The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, December 24, 2022

We Wish You a Merry Christmas -- and Drawing Reminder

This Christmas Day we trust that Rick, his mom and I will be back home after several fun days celebrating the holiday with Kevin, Molly and the boys. The big snowstorm kept Greg, who has much farther to travel, away but we'll catch up with him later. (Note: Yes, we made it back safely -- and it was a very nasty road trip. Be careful out there!)

I'll have more on that soon (it was such fun!), but for today we want to wish you a Merry Christmas and if you are traveling, please be safe, especially if you are in regions affected by winter storms. 

And don't forget, if you haven't already entered the 15 Years of Blogging Anniversary drawing, please leave a comment on THAT POST (once only, please!) before midnight, December 31, Eastern Standard Time (US). International entries are welcome but if you do NOT have a blog or are a no-reply blogger please leave your name and email in case your name is drawn! Otherwise, I have no way of contacting you.

I want to thank all those who have visited that post (and this blog, always) for your comments. Since I'm barely keeping my head above water (and you probably don't need one more email in your box that says "thanks for your comment!" this week), please know how much you are valued as part of my blog world.

I believe Rudolph is making his rounds! Be on the lookout!


  1. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Jeanie. Have a great time, take care, hugs, Valerie

  2. Merry Christmas, Jeanie.
    Nadolig Llawen!

  3. Hello Jeanie,
    Your cookies look cute and yummy. Love the red-nosed deer!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family. I wish you peace, joy and all the best in 2023.

  4. Merry Christmas to you and your family Jeanie

  5. Merry Christmas Jeanie and family
    I look forward to your blog posts and especially now making madeleine cookies and I have a feeling your Santa cookies are madeleine cookies decorated to be Santa cookies.
    Cindy Meier

  6. This is a busy time of year for many people and the reality of severe winter weather makes travel even harder, so hope that you and those you love have safe journeys and share a wonderful Christmas, Jeanie. I too have enjoyed your blog posts throughout this past year and wish you continued blogging joy.

  7. You really do have the house of Christmas, don't you?! And, here I thought that after your delightful post with all the holiday decorating photos, that was the end ... I should have known better!

    Your Santa cookies are marvelous! Your watercolors are really progressing - and I'm especially fond of the whimsical Santa card and the cat-in-the-box card!

    Rudolph is beautiful and charming - and would be a terrific illustration on a mug!

    Best wishes for a peaceful and memorable Christmas to you and all yours!

  8. Merry Christmas and safe travels! :)

  9. Merry Christmas happy days ….believe in miracles…always…love Ria and Leaf πŸ€πŸŽ„❤️πŸ™πŸΎπŸ€

  10. Wishing all of you the merriest Christmas! Google is being a pain and won’t let me log in so this is Lisa of Lisa’s Yarns! We got about 8” of snow on Wednesday but the worst part is the horrific cold. I think windchills have been around -30F since Thursday. But it will warm up next week. I am feeling very cooped up with the kids so am looking forward to going to a family Christmas party tonight!

    Stay safe and warm!!

  11. Have a safe and Merry Christmas! I'm hunkered down. Annie and Daphne and I will get together when the roads are safe - Christmas dinner will be served whenever that may be.

  12. Merry Christmas Jeanie. Stay safe on the roads, it’s nasty on the west side. Love your photo of Rudolph!

  13. Merry Christmas to you! Congratulations on 15 years of blogging, I didn't leave a comment on that post as I don't need to be in a drawing. I've enjoyed our online friendship since we found each other!

  14. Have a great Christmas with the family!

    best... mae at

  15. Merry Christmas to you, Rick, and your family.
    May you feel the blessings of the season.
    Love, Marilyn

  16. Merry Christmas, Jeannie.
    We'll be alone, which makes me sad, but at least hubby is here. At least we have power.
    I figured out my first blog was June, 2006!

  17. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  18. Lovely cards and great Santas. Merry Christmas.

  19. Hello, Rudolph! and Happy Christmas Eve to you and yours :)

  20. Always in love with the art works you present in the blog. Merry Christmas to you!

  21. Merry Christmas to one and all! I am guessing that there is snow in your zone.
    Are those madeleleine cookies?! Maybe I will give them a go this week.

  22. I believe! I believe! Merry Christmas to you and Rick! Janice

  23. All the very best, Jeanie (and Rick). You have become so much a part of our lives it's difficult to remember what it was like without you.

  24. Stay safe and warm.
    Merry Christmas Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  25. Nice hat and scarf ideas on those cards!

  26. Glad you made it back safely! Merry Christmas, Jeanie and Rick! Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy!

  27. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Jeanie. All the very best to you and Rick.

  28. I saw Rudolph-smile. Wishing you a wonderful holiday Jeanie. Merry Christmas. hugs-Erika

  29. Merry Christmas, Jeanie and Rick!

  30. That last photo is so cool, Jeanie. Looks like Rudolph in the distance with his red nose and the colored lights in the distance with the snow. So magical. Oh Yes, those roads are slippery and slush. I just experienced that when I went to the airport too see the family for Christmas. I love those Santa cookies. I want one with my coffee this morning! I hope the new year brings you so many good things, Jeanie. And I thank you for your blog friendship. Your posts are delightful every time I visit.


  31. Merry Christmas for you all ! Your blog is my window to the USA, I love to come around and read about your life.
    Stay safe and healthy.

  32. I hope that you had a wonderful holiday! And seriously, are those Madeline Santas? Adorable!!

  33. Glad to hear you got to visit with the grandkids over the holiday, and very glad to hear you made it safely home! Your Santa Claus madeleines are marvelous -- very clever! And I see what you did with Rudolph, too!

    It looks like we may be out from under the worst of the weather -- wishing you all the best in 2023! Happy New Year!

  34. Hope you're enjoying this holiday season and keeping warm and safe. All the best for the coming year, dear Jeanie.

  35. It's too late to say "Merry Christmas", but I hope you received my Christmas card and thus got my Christmas wishes. Are those cards made by you? They are beautiful! And do I see Santa madeleines?

  36. I apologize that I was offline due to the storm in my area over Christmas, so this is belated. I hope it was memorable. I also want to wish you a joyous, safe, healthy, and prosperous 2023 in advance of the new year. Glad you made ot home safely. It was BRUTAL and I didn't even go outside!


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