last year.

More rain, more puzzle at the lake, and then another walk. I noted this weed or wildflower by the swamp -- the fragrance was so powerful I had to find out which plant was its source. I don't know the name of this one but boy, it smells terrific.

Meanwhile, the swamp has really filled in. You have to stand in a certain spot to even see the water! 

I'm not the only one getting into a new sense of lake-time/lake-routine. Lizzie has found her various spots and is a happy camper in all of them!

 And so I leave you with another sunset. 

They rarely disappoint.

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  1. Sorry to hear that your London plans are not working out, but you do seem to be enjoying yourself in the moment for now. Having the land around you sold one piece at a time sounds stressful. I hope the buyer for the 8 acres doesn't have really obnoxious ideas about how to use the land!
    best, mae at

  2. Well that's w nice week. Sorry about the vacation disappointment, and now you'll have to put all my unsolicited advice on hold, too.

  3. Finding vacation gear can be hard.... but starting off with a lovely bit of painting, an interesting puzzle, and some soul-satisfying time looking off into the sunset seems like a good way to begin. Looks like there may be some more rain ahead (and cooler temperatures) for you. Maybe there's a strawberry shortcake in your future?

    Here's hoping that your back continues to improve. Some rest and lake time might be just the ticket to help it heal... and ensure you're in great shape for an autumnal trip to England.

  4. Sounds like you are doing well switching to lake time. Sounds wonderful to me. Those strawberries look fantastic! Kudos to you on the walking, too! :)

  5. It is sad when plans change. On the bright side, the trip isn't canceled.
    If you win the lottery, then take off on your own to blaze a trail.
    Beautiful sunset. Glad your weather there has been nice.

    Lots of rain here.

  6. Lizzie is so adorable! Can I keep her?
    You have a wishing well in your neighborhood? OMG. That photo makes me wish I could move there. Hope you get another good neighbor. I know how important it is to have good people - or at least the quiet ones who mind their own business - is so important in keeping your peace at home. I hope you have a wonderful week!

  7. I always enjoy your photos of your summer home and your summer painting.
    Sorry you are not getting over here for a visit but it's all much the same old same old so will still be here when you do!

  8. The puzzle looks like a huge challenge to do. The strawberries look very nice. Enjoy the new week

  9. Looks like you are settling into the routine, Jeanie. It really is too bad that your neighbour is selling. It gets more and more difficult to find people who really understand that cottage life should be a retreat from urban madness and not an extension of it. I understand your disappointment about having to cancel your vacation, but London will be waiting for you another time.

  10. Summer is a good time to step back and not have to do anything isn't it? Sometimes I think it goes against what we think we should do, but glad you are winding down. Sorry to hear about London not happening. And hopefully someone good will come along and buy your neighbor's place. Now everyone around my area buys the old places and tears them down to build big houses. So spend a fortune for the old place and then a bigger fortune for the new house.Lakes aren't affordable for most anymore. And with all our rain, I never had any fresh strawberries this year-so sad. Those look delicious. And I enjoyed The Devil in the White City. The devil (I can't think of his name) is originally from a town very near to me. His childhood home is now the historical society. I hope you have nice weather and enjoy these lazy days of summer. hugs-Erika

  11. A nice recap of week one. Why are plans for London postponed? I'm guessing your back issues? I love your lake time activities. It's sad to see such a good neighbor leave. It's the unknown that we seem to dread most, and not knowing what kind of neighbor will replace him can be anxiety-producing. Hopefully the other good neighbor's family will jointly buy.

  12. Lovely relaxing week, glad your PT seems to be helping. Sorry you have to postpone your trip! That puzzle will keep you busy for a while. Our farmer's market is more expensive this year too.

  13. Hello,

    Your views of the lake and sky are lovely, beautiful photos. I love your watercolors and the puzzle look like a challenge. I am sorry to hear your neighbor Jim is selling his home. Also, sorry to hear your London trip is postponed, I hope it is back on track soon. Lizzie does look happy! Great photos. Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  14. Your lake looks so wonderful!
    And the movie colors so refreshing.
    Sad London is but a puzzle this time...
    I absolutely love your drawings!! Very beautiful!

  15. Jeanie, I am so sorry you won’t be traveling to England this fall. Lake life sounds wonderful to me. The rhythm of the days would be perfect. Enjoy every minute and take care of your back!

  16. so glad you are feeling better; back issues are some of the worst. I have always remembered my trip to Scotland and England in 1991; one of the best times ever and I went with a girlfriend so even more fun. so I know you are really disappointed you will not make your trip.
    Strawberries! so jealous of those beauties, so much better in taste than the ones in the grocery stores these days. Keep enjoying life Jeanie!

  17. Love the jigsaw, oh my, it's a huge one! Sorry you can't get to London this year, but your painting is beautiful, the lavender as well. 2 apartments in our house are vacant, and I'm hoping there will be no nasty, loud people moving in. And hope all goes well with Jim's house. Prices here have gone up so much, too. Have a good time, settle in well, have fun! Hugs, Valerie

  18. So sorry about your London plans! It's good to read that you are easing into a routine at the lake. Good job on that Wordle! It's my post-breakfast activity!

  19. I must have missed the postponement:(
    We are going..nowhere..forever lol.
    I think.
    I read Ann Patchett's essays..I liked it..some bits were less interesting but on the whole..Liked it:)
    Love the row houses..well done.I am bad at perspective.Enjoy the lake home:)

  20. Looks like a lovely beginning to your time at the lake.

  21. Love Lizzie's smile.
    Love puzzle making, reading, painting, going to movie, lunch with a neighbor, walking, seeing nature - It's all such a treat! So glad you can be there in your happy place and enjoy the peace of the cabin.
    I know what you mean about being disappointed you are not going to England. I am disappointed we are not taking a big adventure to Europe this year too. I am hoping for Scotland next year. This year it will be closer to home in our car.
    Happy peaceful, day dreaming time this summer at the cabin by the lake.

  22. It all sounds so peaceful, Jeanie. Love the glimpses into your cottage life. Your paintings are beautiful. Give Lizzy a hug from me. xo

  23. Your puzzle looks like fun, but a lot of work!
    I quite like your painting of the English cottages, very cute.
    Hope when your neighbour's property gets sold, they don't do any crazy development there.
    Have fun at the cottage Jeanie.

  24. I really enjoyed your week!
    I sure miss cottage life.

  25. Sorry Jeanie, London is off the table. The Lake is a lovely getaway. Sad to see a good neighbor move away. You are keeping quite busy there. I love a good Farmer's market.

  26. Well, your puzzle and your painting certainly look familiar! Too bad you can't visit London as expected but there will be another time. That wintergreen is very interesting -- I don't think I've ever seen a plant quite like that.

    I hope whoever buys your neighbor's property respects it and doesn't just tear it down to build some horrible new thing. Always the danger, especially with holiday homes.

  27. Lake time seems to agree with you andit sounds very peaceful. Sad to hear that your London trip is put on hold but you'll get there \i'm sure. Beautiful sunset on the lake. Love your paintings, they are looking fabulous. Enjoy your week, Jeanie.

  28. So lovely to read about your time at the lake. I love that you are trying to change up your routine. Isn’t that what summer is all about? Time at the lake is for you to enjoy! Enjoy! XO

  29. Sounds like a lovely , relaxing week..Sorry about your vacation plans..
    Lovely sunset
    Sweet definitely have a style..
    I hope all goes well with the property sale and it is someone amicable and someone who respects the area..Good luck

  30. Looks like you have a nice daily rythum already! Sorry about your trip but glad your back is responding. I love the lavender picture. And the sunset just lovely

  31. Your lake days sound dreamy! I would fit right in. I would just read while you paint or putter at the puzzle. I look forward to a time when I don't have to know what day of the week it is! We are definitely a slave to the calendar and the clock! But you paid your dues and deserve this golden time by the lake!

    Bummer about Jim selling. It's tough to lose a good neighbor. My parents have had quite a bit of turnover for neighbors but the ones to the left of us have been around for awhile now. My parents are less fond of the people on the other side as they don't take care of their yard and that kind of bugs my parents. But they aren't loud so it could be worse!

  32. I take it very hard when a good neighbor leaves. These days a good neighbor is just irreplaceable.
    Anyway, the vast Lake and its surroundings is and always will be a great treat for you. Enjoy!

  33. Why did you have to postpone going to England? Did I miss something? We had some whopper storms come in this afternoon and we lost power for a bit. All is calm now. Glad Lizzie found her spots and you are getting into your Summertime routine. Janice

  34. Those strawberries do look yummy. Love your paintings.

  35. I love your posts from the lake! Brings back great members.

    I also loved the book 'The Devil in the White City.' I have a framed ribbon from the Women's Building at that fair. The women's history regarding that fair was a special interest of mine for a long while.

    Glad your therapy is helping your back.

  36. Your sweet smelling mystery plant is Melilotus albus, Sweet White Clover.
    Google says it's also called honey clover, white melilot, Bokhara clover, white sweetclover, and sweet clover. It's a nitrogen-fixing legume in the family Fabaceae. Melilotus albus is considered a valuable honey plant and source of nectar and is often grown for forage.
    Another website warns --the smell of the freshly-cut plants can cause headaches and nausea in some people.
    Invasive...ah least it smells lovely!


  37. Sorry to hear about the vacation disappointment.
    That challenging puzzle should keep you busy for a while.
    Your paintings are beautiful.

    Hugs and blessings, Jeanie

  38. Very good. You got ‘ENTER’ in two. I can’t remember if it took me three or four. I have been using whatever start word pops into my head lately, just for variety. Sometimes it doesn’t hurt, but sometimes it does. 😀

  39. What a nice time you are having! I like those strawberries. How about having them with vanilla ice cream? For your London fix, you should watch Wimbledon.

  40. I'm sorry that you have to postpone your trip. Hopefully, it will eventually come off, and everything will go beautifully.

    Your paintings are lovely. It feels so good to do painting, I think.

  41. How in the world did I miss your planned trip to England -- now postponed? I might have read right past your mention of it, given that your posts always are filled with such a wealth of detail. The postponement has to be disappointing, but on the other hand, going a little later may mean going in better health, and that's always a good thing.

    I'm really impressed by those strawberries; they're beautiful. There's nothing like the taste of a vine-ripened berry; it's no wonder the products from American Spoon are so good if they start with those!

  42. oh WOW! life on the lake suits you beautifully, friend! the painting, the strawberries, the water, the market, the sunset. absolutely life-giving!

  43. What peaceful days you enjoy at the lake, Jeanie. It's good to hear you are able to walk a mile--that's wonderful. So sorry your trip has to be postponed, but I bet you will be planning to go in the future. Love your two art pieces. I can see why the second one reminds you of England. Take care and enjoy those beautiful sunsets!

  44. It sounds like you are enjoying the lazy days of summer and adjusting nicely to the change of pace. Just reading about your days made me feel a sense of relaxation. I'm sorry your visit to England is postponed but hopefully when you do gett here you will enjoy it all the more. The sunsets as always at the lake are very special and you get to enjoy them every night. I hope whoever buys the neighbours property is someone you and your other neighbours will be happy with. Enjoy your time at the lake.

  45. Jeanie, I'm so glad Lizzie has settled in nicely at the lake. AND that you've already started painting. I especially like the one of the attached houses. So sorry you won't be taking your trip. I was going to enjoy England vicariously!

  46. Your paintings are lovely!

  47. That first picture was a purrfect representation for/of 4th of July.

  48. What happened? Did I miss something? Why did you have to postpone your trip to England? I can understand your disappointment. But the time at the lake looks wonderful to me. For us that we don't have a second home it sounds lovely to spend several weeks a year in a different location, and one that is so beautiful on top of it. I'm sure you will completely settle in your "lake routine" and I hope you will share your thoughts on time with us.

  49. I’m sorry about your friend selling his house. I hope those who buy it will be friendly. I’m so sorry your London trip didn’t work out. The last time I was there was in 2014 and we have no plans for traveling overseas yet but would enjoy seeing London again. I do love your artwork, the subject and chosen colors are very appealing to me. It seems like you had a lovely week and I enjoyed your narrative and each photo was a delight. Thank you Jeanie, have a great Friday and enjoy your weekend.

  50. Jeanie, that was quite the week you had for your first at the cabin. I know you will miss your neighbor, but perhaps you will gain another good one in the future; one can only hope.

    Not sure if this will cheer or depress you, but we will be spending a few days in London in mid-October, then going onto Ireland and finally a few days in Edinburgh. It's with a tour group and our first trip abroad in decades and the first plane travel in 16 years as the last time we flew as 16 years ago when grandson Osborn in CA!

    I read many of Erik Larson'snvels and Devil in the White City was a good one as was the one about the Lusitania.

  51. The Story of Relaxation! You are inspiring in your summery attitude... except for the puzzle... why finish it??

  52. I’m sorry to hear that your trip has been postponed, Jeanie. Hopefully you’ll get there sooner rather than later. I’ve never played Wordle but I play Sudoku every day from the NYT. I hope you’ll end up with great neighbors. We’re debating now on what we should do about our cottage. Mr. Cottage will be 79 on his next birthday and it’s getting harder to keep up the cottage. Plus we have to put in a new line to our septic, courtesy of tree roots and worse $$$.

  53. Its always hard to get a new routine going, I have issues staying on the regular routine. LOL....its horrible. But I could be like your sweet feline and curl up and get comfy anywhere, that is my adjustment to a routine.

  54. Lizzie has a priceless expression.

    I've read Devil In The White City a couple of times.

  55. So sorry you have to postpone your trip. I must say I enjoyed all the photos and this post. OMG strawberries are very expensive there. What ever you do this weekend make a good one.

  56. I loved that, Jeanie. I have no idea where you are, but it looks wonderful - and very civilised. Love your paintings, especially the cottage in the lavender field. Really sorry you had to postpone your trip to our fair land, but we'll try to make sure everything will still be here for you next year. Meanwhile, I'm sure the puzzle will help with orientation in London!

  57. Our trip along the North Shore was fabulous. That white flower with the amazing scent is some kind of clover. It was thick along the Big Lake too.
    I'm having a hard time getting back into "home" mode after that trip. We saw and met so many cyclists pounding the pavement all along the way! I thought of Rick and said a silent Hi! every time we passed one.

  58. Jeanie,
    Love your paintings as usual!!
    Good for you for being able to adjust to no schedule...I just can not for the life of me do that...OCD, I guess...I have to have some structure in my daily routine...I know....CRAZY! Joe does it quite well though! LOL!
    Thanks so much for stopping by!! I did get a chuckle from your comment on the Bess in the Kitchen getting you worried and you should have known!! LOL!!
    Stay cool in this awful heat!

  59. What a lovely place to spend your summers. Seems so relaxing and still a lot to do if you so like. Enjoy.

  60. The London puzzle is cool. Looks challenging....:)
    No water?

  61. Your "by the lake" schedule is lovely.
    The paintings are beautiful. Those strawberries look amazing.
    Lizzie is a cutie pie ♥

  62. Love hearing your daily activities and commentary on your summer goings on. Your paintings are so unique and totally you. Love seeing them. and little Lizzie looks like a joy to have around. We used to take drives on the back roads and it always made me curious to see mounds of daffodils and iris in the middle of an old group of decrepit buildings. sad and precious at the same time. Hope you get to plan your trip soon.

  63. I enjoyed your post and all the wonderful photos. Your painting of the house with the lavender is amazing to me. I wish I could paint!! Sorry about your trip to London.

  64. You're lucky that you have decent internet at your lake place. We spent 10 whole days at the lake, and I was in heaven, BUT our internet and cell service was sketchy at best. It was like game day on a college campus, if you know what I mean...

    I enjoyed reading about all your activities, and I look forward to reading your review of Devil in the White City. That book gave me nightmares!

    I really want to see Asteroid City, too!!! I love Wes Anderson. I think I've seen all his movies, and I would've gone with you to see it! I was outvoted and we went to see The Sound of Freedom during the Independence Day holiday, and it broke my heart.

    How long will you stay at the lake? For the rest of the summer? Are you taking any art workshops while you're there?


  65. Those strawberries look scrumptious :)

    Sorry about your trip to London ... the London puzzle looks a good one though.

    All the best Jan

  66. it sounds delightfully relaxing where you are. Love that watercolour and ink art of yours!

  67. Sorry to read you must postpone your trip to England, but it may be for the best considering you are just getting your back in order.

    That puzzle looks daunting. I played WORDLE with my friend Scott the first time in a restaurant. He is MUCH better at it than I.

    LOVE your paintings. They are amazing.

    Sorry to read about your neighbor Jim. You suspected last year he was going to sell, but now it looks obvious. Let's hope it's someone who is responsible.

    LOVE the sunset and love seeing Lizzie settling in.

  68. Life at the lake looks wonderful.

  69. Hi Jeanie, I'm sorry your fall trip to London is postponed, I know and it's so disappointing. Hopefully you will reschedule soon. Love the painting, the colors are gorgeous, great job too. It always feels good to get our walks in so I'm glad to know your back and hip are better. I have some of those same problems, not fun! I usually get up very early on Saturday and enjoy roaming our farmer's market. We have two, sometimes I try to go to both. I enjoy seeing all the fresh vegetables and arts and crafts. I have a hard time not bringing home fresh baked cakes and pies. Hope you are enjoying the summer.........


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