The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Spring: Art, Big Birds, Little Birds, Lilacs, Art, Books and Royals

I went to a wonderful estate sale last month -- but it was also a sad one. The resident of the home was the dad of a high school friend of mine, former neighbor, church friend and friend of my parents. Although it was a different home than the ones they lived in when we were kids, my memory bank flashed back to the Christmases at their home and Lisa's wedding reception in the back yard. 

I wanted a remembrance of Rex -- something Christmas, of course. And I did get a small angel and small nutcracker (and a big elf!) What I didn't expect to find was a treasure trove of books -- the kinds of books I love to read. Biographies, history, and travel. (And I came home with a few!). But the real treasure was this.

Now, imagine a little girl in the 1920s or 30s, putting together a scrapbook of royal coronation moments. Glued onto each page are newspaper clippings of England's kings and queens -- George V, Edward VIII and George VI. Elizabeth is featured too, but in the clip she is only about ten or twelve. I loved this page on "suitable brides" for Edward VIII. None of them were women I've ever read about being associated with him! It's very sweet. I'm sure it must have been made by Lisa's mom who was a charming, vibrant woman and I can imagine her being a child who was as intrigued by the royals as I have always been.


A couple of things made me sad, too -- a few family portraits and a wedding picture of the parents, which may just have been left behind. And, a bridesmaids dress that most likely belonged to Lisa's sister. I knew that dress well -- I had one too and it was the prettiest bridesmaid dress I ever wore. I've thought about it more than once in the years since. I wish I'd taken a photo -- or could find the photo I had of us all in our pretty dresses!

Speaking of coronations (as I did above!), I watched the coronation of King Charles III at a hotel in Cleveland, where we attended that wedding I mentioned HERE. At the crack of dawn (before, actually) I turned on the hotel television (much to Rick's chagrin, though he slept through it) and watched the whole thing.  I doubt I will live long enough to see William come to the throne -- those Windsors live a long time! And I wasn't about to miss it!

From an earlier coronation!

My friend Carol also missed it as she was traveling. We always watch these things together and she recorded it so we will get together upon her return to do our usual tea-and-royal-occasions viewing. I'll be sure to take the exquisite Queen Mary/King George V plates that I received from a wonderful friend as an early birthday gift. (I'll show you those later -- they're great!) And maybe one of my coronation mugs from times past. I am ever, ever so grateful.

Our Jubilee Tea, April 2022. We'll do another and watch reruns!

Earlier this month, my friend Kate and I had a much needed and long-awaited art day. Is there anything more fun than spreading paints and creating in the company of others. (You might say yes -- Rick would. His happy place is the seat of a bike.) 

I've been doing art prompts and classes by Este MacLeod online. In one of them she gave us a palette of four shades of blue (some of which didn't photograph all that well here) and we come up with something. I was happy with this one! Working in monochrome is a challenge -- and fun.

I'm also did her Four Seasons "tree" class, which gives me a chance to add additional materials and techniques to my watercolor repertoire. This one is "Winter."

And this is "Spring." 

Here is the "Summer" tree.

And this is fall. 

I also did a baby card for new baby Aiden...

 ...and a portrait of my friend Jane's beautiful 1919 home as a thank you for the wonderful museum tickets.

The lilacs are out and as I write this, on the way out, the earlier blooms beginning to shrivel on the tree. My neighbor Rosie's lilacs are just outside the family room window and they smell fabulous!

She so generously let me cut some and they're bringing the loveliest fragrance to the house. I love it so that I will happily sniff and sneeze while they last.

And some good news -- Wrennie, the House Wren that has built nests in the Bird B&B in the past, is back! She and Mr. Wren have been hard at work bringing in sticks and bits of fluff.

I'm hoping to see babies fledge this year -- but I've always missed them before so no expectations! 

And here is a look at my pal, Harry, surveying his kingdom!

Rick returns from the lake this week -- he's been gone almost two weeks, doing what he calls his "cabin boy" tasks -- which included dealing with a broken water pipe, installing new flooring in the bathroom, along with a new toilet, wrangling roof issues and loads of cleaning. I'll be glad when he's back. Meanwhile, I continue my never-ending project of going through old photo albums and pulling photos, sending them to people after I scan some. I came across many from my old work days so I'll leave you with a laugh from a PBS meeting in days of yore.

Big Birds!


  1. Good morning, Jeanie. I loved reading this post, so many happy memories! They made me misty-eyed for simpler times. I watched the coronation thinking it would be the only one I would see in my life time. My sweet husband was totally uninterested. Wishing you a beauty-filled day!

  2. Rick has had his work cut out for him!

    I've never had lilacs, and I'm enjoying your photos and imagining the lovely scent.

    The idea of a tea like this to honor the occasion sounds (and looks) delightful :)

  3. I knew you'd have a great time with the coronation, being the Anglophile that you are! Love the lilacs. Great that your wrens are back. Our bluebird babies fledged while we were out of town, so I missed that. Love your art work!!

  4. I think you're amazing. What a great post. I love those colorful tree paintings, and that house you painted makes an ideal thank you gift. Enjoy Tea with your friend again. I think it will be fabulous!

  5. Jane's house painting is wonderful! Lots of great photos here and isn't it fun to go to a sale and find a kindred spirit collected something you do? What a treasure trove of books right up your alley.

  6. You must have had fun at meetings if there were birds. None of my countless meetings through the years were fun like that. BTW you also look adorable! Thanks for the catch-up. I feel like I know your home and neighborhood. Glad to see feathered friends have returned. Sound like your lake cottage will be ready when it warms up enough to go north. I look forward to your photos.

  7. Big birds is a photo to frame and hang in the dinning room, fabulous smile!
    That is a lot of work for Rick to do. When y'all visit the cabin, it feels like the beginning of blog summer.

  8. Oh, I love the royal connection. That would be fun. I missed having a coronation tea too. :(

  9. Your paintings are great, Jeanie. I love the different trees and the nice looking house. The first one with the water and boat is my favourite. Great creative work.

  10. Great pic of you and the birds. Very colorful. I have been doing a lot of reading lately. Nothing popular just some books I pick up here and there. I read a few pages before pulling up the covers and going to LALA Land!

  11. Oh Jeanie, there's so much to love about this post. I know what you mean about Estate sales. They are nice to visit, but sad in a way to hear about the owners. And this one must have hit home for you, with it being the dad of a high school friend of yours. You found many goodies to take home with you. The scrapbook is a thoughtful project made by a young girl. Isn't that something that you had the same bridesmaid dress? Your paintings are fantastic - all those trees! My heart did sing when I came to the Fall tree. The Spring tree I loved too. Was that house painting of the Estate sale you went to? The wren at the bird house is delightful, and a wonderful photo of you with all the birds! I can smell the lilacs from here. What a charming post this was to read this morning, Jeanie.


  12. Fun Post, Jeanie. I stll have my very tatty scrap book of Elizabeth's Coronation and of Charles and Anne when they were small. Love your water colours trees. Take care, hugs, Valerie

  13. It's so fun to go to estate sales and look through scrapbooks and old photos. Love that great photo of you and the big birds!

  14. What a joyful collection of seasonal trees! And I love the study in blues. But the card for Aidan is the best of all, so tender and playful. All your line work with ink is just lovely.

    So happy for the poignant discoveries at the estate sale. Treasure, for sure, and I'm glad for the memories these will always carry for you.

    That Jubilee Tea looks amazing!

    Glad to see you enjoying art projects and lilacs and beautiful, beautiful birds. Loved the picture from your days at PBS! Keeping a smile on with a bird's talons on your wrist (and on your head!) must have been a testimony to every bit of showbiz training in your background! I would have been terrified...

  15. Paul get a Ranger Rick magazine and this month there was a section on wading birds like herons, egrets and ibis. We've read the magazine 3 times! He's so into animals so really loves Ranger Rick. Reading it made me think of your heron friend! We used to regularly see a Heron on the creek but haven't seen him/her yet this season.

    I love seeing your fancy teas!!

  16. I stayed up to watch Charles and Diane's wedding, it was a part of history that I did not realize at the time. Thanks for your memories.

  17. Ahhhh you hit the nice mother-load of Royalty books! I am jealous as it looks like you found a few treasures in those books! I have a pretty large royalty collection of books but that scrapebook of articles a treasure!!! I got up at 4:30 AM to watch the coronation too. Yep, I probably will not see William crowned, as those Windsors are LONG LIVING, lol. So I truly didn't want to miss seeing HISTORY being made, as Charles was the longest serving Prince of Wales to inherit the throne. While he is not my favorite royal, I still wanted to see history and I wanted to see it 'live'. Oh I know you will be glad when Rick gets back.

    Dawn Pinnataro, Albany, GA

  18. Oh, Wrennie! I don't remember meeting her before and I'm so glad to now. <3 God bless her work. No birds are nesting in my birdhouse so far this spring...

  19. Fascinating post as usual, though I'm sorry you lost a friend. I love lilacs and the pictures of the birds made me smile. We took a pic like yours with the parrots at the bird sanctuary. Fun:)

  20. The trees you drew are so colourful and warm to look at. The Jubilee tea looks just fantastic

  21. YAY Harry is back! Towards dusk I now see the herons flying over our house. Am not a fan of pink but do love your pink painiting. Very pretty. Janice

  22. Yahoo to great estate sale finds, including the scrapbook and some reading books. Yahoo to having a coronation tea, even if it hasn't happened yet, and the same is true for lots of fun art time. And isn't it wonderful to see the world greening up and flowers blooming and birds nesting? Life looks pretty good on your end. Hugs-Erika

  23. A house sale from a recently lost friend sounds very sad to me. Good that you found some memories to cherish.
    best, mae at

  24. I love it all! Your fabulous artwork, the beautiful lilacs, baby birds coming, you with some gorgeous huge birds, and then there's Harry. :) :)

  25. I was interested to hear about the sale. I don't think they have those here except in big country estates where there'll be antiques to purchase or auctioned off. With your love of the royals you acquired some interesting books. It's sad when you know the folk and it must bring back memories of those past times. You have kept busy while Rick has been away at the lake. It's good that you both have different interests. Your painting sessions are a lovely way to relax.

  26. Hello Jeanie :=)
    What a treasure trove of books you found. I also collect biographies and would love to read the ones you have of the British Royal family. I caught a little bit of the Coronation on TV, it was actually the crowning of the now King Charles the 111 and the Queen Consort Camilla.
    What a great historical occasion, "Long Live The King"..
    It's nice if you can paint with a friend. I love the baby card, and your friends house, and the others are cheerful and colourful, and it's a wonderful hobby to enjoy.It's great that the wrens are making their nest in the nest box,and I hope they breed successfully.
    Are those real live birds in the picture of you smiling? It's a great photo.
    All the best Jeanie.

  27. Hello Jeanie,
    I love the photo of you with the big birds. Great shots of your Harry and the cute wren! Your art work is lovely, my favorite is the shades of blue. Your lilacs are gorgeous. Take care, enjoy your day and the weekend ahead.

  28. Quite the melancholy moment at the estate sale. I bet that was hard. Love the pictures of you and the birds!

  29. I love that picture! your painting is wonderful as always and what fun to create with another. your cabin will be all clean and sparking for your return lucky you. I did not watch the coronation either as I had to work. I would love to live long enough to see William on the throne.
    enjoy the last of the lilacs.

  30. Jeanie, will keep it short. so blessed that you so lovingly share your life your heart, and adventures with all of us. this post was so interesting and loved looking at all your pictures. I can smell the scent of lilacs all the way here to New Mexico. Ahhh your art times are so inspiring to me. your color use has grown by leaps and bounds. give my best to Kate. I am so guilty of putting her calendar art in corners of my home to enjoy her artistic talent.
    Keep your great posts coming our way!

  31. Estate sales when you know the person..always tug at one's heart.Your artwork:) Particularly that study in blue..great work!
    I miss the days I painted with a friend..

  32. What a great book find and pretty Royal scrap book that reminded me of my own Diana scrap book that I started as soon as she became Charles girlfriend until her death.
    Your water colours are so pretty, love the house specially.
    Enjoy your coronation tea-party with your friend.

  33. What a touching sale to attend. I can tell there were many memories stirred up from being there. Great books and the royal pictures were amazing.
    I loved, loved your art. I would have enjoyed that tree class. I just never get around to taking art classes, but it would be fun and beneficial I know.
    The picture of Harry was beautiful. Hoping you see the little ones come from the wren box. Oh and lilacs in the house, swoon! I wish they lasted longer. Hugs~

  34. Love your blog, all of it! Trees are wonderful. I love love lilacs! I had a big bush out side of my bedroom window. I had lilac aromas for 2 weeks. ❤️. Rick must be a Jack of all trades, so to speak…. Nice he can do all of those repairs.
    A fun bird photo😁. Hope you are well. Love, Pat

  35. I am quite sure, Jeanie, that you are more of an anglophile that most English, and more of a monarchist than many. Time to move there! I have several English friends, fellow birders of course, all of whom are either neutral on the monarchy or opposed to it, but they are united in the belief that it is doomed to be replaced and that Charles is the last king. Only time will tell, I suppose.

  36. Fun post Jeanie...Love your trees...Lilacs!!! I always steal them and Peonies every spring..My house smalls wonderful..a bit of sneezing goes along with them..
    My Wrens are around but not nesting here...yet..
    I have 2 birdhouses that they used last year..They hang from my gutters so are very visible..Fun to watch them fledge last year..
    Great shot of Harry..
    Have a wonderful Holiday weekend..

  37. Jeanie, What wonderful finds at the estate sale! The scrapbook sounds amazing and Im sure it means a lot to you because of who it belonged to. I just finished The Devil in the White City and I’m including it in my next blog on my favorite reads. I loved this blog post you wrote with so much of your great art and your feathered friends.

  38. Looks like you are having a marvelous much fun to share and memories, too. There's nothing wrong with looking back with smiles or tears, Hugs, Sandi

  39. That certainly was a sad estate sale, but it's great that you found some wonderful things to bring back home with you. I really enjoyed seeing your paintings, they are beautiful! The blue monochromatic painting made me smile. I just wrote about a few of my monochromatic paintings as well and one of them is blue too. Great to "meet" another fellow watercolor artist.


  40. My sisters and I always find any estate sale bittersweet, esp when family photos are left behind. It's also a bit sad to often see the life history of a once vibrant person through their furnishings and collections, and then their end of life stage with all the equipment such as lift chairs, walkers, wheelchairs, etc.
    Your finds are so interesting, esp that scrapbook! Your artwork is always enjoyable, as are the observations of nature. Good for the wrens! And how nice, Rick taking care of the cottage maintenance. It won't be long before you're enjoying art there!

  41. what a great photo of you and the birds. Yep the English really know how to do pomp and circumstance. Love that sketch of your friend Jane's house.

  42. That scrapbook is so sweet. I can see why estate sales are a bit sad. xx

  43. Such a very happy post, I LOVE your art and that pic of you! :-)
    To a happy weekend (sorry I´m late again!)

  44. What a fun post, Jeanie! I watched bits and pieces of the coronation and enjoyed it all thoroughly.
    How bittersweet to attend the estate sale of your friend's dad. Lots of memories flooded back, I'm sure.
    Your art is lovely. I like to paint, too, but it seems to be the thing that gets pushed back first as there are so many other things to do. You've inspired me to get my paints out where I can see them and use them frequently.

  45. Sounds like some wonderful treasures, even if it was sad to know the people are now gone.

    Glad you've been doing some painting and enjoying birds and blooms.

    It won't be long before you get to go to the cottage too. Bet you're eagerly anticipating it.

  46. Thank you for your wonderful contribution, colorfully mixed.
    What a pleasure to receive these treasures, much joy for you.
    I was very fortunate to be able to watch the entire coronation on Charles with TV.
    Your drawings are the trees.
    greetings to you

  47. Great books. I love to read about royalty. And beautiful flowers.

  48. I was completely taken with your four-blues painting of the lake with the umbrella and boats. That really is splendid. Looking at that spread of watercolors on your table, I just laughed. I wouldn't have the slightest idea how to begin using them. You certainly do, so I'll just sit around and admire your work!

  49. The house looks very pretty--professional?

  50. oh I'm loving these vintage Coronation treasures! my sister and I enjoyed the Coronation with our grandmother's tea china and lovely little treats.

  51. Such a fun post, Jeanie.

    Love your beautiful paintings and the photo of you with the parrots.

    Hugs and blessings

  52. Wyatt would agree with you about painting. It's his favorite thing to do, and he often asks first thing in the morning if we are going to paint that day. Lol.

    I love your work, especially your friend's house.

    That estate sale must have been an emotional one to walk through. I am glad you found some mementoes and surprises.

  53. Sorry to take so long visiting, after you have visited me so often. I LOVE this post, Jeanie. Sad about the friend who died, but OH all those books. Just wonderful. You scored big time. I created a Queens and Kings altered book for a friend after she gave me all the kings, queens, queen consorts, etc. starting in 1066. You can see the entire book if you click on it on my right sidebar.

    Your monochromatic painting is beautiful and so are all those trees.

    Sorry Rick got stuck with all those plumbing issues.

    A woman after my own heart. I strongly support my PBS station. Love you and the birds.

  54. What an amazing post! Loved everything in it

  55. I have that book, The Prince of Wales. A dear aunt gifted it to me for my 30th birthday many (many!) years ago.
    Ohhh, Jeanie, an art day sounds wonderful!
    Your monochrome design is terrific, and the one of Jane's house... WOW!!
    Such beautiful lilacs, my favorite! Their beautiful blooms and fragrance will always remind me of childhood and my parents.
    What a FUN photo with the birds!

  56. Admittedly, Jeanie, this post started out on a bittersweet note, but then it brought back many memories for you as well and thanks for sharing here. That scrapbook was amazing to see as well. I watched only bits and pieces of the recent coronations, but the pageantry was amazing and so colorful! I hope that you and your friend, Carol, will be able to get together for a belated Jubilee Tea in 2023. It does look like you and Kate had quite the fun art day and I enjoyed seeing your recent paintings as well. Kudos to Rick for all his work on the cottage and sure you will be so happy to get there.

  57. Having just enjoyed a fabulous spring bank holiday weekend, the weather has been wonderfully sunny ... this evening I sat down and enjoyed some blog visits :)

    This is such a lovely post, although the start was a little sad, but there was so much to see and enjoy.
    So pleased that the wrens are back and always good to see Harry.
    The lilac is beautiful, I can smell it from here :)

    It will be lovely to have Rick back.

    Enjoy the remainder of May, hard to believe it will be June on Thursday!

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  58. I watched parts of the ceremony, very extravagant! I can't imagine living the restricted life of the royals, so many obligations! I enjoyed seeing your recent paintings, the monochromatic one is great, love the seasonal trees and wonderful job on the house portrait! when will you be going to the lake? Love the last photo with the beautiful birds!

  59. Lots of beautiful photos! The shot of your 2022 tea was terrific, what a good idea to be looking directly down at the table. It is always sad to see stuff that belonged to loved ones and good friends being cleared out. I'm glad you got some souvenirs and found that wonderful scrapbook! I love scrapbooks and have a small collection, as well as my great grandmother's scrapbook which is most fun of all because it contains info on our family. I have to say the spread of paints waiting to be used looks so tempting. I am trying hard to find time to get back to it. I keep thinking I am nearly there when something happens that I have to deal with instead. Thanks for such an interesting post.

  60. That last image is hilarious - and I like it! You and the big birds. What are you wearing? It looks like something with photos on it???
    I love the scent of lilacs as well and understand that you want to enjoy that as long as you can, even if it makes you sneeze.
    An art date with a friend sounds good to me. You created some lovely watercolors.
    Sorry I'm late again - it seems I'll never get back to "normal".

  61. Forgive me for being so behind in my reading, Jeannie. I was away in Barcelona, and, also,life has been challenging these days. I always enjoy your art, and I can't imagine a more special gift then a painting of your friend's house. Love that last photo!


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