The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Friends, Fun, Doctoring and Finally -- Preserved Lemons!

It has been a week of off and on bits. Last week Rick was away, cycling to Bloomington, Indiana, to watch the Little 500 cycling race. If you have seen the film "Breaking Away," then you know what this is!

 He was supposed to cycle the whole way, camping for part of it. But snow and temps in the 30s caused a change in plans, so rather than leaving on a Sunday, I drove him to the Ohio border a couple of days later.

After dropping him off and driving home, I crashed for about an hour. A sinus infection is no fun! 

It was good that he was home over that weekend, though, for we were able to gather together for a brunch with good friends, some of whom we hadn't seen in quite some time. It's always a joy to connect with people you've known for many years and shared many experiences, the highs and lows of life. I was glad Rick was still here. 

While he was gone I managed to strip down the last of Easter decor and add some spring touches. My favorite? A glorious bulb garden. (You should have seen it before most of the daffodils died!)


Remember when I made the preserved lemons? We had to let them "preserve" for four weeks and finally, they are ready to use! Oh, they're so good. Salty and briny and you can cut right through them with a spoon -- you don't even need a knife! I sauteed some shrimp with them (using a bit of the brine and the butter Barb gave me) and they were delicious! Now I've got to start making my own lemony herb butter!

This little fellow is one of those who have been coming to Cafe Lizzie for their daily seed. He's a beauty!


PT continues. I'm faithfully doing my exercises but still... challenged. I know Rome wasn't built in a day and my leg didn't poop out overnight. But it's getting old. I learned yesterday that I have a partial tearing of the tendons that attach on the outside of the hip. I don't know what that means, apart from more PT. 

But I love the therapists. They've dropped the mask requirement and I was taken aback to see the face of one of my lead therapists, with whom I've been working since January. He doesn't look like I thought he would from the eyes down and it's very disconcerting. Not bad, really. Maybe a little sinister, with his beard and his smile, but then he'll be putting me through my paces so sinister is probably appropriate! But it's just -- well, odd, seeing faces.  And this just in -- the MRSA in my lungs is back. That's getting very old. It wears me out.

On another note, I've recently had some lovely comments from several different people who are either "anonymous" readers, no-reply bloggers or those who do not have a link to your own blog (if you have one). If one of those is you, I'm sorry I can't reply directly to you -- and I hope you know how much I appreciate your comments and the time you take to come to Marmelade Gypsy. (That goes for everyone who reads this!)

Friend Kate and I ventured to the theatre the other night, seeing the Steve Martin/Edie Brickell musical "Bright Star" performed by our university theatre. It had a lovely set that was flexible (making for quick scene changes), beautiful costumes and choreography, the music was nice and well sung and well miked. But when the dialogue came about, with the exception of a couple of characters, I could barely hear a word. I thought it might be my plugged ear from my sinus infection but Kate couldn't hear either -- and she has good ears! I was glad I read the Wikipedia synopsis before I went!

Finally, I should clarify one thing from an earlier post -- I think I may have turned some of you off the Eleanor Roosevelt bio I reviewed HERE and I don't mean to. It's not a bad book; it's a well-written biography of a fascinating woman. My main issue with it is that it was long (which I sometimes don't mind) and I think at that point in time I was really wanting something that moved a bit faster. When I called it a "slog," that was probably more me than the work of the writer or his interesting subject matter! It may or may not be your thing but please don't let the fact that I was probably seeking a read that was more like a good mystery turn you away!

Spring is here, I think -- despite slightly cooler temps than I'd like. I'll take it! Enjoy!

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  1. What an encouraging post, filled with gatherings and treats and outings and progress... :) I think I'd like those lemon preserves.

  2. Bravo Rick!
    Lemons preserved is a must this summer.
    Your red feathered pal is a beauty puffing for warmth in early spring. Great photo

  3. Morning Lady Lou....haha, PT, I totally dislike ever having to go to PT, or doing PT exercise. Exercise they say, is great for everything...haha. I brings me more pain. I love the scale you posted, matter of face I saved it. Right now I am at about a four, but I am laid out on the glider blogging with not a lot of movement. Gotta get up and get ready to head to town for work in a bit but thank goodness I get to come and go as I please! I am hoping that you get some relief from you PT. I have never had any lemon perserves before....interesting!

  4. The last time I had PT it was totally depressing. I kept making progress and then backsliding. My therapy person was wonderful and patient and encouraging. Then, FINALLY I read an article that clued me into the fact that the pain and weakness was a side effect of a drug (statin) and as soon as I dropped the drug, I made a miracle recovery. I was really mad that no doc had thought to look at drug side effects!

    Anyway that doesn’t help you at all as your cause is different. But I totally sympathize on PT that’s challenging and not very fast acting.

    best, mae at

  5. Hello, Jeanie
    Despite your not feeling well, you had some great outings and gatherings with your friends. I hope the PT is going well. The preserved lemons sounds delicious. Love your Cardinal photos. Take care, enjoy your day!

  6. Thanks Jeanie! I enjoyed reading your entries. I hope you are feeling better and getting relief with PT.

  7. Hi Jeanie, sorry about your sinus infection, that sucks! And about all the aches and pains which you need to have treated. I think we're at an age where the screws are getting rusty and the joints need oiling!
    Glad you had a meeting with friends, that's always nice. And I love the cardinals, so beautiful. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  8. Great job on the bike ride! Funny that the person didn't look like you thought they would. LOVE the idea of the lemons. I've never done that though would give it a go.

  9. A lovely post about many interesting subjects Jeanie. It was good to hear more about the preserved lemons and how you use them in a meal with shrimps. Delicious! Sorry that you had a sinus problem and need physio for the hip. I hope there's improvement soon. So glad you've been to the theatre and enjoyed happy company. Nice to see Rick in his cycle gear and the Cardinal bird is colourful and different for us living in the UK.

  10. Hang in there Jeanie, so sorry you're dealing with so many issues, just concentrate on the good your preserved lemons, they sound amazing!!

  11. LOL - I actually saw your review of Eleanor and I got it from my local library and I just finished it last night!!! I actually really liked it but then again, I read a lot of historical biographies, etc so it was exactly as I expected it to read like. I thought it was very good.
    Dawn P. Albany, GA

  12. So sorry to hear about your health woes, but join the club. Old age is not for sissies. So nice to be with friends and have fun. Enjoy life to the fullest.

  13. Aches and pains are our new friends as we get older and I hate them. Still thankful for the good times and friends though. I love the try that lemon thing you did, I love lemon on fish, makes it so tasty. Have a great day and take care, Jeanie.

  14. Rick looks great in his green outfit and helmet!
    Lemons, both fruit and juice are an important part of my life.

  15. It's been some years since I had a sinus infection. Thoroughly unpleasant.

  16. Oh gosh! I do hope you are feeling better soon with the sinus infection. You have enough going on with the PT! And now the lungs again? In my own way I can relate. I am thrilled that I am cancer free but am so tired of feeling awful to cruddy. I still have shingles rash, am exhausted, and dealing with sinuses, mouth stuff, and diarrhea. One day we will both get past this, I hope.

    Otherwise, I am so glad you have such great friends and good food and a wonderful life with your biking hubby. *love and hugs*

  17. Sounds like you've been having lots of fun with friends for sure.

    I love the sound of the lemon preserve. I love all things lemon flavoured!

    Torn tendons aren't fun. It means more PT and a potential of needing to be careful how much strain you put on the joint, because torn tendons always retain some weakness even after they heal. Take it from someone who tore the tendon in her ankle at the age of seven, did more damage to it at age 12, and then tore the tendon in the knee of the same leg in her early 20s. Needless to say, it doesn't take much before that leg is issuing complaints.

  18. We go to McLaren over here too and I do remember seeing those pain emojis. We had a snow/rain mix yesterday. Am sure the poor birdies wished they had stayed South. Nice you could spend time with friends. We had dinner last week with a couple we know and it is always fun catching up. Janice

  19. Sad to hear that you cannot get rid off MRSA in your chest. Lemons are my best friend whenever I am down or needs a bit of twang in the taste buds.

  20. It's always something going on, isn't it? Isn't it funny how different people look when their masks come off? I hope PT helps even if it is little by little. I need to make my lemons too. I copied your recipe, and I even have some lemons. Thanks for the reminder. Your flowers look amazing, and isn't it great spring is basically here. It's been colder here too, with lots of rain, but I'll take any little spring signs. It does make your whole energy level better, and maybe that will help with PT. And hopefully the mrsa can go away soon. That's always a toughie to fight. Hope you're having a great week. hugs-Erika

  21. I've yet to read a short bio;)
    Love your bulb garden:)
    Sorry you've been dealing with so many physical issues. It definitely puts a damper on things.
    Love that cardinal.
    Take special care.

  22. Wonderful pics! The photo of the red bird is beautiful and the pickled lemon loos interesting. Your bulb garden in full bloom does look glorious.

  23. No one said life had to be easy and pain free, and you are proving the point, Jeanie. Unfortunately, as we age it becomes more difficult to alleviate the symptoms. I am sure that is just what you wanted to hear! So far I have been very lucky but I'm sure it can't last forever. Speaking of long books, I am presently reading one right now on the life of Alfred Russel Wallace. Fascinating book and well written. Now there was a life lived to the fullest!

  24. Good morning enjoyed your post and photos lots going on in your world right now. I have never made or used the lemons you made-but I had to smile as I just started a batch of limoncello-it takes a month to set too before finishing it. a favorite on a very hot summer day as I keep it in the freezer where it is cold and icy.
    Happy Thursday

  25. Kudos to Rick on his ride. Interesting to read your comments about the therapist’s “unmasking” Nd a while back, I heard a “comedian” talking about how some people should keep the mask on, rather cruel comment. PT is a process according to many folks and hope you have good results, Jeanie. I didn’t read the blog post about the Roosevelt book, but sure you did not comment in a malacious way, just gave your own opinion. It’s not likely that I will read the book so appreciated your views, as always.

  26. It must be frustrating with Rick bopping around on his bike, and getting physio! My JB always bemoans the stuff he cannot do, that I have to do. Oh well. Old age!
    I love the flower display.
    Take care, all the best.

  27. It's been cool this spring here, too. That's good news for us for hurricane season.

    I'm sorry all these health difficulties are popping up. Let's hope you are on the mend soon.

    Love the cardinal photos!

  28. It startled me to read about the 'unmasking.' Masks haven't been a part of general life down here for a good while, even at doctors' offices. It still makes me angry to think about what masking did to children in terms of language development and social interaction.

    That cardinal is gorgeous! And I'd love to try the preserved lemons, but I'm just too lazy to get involved with the process of making them. I'll enjoy my lemon curd and let that be it!

    Long ago, a sports therapist helped me get rid of back pain with exercises. I sure do hope that your PT can help you. I'm (sort of casually) working on losing weight, because I know that my knees and back will profit from hauling fewer pounds around. You think PT is slow? Ha!

  29. I hate that pain scale..I think you have to be bawling your eyes out screaming for them to understand what one is going through.
    I hate it.
    Your group looks like fun.I feel I am the only masked one in my town apart from the grocery store cashiers and the odd shopper.WEIRD I feel lol..I might drop it.
    Take care..I hope you feel better soon:)

  30. Your red cardinal photos are amazing! Yikes look at late April snow. Enough all ready - give my friend warm days with blue skies please! Take care of your self. I saw the surgeon on Tuesday and he said I'm doing great. I have another appointment on June 6th and afterwards shouldn't have to wear the neck brace. That is a little disappointing as I was hoping to go back in late May with same result. Oh well. I'm planning to celebrate in June and have invited Vickie to dinner at the steak house after I remove the collar. Wish you were close and I'd invite you too.

  31. In recent years anything lemon flavored as become a favorite of mine. What you've posted here looks and sounds SO good!

    You are a rock star when it comes to entertaining and keeping friends in touch with one another. Something tells me we're all going to have a good summer. Keep up that therapy!

  32. Kudos on he preserved lemon. The lemon butter sounds wonderful. So glad Rick got away to enjoy his sport. Unmasking is a good thing. We now don’t have to wear masks at our doctor’s office. Happy upcoming weekend. The weather is lovely here.

  33. Your cardinal pictures are wonderful. We've had a cardinal nearby for about a week or two now and he is just singing his heart out. Sometimes I can spot him, but often I cannot (there are lots of tall trees in which he could hide). Boo to sinus infections - I hear ya sister. I don't think I'll ever not have to deal with them. I often wonder what it's like to not have to blow your nose all the time or have a constant cough. Oh well, it could always be worse. When Rick cycles, does he use a GPS? Just curious. -Jenn

  34. Jeanie,
    Sinus infections are awful...I never used to get them but at my last dentist visit, I had a panoramic xray done and was told that the roots of my top teeth are up into my sinuses which is why I starting having all these sinus issues...Glad you got to spend time with friends...we had such record breaking heat in April and now we will be having below average temps for the next 2 weeks. I have started to take down and pack away Easter. I too it easy in Feb. which is when I usually take down Christmas upstairs and now I still have to do that...Will pack away Easter and get the downstairs under control first but at least I now have all of the outside done except for planting my annuals which will not be for some time....
    I hope you feel better soon..

  35. Jeanie, we are having a lot of cooler temps here as well, not just you. Glad Rick was home so he could enjoy the fun get together with old friends. That's always such joy. My Potter kitties and bunnies are still up and I will whisk them away during the weekend. It's always hard for me to put favorites away. Despite your sinus infection sounds like you've enjoyed stepping out. The theater sounds like a nice evening even with the bad hearing. Glad it wasn't you! Goodness, sorry the old demon is back so take care!!! Those lemons, yum........

  36. The lemons look and sound great. Hope Rick enjoyed the Little 500. I'll take whatever spring I can get - your bulb garden is lovely and hooray for the cardinal!

  37. How awful, MRSA is miserable. Hang in there with your PT.

  38. Did I mention, my daughter got her Bachelor's at Bloomington?
    Hope you're feeling well today.

  39. Those lemons look good. That's a lovely photo of you and Rick. I'm sorry to hear about the MRSA, I hope you fight it off soon :-)

  40. Glad Rick was still home to meet with your friends..Sorry about the weather..It's been crazy..
    Pretty Cardinal..We have several pair around most of the time.
    I hope your PT helps..takes time as I guess you know..Really sorry about the Mersa..
    Enjoy the rest of your week and the weekend..

  41. i also get those people to whom I can’t reply, and it makes me so curious. Why are you here? Why can’t I reply to you? Well, I guess I could in my own comment section, but I haven’t found that very workable. I never got used to doing it although it works for some people.

  42. What beautiful pictures of the cardinal! He sure is a beauty. Your preserved lemons turned out nicely. What a treat to have them for special dishes that you make, like the sauteed shrimp. This looks like a fun gathering with your friends. Yes, it's always nice to connect with old friends. Rick sure is traveling a long way with his cycling. Ask him if he's heard of Davis. There is a lot of cyclers in that college town, and it's close to my home town. So sorry to hear about your health issue with the lungs. I do hope you get that taken care of and feel better. And also with your sinuses. A sweet picture of you and Rick. And I always enjoy your posts, Jeanie. They are filled with so many good things. That red cardinal photo really is something. : )


  43. Those preserved lemons are wonderful - somehow I feel that it was just yesterday that you wrote about them, but obviously it wasn't. Lemony herb butter sounds devine. I'm sorry to learn about the MRSA back in your lungs. I hope that can be taken care of and also that your leg gets better. Getting older certainly is not for sissies. The Red Cardinal is beautiful! Enjoy these wonderful spring days!

  44. I am so sorry to hear about the sinus infection and the dreary PT and the unfortunate return of MRSA -- when you don't feel well, then nothing feels good. You have all my sympathies.

    Glad you got out for the theater night, glad to hear about the chance to get together with old friends. You're right... there's nothing like being with people who have all those wonderful shared memories.

    And I'm very intrigued by your preserved lemons... we'll have to talk about these someday.

    Best wishes for a wonderful weekend!

  45. Great close-up shot of the cardinal!

  46. That spring bouquet is beautiful. What a joy to spend time with good friends! I'm sorry to hear the MRSA is back. That can't be fun. I pray for a quick healing so you can get your energy back.

  47. So sorry about your health issues, Jeanie but welcome to the club. Growing old sucks, doesn't it?
    Your preserved lemons sound amazing.
    Gorgeous photos as always.

    Hugs and blessings

  48. I have seen "Breaking Away" many times, as my son was a competitive cyclist for a while and my husband a devoted recreational cyclist. I love that movie so much.

    Your preserved lemons came out beautifully in every way. What a satisfying project!

  49. You are right about seeing people w/o a mask..... not at all from what we expect. That cardinal looks gracious.

  50. Oh Jeanie, I am so sorry you are having some health concerns!

    Those lemons look amazing and now I want to do that even more! Lemon anything is so delicious!!! And the yellow flowers! So much happy there.

    How cool that Rick went to see that, although this weather is crazy. I am ready for Full Spring. Lol.

  51. Jeanie, I’m so sorry to hear about you having MRSA again, as well as a torn tendon by your hip. One by itself is bad enough! I’ve been dealing with lower back pain that is really painful. I go to my doctor in another month, but if it gets worse, I’ll have to try getting in sooner. It’s not sciatica. I think I’ve past my golden years and have entered the rusty years. I’m glad you were able to meet up with your friends. That’s great medicine for anyone!

  52. Isn't it weird about seeing faces for the first time of people we see regularly. I've been totally thrown off several times. But... I'm glad we can get a regular view of people, expressions are so important. We have a red bird explosion here which is so nice. I love seeing who drops by and who are regulars. Happy Weekend, Jeanie.

  53. I am so sorry to read you are still having helath issues. And PT sounds brutal. Sally just got through with PT in the arm she didn't fall on and now she may also need a new hip in addition to whatever they did to her arm at the hospital.

    So glad you had fun with your friends. I am sure that helped your spirits. I bet Rick was glad to have you handy, too.

    I really MUST try those lemons. It sounds wonderful and it doesn't seem like it's been four weeks since you ladies made these. And of course I LOVE the cardinal!! Yours looks like one that is in my main floor bath.

  54. I am glad you like your PT! I've been through PT for my hip issues and you end up seeing them A LOT. So liking them is key. Funny about him looking more sinister with his mask of!! hee hee.

    The preserved lemons sound soooo good!

    Sorry to hear about the sinus infection AND the lung issue - on top of PT. Gosh you've been through the ringer.

  55. Hello Jeanie :=)
    Lovely photo of you and your hubby, and the one of the gathering of old friends. My 32 year old Grandson has been staying with me since Easter, when all the family were here for the weekend.I had three doctors appointments this week, and it was the first time I didn't need to wear a mask, but it did feel strange seeing the faces of doctors and nurses for the first time.I do hope your health issues will improve with treatment, It's no fun when You can't do the things you love doing, but you just have to keep on going, putting one foot in front of the other, even if it's with the help of a cane. I love your Cardinal photo, it's a lovely bird which is not seen where I live.
    All the best Jeanie and Take care.

  56. I love the red cardinal visiting Lizzie's banquet. Glad to see Rick is back on the bike. I'm so sorry you're having health issues, Jeanie. PT takes both patience and perseverance. I finally finished months of therapy on my ankle and still must do about 45 minutes of exercises at home. So - keep moving and healing even if it's slow but sure. The return of the MRSA is a real bummer. Hope spring gives your energy and happiness a boost.

  57. oh you guys are so cute together! thanks for sharing such a wonderful pic!

  58. Now is the time, or might be a little bit earlier, to enjoy wonderful spring days.
    I hope you feel better soon.

  59. Hi Jeanie, I like Rick’s cycling gear. I have seen Breaking Away, it was one of our favorite movies. Great photo of the two of you. So sorry to read about your sinus infection and with the MRSA too. Hope you start to feel better soon and make a speedy recovery. A fun photo with your brunch friends, and a lovely sight your spring bulb garden. Shrimp and brined lemons? Great combination and the lemon butter must have tasted delicious! Pretty cardinal photos, I have been watching ours this morning. Your trip to the theater sounded nice, but too bad about the acoustics. I am a fan of Eleanor Roosevelt and you haven’t put me off from reading this book. I like to pick things up and read them slowly, usually in bed at night, a little bit here, a little bit there, so will read it as such now that you have explained about the book. Thank you, lovely post!

  60. Jeanie, I am sorry I am late to comment. I am so sorry to read of your sinus infection and MRSA. I hope you can feel better soon. The spring bulb garden is a delight and I love the cardinal photos! Take care of yourself!

  61. Interesting comment about your therapist and seeing him without a mask. I did not meet anyone during that period that I had to wonder what they look like. Your experience made me really think about it.

  62. it is nice to go without a mask outside. Even the familiar faces in the workplace have changed over the years. Seeing them without masks is kind of weird.
    Your nature photos are so adorable

  63. It wierd what a difference a mask can make. I too have been surprised by more that a few people's faces.. lol
    Nice that you were able to enjoy that wonderful gathering of friends with Rick.

  64. A lot of lovely photos here. I'm glad you are enjoying the lemons you preserved. They sound delicious.

  65. I had never a facial pain scale, how interesting :)
    Hope your sinus and PT are getting better.
    I should preserve lemons when our trees give us lots in Winter. I usually make lemon butter (sweet), but the herb and lemon butter roll is a great idea.

    Happy Spring Jean.

  66. It's always so nice to have a get-together with friends.
    I enjoyed seeing the gorgeous colour cardinals.

    Sorry you are dealing with health issues at the moment, may they lessen in time.
    Sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  67. such a gorgeous cardinal Jeanie. love that bright red colour. And your preserved lemons look great. I still have some that I made when our Tassie friends brought up lemons from their tree. Autumn here but still quite warm. We did have to have a blanket on last night though. How marvellous to catch up with old friends! Cheers Sherry

  68. Well done for doing such a good job at preserving lemons. I am yet to try something like that.
    I hope you are going to feel better soon. xx

  69. Your bulb garden is gorgeous! We're having slightly cooler temperatures this week, too, even dropping down to the 40s at night. I'm ready for it to stay warm!

    I hope your sinus infection clears up soon.

  70. Thanks for sharing this amazing and encouraging post!

  71. What a post! The happy faces and then the pain. You´re like Ingo. I have to wait till I can do sport again, too (arm).
    Hm. Those lemons. I still cannot imagine this! One day I want to try it!

    Right, I wonder how my new doc looks like under his mask.
    Sweet you defend the book. I am "afraid" of your next post as I have too many books and not enough time.
    YET... please yes, help with watercolors!
    A very cold Spring over here...

  72. Jeanie, I'm sorry that infection is back! I know of another person who has this and it sounds nasty. I hope you feel better soon! <3 I'm glad you were able to get together with friends and that Rick was there, too. I'm glad he was able to go on his long ride!!! I loved going on century rides back when I was in my early 20's. Not sure I could anymore since my balance is off (head injuries from kids) but I think about it fondly! Miss the euphoria and mooing at the cows... ;)

    Happy spring hugs,
    Barb :)

    p.s. Love your cardinals!!!

  73. Glad you are having more "ons" to balance those "offs." The shrimp with the lemony preserves sounds delicious! We just returned to NJ this week - pretty chilly here, too, but the weekend looks beautiful!


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