The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, April 20, 2023

The Ditch is Waking Up

I took my first spring walk around the Ditch on April 13 and wasn't disappointed! My friend Harry the Heron is back!

But more on him later. There were loads of birds, though for whatever reason my Merlin app wasn't recording any of them. Not sure what that's about. My first sighting was a red-wing blackbird. (Merlin should have recognized him -- he was singing like crazy!)

I would see others later -- far more than I could photograph! But I nabbed a few!

I rounded the bend and noticed that a patch of daffodils was blooming, added badly needed color to the landscape. It will come.

On the banks, Canada geese were poking about. Looking for nesting spots? Something to eat? Merlin should know them, too!

The robin was silent, but lovely. 


 There isn't a lot of green yet, but there will be. The trees are beginning to bud.


 Then I saw Bobby Cardinal, perched on a fence post. Any guesses as to the bird beside him?


 This should answer the question!


The cardinals are my favoritess. Well, one of my favorites -- I have far too many!

And then -- the one I'd been hoping to see, the one I didn't see last year until May. Hello, Harry! It's nice to have you back where you belong!

And the fishing was very good indeed.

Over just a few minutes, he nabbed at least three, maybe four fish. They were small ones, but quantity helps!

 It's nice to know that some things in life -- some of the good things -- happen over and over again.

All good walks come to an end. I was greeted by the cheery Easter pansies, now moved outdoors.

And these... the first of the grape hyacinths.

Yes, life is good!

Sharing with:   Saturday's Critters    


  1. Isn't it wonderful to get outside and see the world coming back into bloom? Birds are back too...hurrah. It looks like a really lovely walk Jeanie. I'm glad you were able to get out and enjoy it. Hurrah for spring. hugs-Erika

  2. Glad the ditch is waking up. And YAY for Harry being back! That's a good sign Spring weather is coming.

  3. These are wonderful photographs! So fun to see and hear all the birds again! My daughter and I drive past a pond where a heron has lived for years. We call the heron Jeff. We haven't seen the heron for a very long time and I am wondering if it moved to a different pond, perhaps one not so close to the road. But your post gives me hope that we might see Jeff again soon!

  4. Always grand to see Harry again. Your images/captures of him are so good. (Herons can be camera-shy.) I'm glad the Ditch is waking up and YOU are able to ambulate through its familiar wonderfulness. xoxo

  5. Love seeing Harry, the cardinal and his lady, and your pretty flowers.

  6. Lovely photos
    Walks in spring are a nice look at winter being over.

  7. I always smile when you do a post about the Ditch, and all the interesting things of nature that you come across. Yes, I thought that may be the female cardinal sitting next to him. I love this bird too, and have yet to see it, as we don't see them in Calif where I live. That's a wonderful picture of Harry catching those fish for dinner. And the Robin I love too, such a gentle and pretty bird. Thanks for always taking us along on your walks at the Ditch. It does look like Spring has arrived there. We've been having sunny days lately, and Spring has arrived here too, but it always comes later in the mountains, and it's still cold in the mornings.

    Have a good rest of the week, Jeanie.


  8. I love going along for your walks, Jeanie. All the birds are amazing. I'm seeing new ones at our feeder this week. I bet those daffodils just totally brightened up your day. And oh my the Heron is just majestic. Happy week, friend!

  9. So glad to see Harry here -- another sign that spring is really here. Isn't it wonderful to hear the birdsong again, especially from those red-winged blackbirds? I also love the murmur of mourning doves on hot summer days. No frog song here, yet... maybe soon, I hope.

    Such pretty hyacinths! And pretty pansies, too. Thanks for taking us along on your walk!

  10. Lovely to see spring springing over there, only a few weeks behind us here

  11. The birds were back when we visited Maryland and Virginia last week, too. SO beautiful!

    best… mae at

  12. Your Merlin does no seem to have magical powers.

  13. Absolutely lovely!!! :)
    Nice to see Harry again.

  14. Nice that you were able to get out and walk the Ditch again, Jeanie, and oddly enough we also have a Harry Heron on the Nashua River and last week, we thought he had a companion! Very slowly trees are budding and I saw the first clump of daffodils opened this week.

  15. Love seeing the ditch "wake up!" And hooray for Harry!

  16. Beautiful shots. It's nice to see old friends who come and visit and bring joy to you.

  17. Lovely photos, spring has sprung! Glad you were able to enjoy your walk and see so many birds, big and small. Spring flowers are always a delight, too! Have a great Friday and weekend, hugss, Valerie

  18. What a pretty landscape! So many great bird photos, too :)

  19. Hello,
    I am so happy that the trees are turning green, the birds are singing. All joyful sights and sounds of spring. Love the heron and the cardinal photos. The ditch is a great nature spot to visit. Take care, enjoy your day!

  20. Awesome walk! we have been seeing the herons here too, we love birds as well-they are like good friends-smiles

  21. The marsh is waking up too. Muskrats, coots, and egrets are back. Waiting for the turtles now. We even have a heron back in our neighborhood which I love. Glad to see all of the wildlife back at your ditch. Spring is here! Janice

  22. Such a wonderful walk that bring you so many bird sightings. I enjoy friend's visits too

  23. Cardinals are also my favorite. None here in So. Calif. that I know of, but I have memories of their beauty. the redwing blackbirds are next. Every morning, the bus would pass by a pond, where many perch in the morning.

  24. I love bird watching and the cardinals remain one of my favorites. A spring walk is good for the soul and renews hope! I always enjoy your ditch walks. Happy Weekend, Jeanie!

  25. I'm glad Harry is back! I recognized that "mystery bird" as another cardinal, but I wasn't sure whether it's a juvenile or a female. (Seems early for such a big juvenile!) I love red-wing blackbirds; we don't see them here in England and I miss them.

  26. I am happy to know that Harry the Heron is back with you again, Jeanie. I have little doubt that he will provide you with many hours of fine entertainment.

  27. What a beautiful walk you had an abundance of birds that's for sure! My daffodils are just starting to bloom

  28. A lovely walk Jeanie, so glad Spring is finally showing up for you!

  29. your post is just what we all need. Spring, warmer weather, and lots of beautiful birds, flowers, etc. for the next few days we are very warm in Las Cruces, New Mexico, although our Spring is always WINDY. thx for the delightful photos.

  30. Awakenings lift our spirits:)Sure signs of hope..that springs eternal:)

  31. Isn’t it great that spring has arrived and nature awakens! I’ve never heard of the Merlin app.

  32. I'm so, so glad that you're finally getting some budding trees, flowers, and -- Harry! Wouldn't it be wonderful if this is the year that Harry finally finds a Sally? Have you ever seen him with a mate? There surely must be other herons around there. Maybe they're nesting elsewhere, and Harry just comes to the pond to fish.

  33. I love your ditch and I need to find one of my own around this campus. Very doable if I'd brave the weather. Our swans built their nest on the other side of the lake this year. Sadly. Love your bird photos.

  34. Wow. The Ditch is in action. It has certainly come to life. Loved seeing the buds on the trees.

    Nice to see Harry, but the cardinals are definitely my favorite. In fact, I have so many, I have placed them in my main floor bath (shown here at Christmas one year:

    It's a bit early here to bring my plants outside, since we are still getting freezing temps at night on occasion. I hope your Easter pansies are safe outside. Thanks for taking us to the Ditch this spring.

  35. Cardinals are hands down my favorite bird! It always feels like such a treat when I spot one! Things are starting to come to life here after a very very long winter. I saw some daffodils on a walk last week. I hope the snow we got over the weekend didn't damage them too much. We've had a ton of rain this week so it will be interesting to see what our creek looks like. It was bone dry last summer due to our drought; now it might be on the brink of flooding. I thought of you when I heard the torrential downpour the other night. I imagine torrential downpours are a major source of stress for you. For us, they aren't since we are on a hill but I know a lot of homes in our neighborhood struggle w/ flooding since we are so close to the creek!

  36. Thank goodness for spring awakening, you have so many wonderful birds. Glad to see Harry is back.

  37. So many pretty things around you!!!

  38. Those early signs of spring are always exciting! You got some great bird shots - I've tried to get pictures of Red-winged Blackbirds but have never been successful.

  39. I love those pansies, so pretty. Too bad for the fish, but, hey, a heron has to eat! Spring is in the air.

  40. I have a pair of ducks waddling around my neighborhood and a cardinal in my front tree - I love the arrival of the birds. Great spring photos.

  41. That ditch of yours is a wonderful spot with birds, flowers blooming, trees beginning to bud. It definitely uplifts the spirit.

  42. I do love seeing your Harry each spring. Welcome back! Cardinals are a favorite of mine too. That first picture with the glimpse of daffodils was so pretty. So happy you can once again walk to the Ditch and enjoy nature surrounding you.

  43. Hello Jeanie, :=)
    The Ditch seems like a great nature place to have a walk round and see all the new arrivals. I love your Red-winged Blackbirds, ours are just black but beautiful just the same, although not as colourful. The Cardinals are always a favourite and it was nice for you to see a pair, and nice for me. Harry the Heron made me smile, the name seems to fit perfectly.Your Spring flowers are looking pretty and I also enjoyed seeing the wild flowers.
    All the best.

  44. I visit your blog quite often but fail to comment. I love the photos from the ditch. I read a book recently titled Zorrie by Laird Hunt and in it a heron in a ditch was mentioned and it immediately made me think of you and Harry! I recommend the book. It’s brief so not a big time investment. - Cara

  45. Harry probably likes the smaller fish better.Easier to swallow I'm sure..
    I'm sure you knew that that was a female Cardinal next to Mr Cardinal.
    Looks like a lovely place to walk and I'm sure it changes weekly.
    Our Daffys are done...I guess we are a couple of weeks ahead of you..Enjoy your weekend..

  46. Wonderful pictures. I wonder how old Harry is now. I miss red-winged blackbirds. You just don't see them in NC.
    Have a great weekend.

  47. So wonderful Spring sets in finally! Such beautiful birds, oh, hi Harry, too. We are to get a sunny weekend, too :-)

  48. Glorious photos, Jeanie.

    Love seeing Harry!

    Thank you for taking us along on your wonderful walks.

    Hugs and blessings

  49. Beautiful birds and flowers!

  50. Hello Jeanie,
    YAY for Spring! It is great seeing all the spring birds returning. The Ditch is a happy place for the birds. I love the Robin, Cardinals and Harry the Heron. The Spring flowers are a treat for the eyes. Great post. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  51. That water attracts a lot of birds. The Blackbirds are so musical and I love Harry the Heron. Enjoy your weekend!

  52. I just love the Spring, it is one of my favourite seasons.
    Always nice to get out and about when the weather gets better.
    Lovely to see all of your photographs and especially nice to see the return of
    Harry the Heron :)

    Enjoy your days.

    All the best Jan

  53. Beautiful nature photos! I miss seeing and hearing cardinals. I'm glad Harry came back and he looks healthy.

    We had snow today! Our spring has been rather cool but I'm not complaining as I know summer heat will be here soon.

  54. Wonderful pictures Jeanie

  55. Harry the Heron, I love it! We do not have a lot of them around here but do enjoy watching them when we do see them.

  56. I enjoyed looking at your photos of nature. Spring is a beautiful time of year when everything is blooming. Thanks for your visit to my blog. Enjoy spring.

  57. I love Spring too...all the critters and birds. We have two mourning Doves nesting under my bedroom sweet with the cooing. Hugs, lovely photos, I have never caught a decent cardinal photo, they are SO quick to fly away! Like they know the camera click is going to shoot

  58. Delightful photos Jeanie. Thank you for taking us on this lovely walk :)

  59. Wonderful sights when the world around awakens! We also have a local heron (blue) but haven't spotted ours yet, even though he's even been seen in winter occasionally. A good marker of spring for us is when we see turtles emerge from the river on a large boulder near the edge (turtle rock). We spotted 1, and a few days later 3. Happy Earth Day!

  60. That bent over duck is a fun photo.
    Looks like you have most the same birds I have now, but not the beautiful red cardinal you have! wow, such a shock of color!

  61. so many gorgeous birds Jeanie. I remember seeing the cardinals in Philly when we were living with a friend for a while. Very new to us aussies!

  62. Yeah :-) the blackbirds are singing so beautifully now... and you only need to go into the forest in the morning or evening and the concert is all around you... heavenly.
    Thank you for your beautiful photos of blackbirds, canada geese, robins and the beautiful cardinal... and heron. Thanks. I wish you joy in finding spring flowers. Hug Viola

  63. Spring has sprung! Harry is back and looking great. I enjoyed seeing all your birds. I always look forward to seeing Robins when we return to Pennsylvania. We don't have them here in this area of Phoenix.
    Your pansies pleased me as well. Love pansies.
    Have a beautiful week, my friend!

  64. I can hear the delight in your voice with the return of all your favorite birds!

    The cardinals are especially beautiful.

  65. It's wonderful to see spring making everything come alive and blooming!

  66. A nice start to Spring on your side of the world. Nice to see all the birds and nice to see Harry is back :) Enjoy your walks Jeanie.

  67. It's so nice when things start blooming again, isn't it? I'm glad Harry's back for another year.

  68. I feel super peaceful reading this post and looking through the photos. What a great day! Life is good for sure. Cheers and boogie boogie, Ivy.

  69. I always like to see your posts on the Ditch and your birds there. Your bird pictures are really nice – I can never take them, they fly away too fast for me (or I am too slow!) I was surprised by Georgia last week, all the trees were full with leaves, the daffodils were gone. Here in Nashville we are usually behind but they are coming along. Nice to see nature coming back.

  70. Harry The Heron!!! Love it! What a gorgeous area to walk! ♥

  71. Harry is back! I'm so glad - isn't it wonderful when we see old friends again? I always am overjoyed when the Hooded Oriole is back in my garden after the winter.
    I sometimes have issues with Merlin as well. I guess that's technologies - it sometimes works, and sometimes it doesn't.

  72. Welcome back Harry!!! I loved this post so much!

  73. So many wonderful birds, it must be a joy to walk around and see them. I love all the pictures.


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