The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Postcards from the Lake -- Finally!

As I begin writing this, it's my first evening at the lake. Finally. Between appointments and physical therapy, along with a couple of fun weekend things that kept me home, I hadn't been here once. It's good to be back.

It's a bit bittersweet this time, though. Rick isn't here -- he's volunteering for a camp for blind kids this weekend of July 4 and then riding back home with his friend Nino. Then he'll ride up here and should arrive by the weekend or next Monday. Add to that, my cousins David and Bonnie aren't here this weekend, either. They're often here for the fourth and I miss them.

My car was loaded. There's a cat in there somewhere, and clothing for the whole summer, enough books to start a small library and plenty of art supplies.

In the trunk, drinking water (the cottage water is loaded with iron and doesn't taste that great) and many plants -- mostly basil and herbs but lots of geraniums as well. It's a good thing Rick wasn't driving up with me. There was no room for his bike!

I wish I could say it was quiet -- the July 4 weekend never is quiet. But the weather is lovely and the air quality much improved from home. I still smell smoke but I can't quite tell if it's from the Canadian fires or from campfires.  Lizzie finally came out of the linen closet, where she hunkered down for about four hours after we got here.

But I'm here. At the lake. The sun is coming down and it's quite lovely. Soon the boats will head home and hopefully the fireworks won't start tonight. Between the fire worry and Lizzie (she'll be back in the linen closet in no time) it's my least favorite weekend of the year. 

That said, it'll be over soon. And I'll love it! 

Day 2 -- July 1

During the day we were anticipating the evening's scheduled fireworks show, which is shot off on the lake right across from the cottage. *This photo is from last year!) Boats begin to congregate in the water around 9:30 or so and they begin as soon as it is dark, around 10:15. It was a long wait....but more on that in a minute.

Earlier in the day I had a good swim, my first of the year. The water and kicking is good for my back but I could tell I hadn't done it in a long while. While swimming I stopped to talk to neighbor Jim who is still here (best neighbor ever!). I bemoaned my sad and weedy beach and he promised to take his tractor to it later this week or next. Well, I looked out this morning (day 4) and there he was -- hard at it. Like I said, best neighbor. And still here.


Then I did a bit of painting, finishing a couple of tutorials I started at home -- "Cats on Heads" with Terry Runyon and a fun building one with Astrid of @urbananna20.

The second was my favorite. I love doing buildings.

In the afternoon, the annual  holiday boat parade passed by. There weren't many participants this year but I had to note the boat saluting Michigan State....

....and, to be fair, the one that was all about University of Michigan! 

BAD neighbor two doors down is shooting off LOUD and very big fireworks -- and it doesn't appear to be from the beach. It's so dry here -- it's scary.

Day Three -- July 3

Well, the scheduled fireworks didn't happen. Apparently, the barge they were on in the lake sank with them all on there. Someone will be paying big for that one. But the Louds (BAD Neighbor -- that's what we call them) were still blowing off theirs. Around 11:30 it stopped, Lizzie and I hit bed and she was snugging tightly. I turned over and through the curtains saw flashing lights next door. (In-Between neighbor). This is what I saw when I looked over the fence.

There were at least six firetrucks and an EMT vehicle. (I couldn't fit them all into a photo, there were so many.) I went out to see if I should pack up and get out but the fireman assured me all was well, that someone had reported flames from the roof but it was all right now. Still, they were there till 1 a.m. going in and out of the house. Needless to say, I didn't rest well all night. I wonder if there will be words between the Louds and In-Between Neighbor today. (This morning I noticed a tarp of some type on the roof, which must be where the fire landed.)

In the afternoon I headed north to Petoskey for the Camster's birthday party at Kevin's mom's house, There were presents, cake, a cookout, and quite possibly the best attraction -- watching with baited breath as our little guys were pushed higher and higher into the swing!

They loved it. Molly and me? Not so much -- I think we both envisioned broken branches and a hard fall. It was fun to watch -- but I was glad when they started swinging a little lower!


It was a jolly occasion and my little transformer Bumblebee was a happy boy.

I was happy, too! Sweet dreams!

A quick note -- Blogger seem to periodically not send me moderation requests so I am slow getting your posts up but each and every one will be. I've fixed the contact address (twice). Makes it hard for direct replying to you, so unless you ask a question or similar, I might take some time off from direct replying. But please know each and every comment is valued and appreciated!

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  1. I'm amazed that it is lake time again for you. Where did the time go? Have a wonderful time and hopefully you won't be bothered by any more fireworks.

  2. Hello Jeanie,

    I am glad Lizzie relaxed and came out from hiding. Your sunset image is gorgeous. Your bad neighbor is really bad, he is lucky his whole house did not burn down. I love your sketches, the Fleur and the cat hats are both wonderful. It is nice you have a NIC neighbor helping you. The grandkids are swinging high, looks fun. Curacao April 2012,

  3. So glad to hear you made it to the lake! And here's hoping that the Bads have learned a lesson and the rest of your summer is filled with serenity, inspiration, and creative bliss. Best, anno

  4. Glad you and Lizie and all those plants made it there safely. What a scare with the fire! I always worry about fires and injuries over the 4th, too.

    Love the picture of you and the transformer bumblebee!! And your paintings, too.

    I have troubles with Blogger lately. There are times I almost feel like giving up if it weren't for the wonderful blog family I would dearly miss. I do understand. They have made it harder and harder for us all to keep in touch. I will keep posting and trying, too. :) :)

  5. Very glad there wasn't serious fires there. Reading about your time at the cottage is a summer special.
    That swing is seriously high! Looks like lots if fun though. Any room for a zip line?

  6. You made it to the lake! I know how much you like being here, and it's always a treat to see the happenings around you, nature at its best, like that wonderful sunset. I'm glad you have your painting and books to keep you busy as well. Yes, it seems that the fireworks went off in this town over the weekend, and not actually on the 4th. The little guys are having a blast on the swings - those are neat! And that last picture looks so peaceful. Such a lovely place to be in the Summer months, Jeanie. I look forward to seeing more of time here.


  7. Ugh, I just went through the same issue with comments. What in the world!! Why does this have to be so hard!!

    I am glad you are finally at the lake although the first few nights do not sound very restful with all of the stress around the fires! yeesh.

  8. Our lake was crazy too-started being busy thursday and more busy each day til the 4th, fireworks from the neighbors every night as well-last night I finally had my fill of fireworks as it lasted past midnight.
    glad you have an awesome neighbor-we were lucky to get good neighbors on both sides of us.
    enjoy your summer at the lake-hugs

  9. I can’t feel too sorry for the Louds. The word, schadenfreude, comes to mind. Whoops just went back and read that the other neighbour got the brunt of it.

  10. I was wondering when you would go up to the lake and am glad that you're there. Scary about the fireworks causing fire - this is exactly why private fireworks are not allowed where I live, but of course there are always BAD neighbors who disregard anything and fire them of nonetheless. I always have a bad feeling around the Fourth of July. Once you have experienced a couple wildfires, you will be able to tell campfire smoke from wildfire smoke; they smell quite differently.

  11. You got a jampacked week with festivity and activity! What a great last couple of days!

  12. It looks great and exciting to be back at the lake. I had to smile at your car. I get it though. I'd be the same way. And you must be so excited to get back there too. Enjoy! Hugs-Erika

  13. My goodness, Jeanie, why do folks send off fireworks when it's dry! I'm so sorry that your neighbor had to pay big time I'm sure. In spite of it all you are in your happy place. Your nice neighbor will make up for the others, I'm sure. Darling photos of the boys, but that swinging scared me. Darling photo of the two of you. Have a wonderful time with your art and beautiful lake and of course, Lizzie!

  14. It looks so relaxing there!

    Uh...except for the excitement with the flashing lights!

    That swing seems to be breaking the laws of physics...

  15. Setting off loud fireworks on July 4th is not extraordinarily obnoxious, just garden-variety obnoxious. Setting your neighbor's house on fire: that's something else!!
    Have a great time at the lake now that (at least I hope) things are a bit quieter.
    best, mae at

  16. HOORAY back at the lake, my favorite time! your photos are splendid I love "Fleur" and I love the bumble bee and the last photo is so cosy and fabulous, inviting.
    Glad you are there , now i can relax!
    Glad that the worst holiday ever is over and done with, I hope , there seem to be a few stranglers that pop off occasionally.

  17. The trunk full of plants was delightful. We live inland in California, east of Camp Pendelton. Our 4th was quiet, we ate at our daughter's house.

  18. Jeanie,
    Glad to hear that you are up at the lake...It is your happy place... I am always amazed at your artistic talent...Lovely paintings..I hope to create more time to read this Summer... We will see...Thanks so much for all your visits!!

  19. I'm glad you made it to the lake and hope you had some relaxing moments in between the scarier ones caused by the stray firework fire and the noise from them. You have a good neighbour there. Take care Jeanie.

    1. * eg Neighbour Jim with his tractor who clears the weeds on the beach.

  20. Neighbours like that are such a problem.

  21. No need tonreply to me Jeannie. I'm glad you made it safely, and that the 4th is past! We have a BAD neighbor also (several doors down, thank goodness), but their fireworks seemed longer than the city's. They are BAD year round, for various reasons.
    Those boys and that swing - scary!!
    Love your artwork and look forward to more postcards from the lake. Enjoy that water therapy.

  22. Wow, all those fire trucks, I hope the bad neighbor got a citation! The lake view is lovely. I hope you can get some quiet time. I'm reading a book right now set in Petoskey, so I was surprised to see that name in your post!

  23. I'm glad you're safely up there and that the fireworks are over. Now I can enjoy your lake posts - looking forward to your art camp post.

  24. It’s that time of year again. Seems that we travel north with you every year, Jeanie. Be patient and Rick will arrive sooner or later. As for fireworks, the time to ban them has long since passed, but a I doubt that it will ever happen. The air is depressingly poor already due to the northern part of the continent incinerating trees and wildlife without an end in sight, and to add further noise and chemical pollution seems more than idiotic. Then again, far too many humans are!

  25. A BIG WOW on your car-pic!!!
    Love your FLEUR-shop.
    Sorry about the bad and likely also dumb neighbor...
    OMG, that swing... scary..
    Oh, another hiccup by blogger. No surprise...

  26. I am so glad you are back at the lake and your cabin. I love that you have this time to refuel right in that very spot. Oh those "bad neighbors"!!!! I hope they were able to be kind to the neighbors between and resolve the roof fire issue. Sad the barge with all the fireworks sunk in the lake. Oh how wonderful to have a swim and time to paint. I love your houses too. Really I must find some tutorials. Guess I could find them on YouTube. Happy summer days!!!

  27. Fires are a scary thought. I'm glad your neighbor's house didn't burn down and no one was injured. Enjoy yourself - say hello to the birds and other critters. Take walks, paint, read, and relax. Have a beautiful summer.

  28. I feel like you were just AT the lake. Time flies, I guess, right?! I LOVE your "cats on heads"!!! And that's scary about your neighbors and the fire on the roof. I hope the bad neighbors have insurance so the good ones can claim against it, rather than their own policy!

  29. t seems as though you were just packing up for the winter..Time sure flies..So sorry about your neighbors roof..Had to be from the fireworks..Love your paintings..I too, like to paint buildings..
    Blogger is always messing up..Regularly there are times when peoples comments don't come to my email which makes answering them a challenge..I think you helped me with that problem not to long go..Thanks..I don't remember what we did but I'm sure it will happen again..Have a good weekend.

  30. Glad you are back at your cottage home - enjoy. Hope LOUD and nasty neighbour moves away. Have fun painting, reading, do what you like. Hugs, Valerie

  31. Enjoy your time at the lake!
    And congrats on your painting, I love your paintings of buildings. I am sure you are aware of this book right? So gorgeous, a bit in your style:

  32. I'm so glad you're back at the lake! I laughed and laughed at your car. It reminded me of what mine looks like when it's time for hurricane evacuation. I always grin when I remember the days when I evacuated with both Dixie Rose and my mother -- Mom always grumped that there was more cat stuff in the car than her stuff. She might have been right!

    We've had enough rain that fireworks weren't as scary as they can be, and to be honest, there seemed to be far fewer this year, apart from the formal shows. There were fewer sellers, too. Everyone seems to think that the bad economy is the reason. Plenty of people have scads of money, but those without scads still are scrimping.

    I just looked out to my feeders, and saw a male cardinal feeding a female. It looks like there might be a second brood this year!

  33. Good that you made it to the lake by yourself and that was a close call from your Loud neighbor. Glad you’re ok. Just wondering, looking at the full car load of goods, how long did u have to drive from your home to your cabin? Any stops in between?

  34. How wonderful to be back at the lake, looks great. You will have time for reading and painting. Happy 4th of July, in spite of scary fireworks. I don't really know why people are so fascinated by fireworks. I find them rather boring. Not to talk about injuries to people, how much they cost and cannot be good for the environment, I imagine.
    Enjoy your summer.

  35. Happy July! I'm so glad to see that you are at the lake house again, Jeanie! I know it is your happy place. I hope you have a wonderful summer there --although it started off with a fire scare I hope it will be quit and peaceful and fun from now on. I have been busy with grandkids' activities and gardening and trying to get some reading done. We continue to have cool and rainy weather but I like it better than hot and dry.

  36. It's lovely that you made it to the lake, Jeanie. The picture of you and your little transformer bumblebee is darling. I hope your neighbor's home wasn't too badly damaged by the fireworks. Jim sounds like a wonderful neighbor to have. Your poor kitty. The 4th is often hard on pets, and traveling can be stressful too. I laughed when I saw your car. I've made trips like that. And I loved seeing your sweet peas. I'll get my sweet pea fix in Nova Scotia in a couple of weeks. I've been having issues with replying to comments on my bog today. Argh! Enjoy your summer!

  37. OH my goodness. All kinds of excitement. I've never seen a swing go that high.

  38. Welcome back to your happy place, Jeanie! Wow, that is scary about the house fire! I'm glad good neighbor Jim is still there, that Rick will arrive soon, and that you've already got a bit of painting in!

  39. Yay! You made it to the Lake!
    The photos of the little boys on the swing were perfectly captured AND terrifying at the same time.
    I'm glad the Fourth's fireworks are over, and so sorry your Lake time is overshadowed by BAD Neighbors. The sunset photo was lovely, but the last shot, the moonlight through the pines, and a dark house with one lit window was just poetry! Paint that one!


  40. I hate LOUDS.I fear one neighbour will move sooner than later and LOUDS will move in:(Love your Fleur shop..I missed that demo:(Cutie Littles:)

  41. sounds like a wonderful place to be for the summer. the firework situation with the neighbors sounds irresponsible on their part. I hear you with the kids and the swings. I get nervous too! Your paintings are beautiful. Enjoy.

  42. Fun at the lake-how sweet! I like your drawings of the cats on heads and the building. You must have had fun doing it. House fires are scary, glad it didn't spread to your house. Take care and enjoy the lake.

  43. Fireworks and firesmoke are not my cup of tea. Far from it!
    Having said that, I'm glad you've made it for the lake cottage and area. That's summer for you, and you should make the best of it.

  44. I laughed when I saw the photos of your car. Ours looked just like that each summer when we opened our cottage in Maine. Karen (Back Road Journal)

  45. Does Lizzie fair in car rides. I know my kitties hate car rides. That boat parade looks fun! I use to go to our lighted ones, but sine covid they have stopped them. Janice

  46. Glad you're back in your happy place! And also that you're not actually next to the Louds. (Wonder if the scare will make them change their ways a bit? Can always hope🙏). So glad Jim is still there and Rick will be there soon!

  47. Looks like you are all ready for lake time. :) You sure were able to pack a lot of stuff- including plants. What an awesome neighbor you have- so wonderful he was able to help you! I can't believe that fire. Yikes. Glad you are getting in some swimming. Hope you have a fun weekend!

  48. Goodness! Your car looks full!
    So pleased you are now at the lake and managed to do some swimming.
    Not long and Rick will be joining you.

    All the best Jan

  49. I am so happy you are back at your beloved lake cottage. Jim is a wonderful neighbor, and is so helpful. Oh my, that fire is so frightening. Enjoy your time reading and painting, Jeanie!

  50. Glad you're back enjoying the lake Jeanie, and you need to bake a treat for your sweet neighbor or even better, paint him a picture! Sorry about the fireworks, the fires were scary! The boys are growing up, so nice they're close enough to visit. Have a good week~

  51. That sweet pea arrangement is awfully pretty.

  52. I love your posts from the lake

  53. I love your paintings, especially the one of the shop front. Beautiful!

  54. Oh the boys that high on the swing would have had me a little panicky as well.
    Yay to the good neighbor and yikes on the bad. Thankfully the fire was contained. Good you got your swim in..

  55. Wow.... those pictures of pushing higher and higher into the swing..... almost defying gravity.

  56. Oh, forgot to mention, we wound up our north trip and am back in Chicago.

  57. Ypur July seems to be starting off nicely. I think most of us get tired of fireworks that last through the night. Fantastic swing! I think I could be pursuaded to fly up there in it :) Love all the photos.

  58. Jeanie,
    Thanks again for you visit!!
    I hope you had a great weekend!!

  59. Personal fireworks are illegal in our city but people shoot them off anyway. SO many fires on the 4th, so scary. Glad your neighbors weren't hurt and the fire didn't spread! Seeing the swing that high makes me nervous! Oh my! I can just imagine their laughter though! Glad they had fun.

  60. What a fun time with the kids!!! I'm sorry the idiots two doors down can't respect anyone and are so selfish... I was always worried in California with how dry it was there (the entire state) when people would fire off bottle rockets and other fireworks each year. There we had tile rooves but here we have asphalt shingle and it will burn. Denton doesn't allow fireworks and thankfully, no issues this year! :) So glad you are at the lake for the summer!!! And God bless your neighbor for his tractor and wanting to help rake the beach. <3

    So happy to have shared your post at Share Your Style #395 this week,
    Big summertime hugs,
    Barb :)

  61. Dearest Jeanie, I spend a good minute admiring every single detail on your art! you really have a gift not just for making beautiful art but much more in choosing the the colors that will strike us with emotions and happiness!

  62. Laughed at how full your car was. Looks like you took half your home with you to the lake. My first cat, Dog, rode in the passenger seat. He had a leash which he walked on. Everyone said he lived up to his name and acted like a dog. He was not afraid of riding like most cats. He was a constant companion wherever I traveled. I know Lizzie is, too, but she apparently doesn't ride as well as Dog did.

    You have some terrible neighbors. I hope the Louds got a ticket.

    Poor Lizzie. I know how Bleubeard reacts to fireworks. They just gave us even more allowances for after hours home fireworks this year. Squiggles and I watched from the office which is above the garage. He was not the least bit scared and didn't run when the loud fireworks went off at midnight. I didn't see Bleubeard until the next morning.

    I bet you are glad the 4th is over. Those boys on that swing is a bit scary.

  63. Fourth of July and fireworks were never my favorite summer time celebration. A middle of the night fire would be so scary. Cute picture with the birthday boy!


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