The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, July 4, 2022

Postcards From the Lake: What It's All About!

What could be happier than a beautiful, sunny summer day at the lake? Spending a beautiful, sunny summer day with two little boys and their mom and dad!

Our grandlittles had a grand time at the beach when they came to visit us last week. The boys hadn't been to the cottage for a couple of years -- Covid did that to our gang! So, we were thrilled when they finally arrived! The weather couldn't have been better, which made outside time absolutely perfect!

The question is, who had more fun -- the kids or the grandparents?!


I'd picked up some fun beach toys at the Dollar Tree. The Big Guy decided to pick up the seaweed floating on the top of the water! He managed to get quite a bit!

It also made for an interesting hat! (You could take a few guesses as to whom is at the other end of the stick, but I think you'd probably get it in one!)

Another hit were the floaties! Even though the kids didn't go deep into the water (we're on a dropoff -- we had rules!), they managed to have a number of donut-activities (not the least of which was chasing them as they rolled down the beach, caught up in the wind.

The guys started out building some sand castles. Then Dad got into the action and all of a sudden, building boomed! 

After the initial dig-out of the moat, we all just stood back and watched!

We learned all about moats!

The Big Guy really got into digging and we managed to dig some very deep holes, going down to water, even quite away from the lake. He was interested in how when close to the lake, it didn't take long for water to come into the hole, but as we got farther from the shore he had to dig down up to his shoulder!

And of course, he had to share the hole with his brother!

As the day drew to a close and they were preparing for the next leg of their journey, their dad suggested they run about a bit! I think he wanted to tire them out so they'd sleep in the car!

I confess, I loved having some pix with me and the kids. The beautiful day made for a wonderful backdrop.

But goodbye pix are always fun, too.

So are the hugs.

 Some of you asked if I found my swimsuits or if the new ones arrived. The answer is no, they remain missing (and I checked at home and at Rick's to be sure). But yes, the new ones arrived! I like this one better than the old one.

Take a good look at the teeth in that photo because that's the last time you'll see that big front tooth. Let's just say for now that after the kids left, there was a little accident... but more on that later!

Sharing with:   Nicole's Friday Faces     /   Pink Saturday  


  1. Those 2 little ones are a reason to celebrate. It looks like it was a wonderful get together and the boys really had fun. I should take that back, it looks like you also really had fun too. I think those are some great photos of you also. I am sure they will remember this day, and I am sure they will want to come back and play again. Have a great day Jeanie. hugs-Erika

  2. What fun! It looks like everyone had a good time, but I’m kind of concerned about the last bit about the tooth. I hope it wasn’t painful.

  3. I'll bet they were asleep in the car within the first fifteen minutes of driving home! What a wonderful way to spend the day! I'm afraid to ask about your tooth... -Jenn

  4. The littles are getting so big- and so handsome, fine looking boys. Your day in the sunshine looks amazing, A lot to wqtercolor later when the snow flies, like the lad with the bright green doughnut, excellent photos.
    OH NO, your tooth!! YIKES!

  5. It looks like a grand time. I saw your facebook post on your accident. I hope you are on the mend!

  6. I particularly like the photo of the two kid brothers with their back to the camera,delicately holding hands and exploring together the hole in the sand.

  7. It looks like you had a wonderful time, but it sounds like something ominous happened at the end...hope all can become well again after a visit to a good doctor of dentistry...

  8. Now, that's a beautiful sight to see! Looking at the fun makes me smile :)

  9. Looked a lot of fun for everybody! Good health means everything these days. I hope your front teeth aren't mangled. BTW, did you check the trunk of the car? Maybe, the swimsuits are still there. Gigi hawaii

  10. Oh Jeanie, the way that little boy is looking at you is pure love. They are adorable, times like that are golden treasures. I hope you're ok after the accident. Happy 4th July x

  11. Oh no! An accident?!
    It's such fun with the grandies. Ours arrive tomorrow, not today. I'm so disappointed.
    (ツ) from Jenn Jilks , ON, Canada!

  12. So glad you had some fun before your awful fall. Get better soon!

  13. Your description totally made me think of the poem from "A Child's Garden of Verses" which we read often when I was a child:
    "When I was down beside the sea
    A wooden spade they gave to me
    To dig the sandy shore.

    My holes were empty like a cup.
    In every hole the sea came up,
    Till it could come no more."

    looks like a wonderful visit.

    best... mae at

  14. Looks like everyone had lots of fun!

  15. Who had more fun? No doubt, its always the grandparents !

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Sure looks like a lot of fun for everybody! (And I bet those two boys weren't the only ones taking a long nap afterwards...).

    But, Jeanie? An accident? Involving your tooth? Pretty soon you're going to have to rename this blog, "It's always something..." Sure hope the tooth is repaired and you are feeling much better very soon. Hugs!

  18. Happy 4th of July! Looks like a wonderful time with the family. Beautiful family photos too. I hope there was not a serious accident. Take care, have a great new week!

  19. Look at all of you blondes!!! ☺ Looks like so much fun, I'd love to jump right in!

  20. What a fabulous day! That energy and fun are so precious. Memories are made of this....for ALL of you. I'm sure you're looking forward to their next visit already!!

  21. Family happiness…love it…..🍀💗🍀💗🍀💗🍀💗🍀love Ria

  22. Sounds like you had a wonderful time with the little ones. I bet you had as much fun as they had. Nice to see you like your new swimsuit. It's really a lovely color. Looking forward to reading about the tooth accident and possibly the tooth fairy.

  23. Uh oh Jeanie, what did you do to that tooth???
    The pictures are wonderful and tell of a carefree, joyful day at the beach. Kids and sand - one of he best combinations! I bet they were sad to leave and probably can't wait to come to the cottage again for more fun.

  24. Fabulous fun times, lovely photographs you've shared.

    Hoping that whatever the accident was you are doing ok, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  25. Sounds like your fourth was exactly what cottage life is all about. Well, except for the tooth....

  26. give a kid a bucket, a shovel, and lots of sand. wonderful indeed!

  27. Sweet photos indeed Jeanie, loved each and every one. Happy 4th of July to you all :)

  28. This almost - but not quite - makes me wish I had a cottage again!

  29. What a great holiday -- well, except for that tooth, perhaps. Kids and sand make for some great times, especially if there's shower waiting when the fun's done.

  30. Littles and beaches.. they LOVE them..sparkling clean and even a bit dirty.I remember sand filled bums lol. From my girls to my Littles..never ever a dull Im bored moment!

    Ooohhh. the tooth.

  31. Wonderful celebration and family time. So glad all got to be together at the lake again.
    I've already read on FB what happened to you. I am so sorry. You have had enough sickness. You are too sweet for this to happen to you! Praying for you to persevere.

  32. I can see a great time was had by all at the lake! The happiness and smiles are all so sweet, has me remembering my days with our little that was just a short time ago. Glad your swimsuit arrived, the missing will remain a mystery always! I enjoyed seeing all the pics, the boys are growing big so fast. Enjoy, it'll be gone way to soon. XO

  33. Such great photos of what was obviously a fun day (except for the smashing the face part later).

  34. Jeanie, I love seeing the boys and they are really growing and are so cute. It looks like a fun time was had by all. I hope you are recovering well!

  35. oh oh, I have three tooth denture after a little head made hard contact with my face some years back. Broke the teeth, my nose and caused a nasty laceration on my tongue. Hard little heads can do a lot of damage.

  36. Those boys are GROWING! I love seeing their beach fun (and yours and Rick's). Happy summer, Jeanie!

  37. What beautiful little grand kids.
    Just seeing them play on the beach is so wonderful.
    It brings back memories of playing on past beaches with cousins.
    Oh the joy! A grandparents delight!

  38. Your cabin looks like a great getaway. But now I'm concerned about your tooth!

  39. Oh, what a great time had by all. OH NO - I am afraid to ask about the tooth issue...

    Dawn P. Albany, GA

  40. What a fun day with the grandkids! How wonderful that they made sand castles (that's what we call them here). Kids need to put their toes in the sand from time to time. I'm glad you found a bathing suit that suits you. I like the color. Sorry you had an accident with your tooth. Now, I'm curious what happened. Smiles all around on your post today. : )


  41. Jeanie, the boys have really grown! What fun to have them at your cottage for fun by the water.
    Sorry to hear about your tooth. Hopefully you are okay now.

  42. I am glad you guys had fun! They are at the perfect age for the cottage! We tried to build a sand castle at the beach we went to on Sunday but Will is in the smashing stage so nothing lasted long. Luckily Paul was more into the water than castle building. So Will didn't interfere with anything he built!

    I hate that you had a fall that impacted your tooth, though!!

  43. There's nothing like time with the grandchildren..How fortunate you are!!

  44. Oh, thank you for the big smiles! Water, summer, family, it can´t get better!
    Only sad thing... they grow up too fast. Haven´t I just seen baby-pics?! And now doing jobs?

    It´s fantastic they are so close together age-wise. My Brother and I only got close in later life.

    So many happy pics of all of you!
    But, huh, teeth-problems are the worst! Hope it´s not too bad...

  45. Memories those boys will have forever! Nothing occupies little boys better than sand and water! Sorry about your tooth, yikes, hope you're OK!

  46. I read the latest post before this one, jeanie, so know "what" happened after this wonderful visit. It does look like there was a lot of happy faces all around - kids and adults alike. Thanks for sharing the family good times. It's so nice to be able to see family and friends after so long of not being able to do that.

  47. The boys are just adorable, and it's wonderful to see kids enjoying simple pleasures. I'm sorry the day "flip flopped" from good to bad at the end....

  48. You can't get much better than days with family. :) So glad that you had this fun time together - before things went awry!

  49. OMGosh all of these beautiful faces. Looks like so much fun. I really love the last photos. Thank you for joining in Friday Face OFF.

  50. I too lived on a lake when my granddaughter was growing up, so I recognize the joy on the boys faces and they did what people do on a lake ... there really is nothing like it and I do miss all of it, but when you grow old, you have to accept changes. Your grandsons are gorgeous and look a lot like Grandma in many ways. Now, you have me worried as to losing a tooth can only imply a fall. Hope you are all right ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  51. The pics of the boys made me smile. SO glad they were finally able to go to the lake and have some fun! Janice

  52. Sounds like a fun time for kids of all ages. LOL!


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