The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

More From Cleveland -- Art, Food and Family!

When last we left our happy travelers, we had wrapped up the Tudors at the Cleveland Art Museum. But there was much more to see and we were going to see it! So, here is some of the art that I really loved! This is an airy portrait by James Tissot.

We all know Monet painted lots of things like this...

But this one, called "The Red Kerchief," (1868-70 and an oil on fabric) rather surprised me!

And we are used to Renoir doing this...

 But not this style! Painted in 1864, it is possibly his earliest signed canvas and reflects his early training as a porcelain painter in Limoges.

And we've all see Degas' ballet dancers...

 -- but have you seen his horses?

I loved the energy of this portrait of Rubens' wife. She was often a model for his paintings. She looks fun!

And I've always been a fan of Modigliani's fairly flat and long-necked portraits.

Van Gogh is always something worth checking out closely!

While I'm not a huge contemporary art fan, I loved this piece by George Braque, done in 1930.

And this Picasso made me smile! Picasso doesn't usually make me smile.

There was a good deal of medieval art. I found this mounted knight impressive.

And I also enjoyed the religious work from the Byzantine period.

But then there was Art Deco, another favorite period....

.... Art Nouveau and Tiffany....

... And American Art. This piece of the Maine coast was done in 1907 by Rockwell Kent.

We also caught a bit of the Egyptian Fashion exhibit.

All that walking around gets tiring -- and pretty tough for a woman who is having a hard time walking! So, before we left, we took a few minutes to sit on the steps and enjoy the view. The weather was perfect!

Then it was off to dinner at a delightful Italian restaurant in Little Italy called Etna. We were lucky. We didn't have a reservation and got there right as it opened. It was a good thing. We got the only unreserved table and within minutes it was packed!

Our appetizer was artichokes, olives, soprasetta, cheese and sundried tomatoes.

We followed that with pasta dishes -- Putanesca for me and tortellini for Rick. 

We slept well that night! And the next morning I was up at 5 to watch the Coronation, which Rick slept through! Then it was off to visit Cousin Jeff and Lauren and meet our newest family member!

Say hello to Aiden! Isn't he adorable?

And that evening we joined with extended family for a happy occasion...

...the wedding of Linda and Farzad!

Linda is my cousin's niece and we were delighted to be included for the wedding and beautiful reception.

So, here is to family, art, good food, great times -- and many good wishes for more of all in the future!

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  1. What a marvelous post! So full of life and great art. And Aidan blowing us all away with his rockin' socks!

  2. THat must have been a wonderful visit -- the new baby is truly adorable.
    best, mae at

  3. A great time indeed! Thanks so much for sharing, Jeanie.

  4. That was so much fun! thank you!!!

  5. What a fabulous little trip you had. I never think of art when I think of Cleveland, but I now need to revise my thinking. Boy you saw some amazing pieces. And ate some great looking food (it's making me hungry). Aiden is so tiny, but we all know he won't be so tiny for long. And it looks like a lovely wedding too. I bet even though you were tired walking around and needed some feet up time, it was all worth it. Thanks for sharing. hugs-Erika (PS - my pickled lemons had their second stir today. The rines are definitely getting softer. I can't wait to try them.)

  6. Oh my! I didn't anything could have topped the Tudors -- but a beautiful wedding, an adorable newborn, and all that beautiful art as well? You're definitely making up for lost [COVID] time...

  7. The photo of you and Rick in the sunshine is a favorite! Aiden is adorable! Beautiful bride and groom. I am glad y'all had a good time. I will dream about that appetizer.

  8. Fabulous post! I enjoyed all of the art very much especially, your dinner sounds and looks so delicious. sweet little baby, and new marriage-

  9. A gorgeous exhibition. A great smile from you two too.

  10. What a great post! All the various artwork was fascinating. The food looks delicious. Aiden is just the cutest!! All the family...priceless. Looks like a wonderful time. Have a sweet week, Jeanie! :)

  11. Renoir's girl captivates me! I like the way you showed the familiar contrasted with the surprise paintings.

    So glad you were able to walk around the museum and also enjoy your family events!

  12. This is a very fun post. Thanks for taking us along on your museum visit! The dinner looks so delicious and How nice to see family and attend the wedding.

  13. The first one is stunning!! And "The Red Kerchief", big WOW. All the details, some of the paintings really look like photographs.
    I have a "little Einstein"-calendar and just the other day there was an article on knights - those armors for men did weigh 30-50kg, I don´t wanna know... oh, those poor horses!!!!
    Beautiful lamps.
    And the happy pic of you two :-)
    Yummy food and such a cute sleepy one!
    To family!

  14. I can see you both enjoyed looking around the art gallery and museum where there were wonderful exhibitions taking place. Thank you for sharing in such an entertaining way. Good food and company made your trip very special.

  15. Beautiful art and food, but baby Aiden stole the show for me, what a cuty, bless him! Hugs, Valerie

  16. Each and every painting displayed in this post is worth contemplating and enjoying.
    Great art, warm family visits , and good food combine into a day well spent.

  17. Art galleries are exciting places to visit, and one is always left anxious to return. The antipasto plate looks so good I think I would have ordered two of those and skipped the pasta!

  18. Your knowledge and appreciation of art is quite impressive.

  19. So much happiness in one trip!! Congrats to the newly married couple, and congrats to the family on the new baby! He is adorable!!!!!

  20. I love the variety of those pieces and your highlighting of the variety of style and subject for the artists.

    Such happy faces!

  21. Great museum collection.
    You two are adorable 😍

  22. I absolutely love that portrait by James Tissot! I'll have to look him up, I don't think I've ever seen his work before. The Degas horses I have loved for years and thanks for reminding me of why. Also love the photo of you and Rick. Your hair is different? Very cute either way. Glad you had a good time on your mini trip and at the wedding.

  23. What a nice vacation you had! Just love that Art Deco piece and those beautiful Tiffany lamps. Wouldn't mind buying the art and lamps for my home. That meal at the Italian restaurant looked delicious. And the bride and groom looked gorgeous. What's not to like about this entire experience?

  24. What a great little getaway for you two. That museum looked amazing!! That's impressive for a smaller city like Cleveland! I wouldn't expect to see that kind of collection unless I was in a really huge city!

    That new baby is so adorable and snuggly. And a wedding, too! fun!

  25. And more great art! And a very busy rest of your trip too. Also, the art and history museums in Buffalo, NY are also really really good - I know of them because my Dad was from Buffalo and we went back OFTEN to visit family there thru the years. We always went to the museums at least once a year during our trips back because I was and still am a lover of arty stuff and a big history buff (as was my Dad). And that baby is a little doll!
    Dawn Pinnataro - Albany, GA

  26. Aiden is adorable! Congratulations to the newlyweds!! Jeanie, I enjoyed the beautiful art and thank you for taking me along!

    Pam @Everyday Living
    I am not sure why it is showing anonymous.

  27. What a delightful post, Jeanie. So many good things happening here. First, that art museum had a lot of paintings that I appreciate also. I especially liked the young girl with the red flowers and the mountain scene with snow. I have seen some of the religious art at the Greek Orthodox Church where they have the Greek festival each year. I actually bought a beautiful piece with carved wood for myself at one time. And the Egyptian fashion exhibit would have interested me as well. My mom loved the Egyptian culture, and one day at 70 years old she said, I'm going to Egypt.....and she did! Your Italian dinner looks delicious, and you can never go wrong with Italian, it's the best food. So glad you got right in too and didn't have a wait. What a lovely wedding couple. And welcome to the world little Aiden. : )


  28. What a wonderful time you had - beautiful art, delicious food, lovely family - what else do you want? This was perfect for your first trip since the pandemic.

  29. I really enjoyed that, Jeanie! What a great adventure.

  30. Beautiful art! There's one or two works by Broque at our gallery.

  31. My heart went pitter patter at those gorgeous paintings! Congrats to the happy couple and and the new edition What a cutie. Janice

  32. Wow what a wonderful time you had! The artwork amazing a lovely way to spend some time. The food delicious and a new baby darling. Time with family at a beautiful wedding to top it off.
    Thank you for taking us along.

  33. so many fab photos here Jeanie. Love that Tissot and the family photos, and what a lovely shot of the two of you in the sun!!

  34. What a glorious time you had!

    The art at the museum was incredible, and then you got to enjoy family time, too!

  35. When I lived in Michigan, I always meant to come down to Cleveland to see the museums and other attractions. Thanks for helping me see it vicariously. Lovely art but being with family is really the best. I'm glad you're out and enjoying yourself.

  36. Beautiful collection of lovely paintings and art work. It is wonderful to see the new baby and a new happy wedded couple. Take care, enjoy your day!

  37. Love, love all the art. Have not seen the red kerchief painting before.
    What a sweet new baby, Aiden.
    Weddings are always full of joy.

  38. All kinds of wonders today. Loved the first painting.

  39. Enjoyed reading this post of great times, good food, art, and most importantly, family.

  40. Oh these are just stunning. What a lovely phot of you and hubby. The baby is adorable. What a nice post. Have a great day.

  41. Delightful post! Wonderful art, lucky us that you shared…adorable baby, gorgeous newlyweds…oh, that antipasto, yum!
    But the absolute best is the darling photo of you two, those smiles! Thanks, V.

  42. Hello Jeanie :=)
    Amazing paintings and museum art treasures. There was so much to see and appreciate, and I did truly appreciate it all. Your visit with family and the photos are lovely. Aiden is adorable and I'm glad you were invited to the reception of the newly weds, and you two look great on your photo.
    All the best.

  43. What a wonderful exhibitions. I amazed of the different kinds of styles and painters in the same exhibitions, and all the other items. Having just been to four museums in Amsterdam, I suffer with you. I have also a problem with my feet and it is very difficult to walk through museums, and standing still to watch paintings.
    The trip seems to have included several family happenings. Must have been great with such a busy trip.

  44. A beautiful life:)And that's a great pic of you and Rick:)

  45. This is my kind of trip! The art was fabulous, Aiden is just adorable (I love that hairline 😍), and the wedded couple beautiful. Italian food is always a winner in my book!

  46. Loved this post and the different painting styles comparison. The picasso woman (which personality is she today)is so friendly looking compared to all his other outrageous subject matter. I told my son Richard (in Nevada) he could visit me any time; however, I am not sure just what "mother"(me) he is going to get when he arrives. Understand walking issues; my knees are not cooperating and my seasonal allergies are a challenge.
    What fun you had, from art to weddings, to Italian dining. Do keep delighting us with your life adventures!!

  47. Nothing better than family, art, good food and great times Jeanie! Glad you're enjoying!

  48. Loved seeing the wonderful art. Thanks for sharing. Wish I could see it all…
    The meal looked delicious ! Nice to be with family.

  49. Such a fun outing to see the art gallery. Always great to be with family. Little Aiden is aodorable. A beautiful Italian dinner looks wonderful. Wishing you a lovely weekend.

  50. A simply fabulous post.
    I so enjoyed seeing all of your photographs.
    I do agree with you "family, art, good food, great times" are just WONDERFUL.

    Sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  51. Such a totally FULL and gorgeous exhibits, looks like you got to see 'everyone' worth seeing. Not counting the wedding! Great post! Sandi

  52. Its so funny to look at the diff types and styles artist use to paint in. Very interesting for sure. What a cutie the new addition to the fam is. Congrats to all.

  53. Wow...What a nice trip..Busy for sure..Enjoyed the Art Museum..Thanks for sharing..
    Your dinner looks yummy.
    Aiden is darling.
    Nice to be with family..Enjoy the rest of your weekend..

  54. Aiden is darling! and Congratulations to the newlyweds! Such a fun weekend for you both! I enjoy Little Italy very much! We try to get there every summer. Thanks so much for taking us along.

  55. What lovely pictures. I loved all the art you showed, although both my husband and I are partial to the Impressionists, and we love Modigliani (who makes me think of Byzantine art). I have never been to the Cleveland art museum, although I have relatives in Cleveland and Cleveland 'burbs. It looks like a terrific museum. Thanks for sharing these. I just finished reading a good novel/mystery called The Art Forger that a I think you might enjoy. Degas' paintings play a central role in it.

    Your cousin's niece and her groom are such a beautiful couple. And yes, Aiden is adorable!

  56. I really enjoyed the comparisons between the artists' more typical (or more well known) art and the unexpected canvases. I laughed at your comment that Picasso doesn't often bring a smile -- but I smiled at your choice to share, too!

  57. What a fabulous trip! I love the first painting, such amazing details. I would love seeing some of these pieces in person. And little Aiden is such a sweetie, as are all little babies. Weddings and babies are all great, especially when it’s family.

  58. So much to enjoy in this post, Jeanie.
    I especially love that photo of you and Rick.
    Gorgeous bridal couple and adorable Aiden.

    Hugs and blessings

  59. Nothing better than a healthy dose of art, followed by a tasty Italian meal! Looks delicious! Little Aiden is precious, and the newlyweds look so happy! Glad you had such a wonderful time!

  60. Fabulous exhibition Jeanie, I had never seen "The Red Kerchief" by Monet or the little girl's portrait by Renoir.
    Great time with family and friends, congratulation on the birth of Aiden and congratulations to the bridal couple too.

  61. I love looking at beautiful artworks from all eras! This museum had a wonderful variety. Your dinner looked so delicious, Jeanie.

    Congratulations to the happy new parents and happy newlyweds! Lovely photos!

  62. What a marvelous week you had. Congrats to the happy couple and the new parents.
    The exhibition looks marvelous. Wonder when I can find an excuse to drag the boys to a museum again.

  63. What a lot of wonderful art you saw! And little Aiden is perfect. Thanks for sharing this happy and upbeat time with us.

  64. I love when a splash of red is used in a painting. It makes it pop.
    Hope you are feeling well.

  65. I had planned to stop by earlier, but Friday was not a good day in my world. I'm not whining, just explaining that my GOOD hand hurts, as does the rest of my body, in part to my inability to breathe due to the winds from the wild fires in Canada and in part from overworking at my friend Sally's house on Thursday when I brought in 200 lbs of cat litter she had ordered from Amazon.

    Yes, I knew Degas painted horses, but there were a few surprises too. I always love any Van Gogh. I also thought the Braque was awesome, too.

    The base of the Tiffany looks a bit like the base of one of my slag glass lamps. Stunning, Jeanie. Great selfie of you two, too.

    What a beautiful bride and an adorable new member of the family.

  66. I LOVED seeing the art...some of them were so surprising, and I never would have guessed the artist! I love seeing babies and weddings. It gives me hope during these times. Beautiful bride and baby!

  67. Rubens' painting of his wife is stunning, I love the warm feeling it shows.

    It looks you've had a lovely time with the family. xx

  68. Degas's horses are as beautiful as his dancers, aren't they?

  69. Hi, Jeanie. I love the paintings by Renoir, but also the Art Deco piece.
    Nice photo of you and Rick.
    What a sweet baby! Yes, Aiden sure is adorable.
    I watched a good bit of the coronation.
    A fun post filled with lots of good things!

  70. What a wonderful, happy post Jeanie. Aiden sure is adorable. I love the portraits, especially the first one, the Red Kerchief, and the young girl in gray holding the flowers. I agree about Picasso. But the BEST image of all is you and Rick, you both look so well and happy, and you look beautiful Jeanie :-)


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