The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Postcards From the Lake: Concussed!

Some days are good. Some days are not-so-good. You may have read about our fun day with the Little Guys, our own Dynamic Duo. It was fun in the sun, summer food, good times. 

Then they left and things went downhill from there.

It started out well enough. The temp finally came down from the 90s to a comfortable 80 with breeze. We enjoyed watching the ducks bob along on the lake as the day neared an end. There were more babies in this family than you see here but they were spreading out. 

(I'm surprised that I'm seeing far younger geese and duck families here than at home. Those at home are full size now.)

I touched base with some friends via my phone -- which I now can find easily when I put it down. (Anyone else have trouble seeing a black phone on another surface?) My earlier method is washi tape on the back -- but then an angel with a sewing machine came to the rescue.

You may know her as the remarkable quilter Carole of "From My Carolina Home." But to me she's the Sewing Angel who sent me this gorgeous phone case she made. Best of all, I'll be less likely to butt dial people now. Thank you, Carole!

After watching the penultimate episode of "London Kills" (Acorn -- highly recommended; we're waiting for season 4), I went to the porch to turn up the chair cushions as it felt like rain was coming in the night. It was dark. I was wearing flip flops and the front of the shoe caught on the step and I flip flopped, face-planting myself into onto the hard linoleum floor (If I was three inches taller, I would have hit the rug!).

I could tell right away a tooth had broken -- namely the front tooth. My glasses looked bent beyond repair and there was one big ugly cut on my face and plenty of blood to go with it. Rick was in the shower and didn't hear me call, though Lizzie came out from several hours of hiding. She is no Saint Bernard, no cask of brandy hanging on her neck. (Darn.) But sweet and worried.

Well, eventually I got cleaned up. It was pretty ugly and the next day even more so. I couldn't move my face very well -- it looked like I'd had a stroke but I didn't. Just bad shoes and bad foot placement.

Fortunately, the very nice people at the glasses store here fixed my frames at no charge. But the headache continued and after talking to some friends, who reminded me I am on blood thinners and brain bleeds aren't uncommon with head trauma, we went to the ER for a cat scan.

ER. July 4 weekend. Friday night in a summer resort community. You'd think we'd wait forever. The whole visit took about two hours -- and a lot of that was waiting for results and the heart attack that came in after me. Fortunately, I had my phone in its happy new phone case so I took pictures!

No brain bleed, just lots of trauma. And a nodule on the thyroid (who knew?) that I'll have checked out.

So, that's life of late. It's one reason why I haven't responded to comments very well or visited many of your blogs recently. I just haven't had the band width in my head to do it. 

Several days later now and things are looking up a bit. I still have the headache, but not constantly, the swelling is coming down, although my face still hurts at the cut, which is maybe three-quarters inch tall. I came home and saw the dentist (another crown to go with the one I got last week -- more crowns than Her Maj.) It's a pretty complicated fix but if I'm lucky, it will look less crooked than when I started! Then I saw my primary who said to give myself a couple of weeks to fully recover. 

I'll check in when I can. Stay upright! 

And thanks for all your good wishes and concern. It's more appreciated than you know.

Sharing with:   Nicole's Friday Faces


  1. Oh NO!!! My friend, you have GOT to stop hurting yourself! Thank the universe for no brain bleed ~
    Sending you gentle hugs, and thoughts for a speedy recovery! And DO get the thyroid nodule checked out ASAP!

  2. So sorry! Take it easy and enjoy quiet lake living while you recover.

  3. Good heavens, Jeanie! I'm surprised your injuries weren't more. I'm so sorry, my friend. Take it easy.

  4. I learned my lesson about wearing flip-flops when I tripped and broke my elbow and spent weeks in a cast and months in therapy after that. Glad you got the brain scan it turned out the way it did. Can't be too careful. Don't worry about replying to this comment, just take care of yourself!

  5. Oh I am so very sorry. How awful for you and expensive with the dental work included. Rest and take care.
    sending a hug

  6. I'm so sorry you fell and got hurt, but good thing there was not an even worse outcome. Sending you loving, and healing thoughts.

  7. Oh Jeanie, I'm so sorry this happened to you. You probably had wished for a more joyful time at the lake. But good that there is no brain bleed, but a concussion is bad enough. I can only agree with your doctor - take your time for recovering and DON'T WORRY about not commenting or visiting. We understand and it is way more important that you get back on your feet (maybe in Birkenstocks instead of flip flops) than petting our little egos. Get well, my friend.

  8. You really gave yourself a headache and more, Jeanie, and sorry to read about the fall and facial hurts.Years ago, I tripped over a hose while washing my car and also chipped a tooth with heavy facial bruising and also a trip to the ER to check for concussion (thankfully none).

    Never worry about not being able to comment on blogger's posts because you need to take time for yourself to heal and feel better and that's all that's needed. We will still all be here when you feel able to return.

  9. Oh no Jeanie, I am so sorry, that was quite a tumble!! You are still a stunning beauty - and how cool is it that you did not have to pay for duck lips- you did it yourself. So jealous! Glad you did not bang your noggin so hard that it knocked you out. that would have been a fright! So sorry, thinking of you with love!!!

  10. Oh my! As bad as it is, I'm glad it wasn't worse. Do take care! The phone case is very pretty and useful!

  11. That is really scary! So many risks in this story. I'm glad that the ER visit was at least not hideously traumatic, and that there's no long-term damage. Feel better fast!

    best... mae at

  12. Jeanie! Oh you poor dear. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Prayers for a speedy recovery!

  13. Oh Jeanie, I'm so sorry you had to go through all of this! I hope your face starts to heal and feel better. Did it require stitches? That was really nice of the people at the glasses store to fix your frames quickly. I hope your thyroid is Ok. Oh, you're all banged up, my friend. I'm thinking about you tonight and sending you thoughts of comfort and love.

    Take care of yourself and get some rest, dear Jeanie.


  14. Jeanie, I first read about your fall on FB. I am so happy there were no brain bleed or broken bones. Take care of yourself over the next two weeks, my friend!

  15. So sorry that this happened, but glad you went to the ER to check things out. Rest up and don't push yourself. sending a big hug.

  16. Oh no!!!
    I was more lucky I just had a second mouth when I fell in the dark into a bottle some dumb kid crashed onto the sidewalk.
    Hope you´re better soon, nice your glasses got fixed like that and to the tooth: My Niece had the same - you can´t see a thing now!
    Hope your headaches leave soon, best wishes from here!

  17. Oh Jeanie, that really was a bad fall. I'm so glad you had a CT scan though. It's so important because sometimes (oftentimes) we poo poo the notion that it could be very serious. Now at least after being checked out there is a little less worry. I'm sending you well wishes for a speedy recovery.

  18. Oh No! What a thing to happen. I do hope you are now healing well and all the aches and pains and problems are soon gone so you can get back to enjoying the summer at the lake.

  19. Thankfully no brain bleed. That's all that matters. Thankfully, the tooth can be fixed. I hope things improve quickly, dear. You looked like you were in pain from your selfie. That's a stunning phone case, though. Sending virtual hugs.

  20. Home is a dangerous place. I have a relatively small flat but overcrowded with things and I sometimes stumble upon them. I promise myself to "organize" better, but in fact move them from one corner to another:).
    Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  21. Oh my, Jeanie! That sounds like a bad fall. I am glad the ER visit was not too bad, I have heard people can wait for hours before being seen. Sending prayers for your recovery. Take it easy and take good care of yourself.

  22. Just another ho hum day at the cottage, huh? I think not! That looks really nasty, Jeanie and could have ben much worse. Thank goodness you weren't alone. I think your new rule should be to eschew the flip flops and settle for a sturdy pair of lace-up sneakers!

  23. Oh, that is a major trauma. TG you seem to be getting good care. I think your case would have to be quite serious to get a CT scan so quickly here. That is a plus to your system.

  24. Wow, Jeanie. What a frightening experience. I'm really glad it wasn't any more serious (although I do consider your injuries and the thought of a thyroid nodule very serious). Two hours in any ER has to be a record.

  25. So glad that it wasn't worse, and that you were thoroughly checked out. Hoping you continue to feel better and better each day! Soon you will be back to your pretty self!

  26. Oh no and ouch. This sounds like one of those moments where life changed in an instant. So so sorry to hear about your fall Jeanie. Glad you will be healing also,but that headache doesn't sound like fun. At least everything major checked out and you didn't have any brain bleeds. The part about the tooth sounds terrible, but except for a dent in your wallet, it too can be fixed. This is not what you wanted to happen when you are supposed to be enjoying your lake time. Take care. hugs-Erika

  27. Good heart and health vibes sending your way! What a horrible experience.
    Consider inexpensive beach shoes around the house, light, good traction, closed toe. Mine feel like I'm barefoot.

  28. So glad you are OK, with no brain bleeds, although a concussion is bad enough. Do take care and rest! Glad you like your phone case, I hope you can enjoy some lake time and recover.

  29. Glad you are healing. I tripped over a curb this past spring - things like this happen in a flash.

  30. Poor you.. gosh taking pics...This.Girl.Would.Not. lol
    I fell on my face and got stitches and facial trauma is no fun..unfortunately I was under treatment for something in the face and it exacerbated everything.
    I feel for you.
    I do..
    Take care Jeanie.

  31. Yikes!!! It was traumatic to read about; I can only imagine what it must've felt like. :(

  32. How painful and scary! Especially with you being on blood thinners. I am glad you had a quick visit to the ER. And I'm glad you have Rick close by to keep an eye on you. Concussions are scary and can have lasting effects with the headaches and such. Take it extra extra extra easy!

  33. Oh my, you had a bad fall! Maybe, you should walk barefoot inside the house like we do in Hawaii. It's better. I hope you feel better soon. Take care! Gigi hawaii

  34. Oh my goodness!!!! I am so glad that you are (relatively) ok after that. Glad to hear there was no brain bleed!!! You will be feeling better and back up and at em soon.

  35. My sweet friend I am so sorry to hear of your accident - sound like something I would do. I'm saying prayers. Rest, relax, and heal. Blog world will be here whenever you want to come back. Your recovery is more important than comments.

  36. We've been very quiet here, gardening, reading, watching Wimbledon tennis and enjoying the sunshine. So sorry to hear about your fall and injuries that must have shaken you. I wish you healing and a speedy recovery. I'm thankful that you recently had a good time with your little ones.

  37. That must have been very scary! Glad you are on the mend. Take care.

  38. Oh, goodness, I'm so sorry you went through that! Falls are no fun. I've had a couple and one ended up with a torn shoulder ligament and several weeks of physical therapy (pretty fine, now); the other just with nasy bruises on my nose nad upper lip (nothing broken, though.) This may sound strange, but I count myself lucky. Meanwhile, I hopd everything heals up soon. You sound like you cope very well, and that can only help, but still . . . my sympathy.

  39. I've fallen about a dozen times in the last six or seven years. I bent up my glasses on one fall and I dislocated my thumb (oh, and broke my camera), but that's the worst of it for me. I'm glad that you went in and got things checked out, and I'm terribly sorry about the tooth, but it's good to hear you are gradually feeling better.

  40. Sorry to hear of your accident. Glad you weren't alone and now are on the road to recovery. Great that your glasses were fixed for you, so now you can relax a bit and recover. Take care, Jeanie.

  41. Sounds like things pretty much turned out OK. Get that nodule checked out!

  42. OMGosh Jeanie! As bad as this all is you are lucky you didn't have a brain bleed. So nice that your glasses were fixed for free. I am sending you healing energy and hoping the headache goes away very soon.

  43. I am so sorry for your accident. You really did yourself in. Thankfully it was after your big visit.
    Rest up! Hope you are in good hands.
    (ツ) from Jenn Jilks , ON, Canada!

  44. Oh. My. Goodness, Jeanie!
    What a harrowing story and even so, you thought to take pictures throughout. Once a writer, always a writer.

    I hope by now the head pain has faded away. Please take it easy as you can. And absorb all the love and care that's posted here from your friends around the universe.


  45. Oh Jeanie, please be a bit more careful. I have a good pair of flip flops but rarely wear them. I prefer my Birkenstocks and I have a pair of slip on shoes with rubber souls. Thank goodness Rick was at the cottage and that you went to the ER. My therapist told me to use my cane when I walk, which I have to admit I don’t like to do. But I guess for me, better slow than sorry. Stay safe and rest and recuperate!

  46. OMGoodness! I am so glad you are okay and on the mend!! I am even more convinced as to why I won't wear flip flops. Please be careful and rest as much as you need to.

    Oh, and I really like your pretty phone case. :)

  47. Oh my goodness. Falling on your face, you poor dear. Thank goodness no brain bleed. It can always be worse. Take care and put your feet up. Flip flops are dangerous. I fell a few months ago when a vine tripped me. My whole side was black and blue and sore.

  48. I'm so sorry to hear about this accident, and as bad as a broken tooth and a concussion can be, I'm glad that nothing worse has happened. Hope you are getting lots of rest, taking all the time you need; this will pass, and you'll be moving with your usual buoyancy in time. All my sympathies, friend.

  49. Oh my goodness, that’s scary! I’m glad it wasn’t worse and that the CT scan came back clear. Hope your headache disappears and you heal quickly.

  50. Oh my - poor thing! So glad you didn't suffer a more serious injury, but that boo-boo and chipped tooth is bad enough. Throw those darn flip-flops away - you are the third blogger friend I know who has seriously fallen wearing those things. Glad that you are on the mend. You've had quite a difficult spring and summer this year. Hoping things get better and there are no more trips to the hospital for you, young lady. xx K

  51. Oh Jeanie, what an ordeal! I hope you are feeling better now. Take care girlfriend!

  52. This is NOT an ugly face. A bit bumped and bruised but you are very pretty. I hope you are healing more and more each day. Thank you for taking the time to join in with Friday Face Off. Sending healing energy to you.

  53. Oh my gosh Jeanie! Despite this traumatic experience, look at your blogging with a positive attitude! I'm so sorry you went through this and I wish you a speedy recovery! You are definitely a queen with all of those crowns! ☺☺

  54. Yikes! So sorry you've been going through all that! I hope the dentistry goes smoothly and I'm glad to hear there was no trauma to your brain. Scary!

  55. O no …!!! Poor you …no lucky day for you poor darling….I wish you a quick recover πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€ love from me and Leaf πŸ’—πŸΎπŸ€

  56. Oh, Jeanie, so sorry to hear about your accident. It is easily done. Falling on your face must be terrible. Glad there was nothing more serious. Take care of yourself and get better.

  57. I'm so sorry to hear of your Fall my Friend, Thank Goodness no TBI, but losing a front Tooth is a big deal and of coarse the trauma of a bad fall. I took two bad falls during Pandemic, when you couldn't see a Doc or get in to an ER and I still have lingering problems with what I injured, probably healed all wrong. Glad at least some of the Summer is going well, we have a lot of Baby Geese around here, they grow big fast.

  58. Well, I saw this coming after your comment on your last post ... you really did it up right, Jeannie. So if you are going to fall, you may as well make it a good one. Look at all the good you did ... fixed glassed, new crown and straighter teeth, uncovered blip on your thyroid and excuse for days of rest ... now let's get rid of the headache. Go to Amazon and put in the name "Be Kool" ... they are stick on gel cool patches that you can stick on your forehead. My daughter gets migraines and she says they really help ... I can commiserate with you for I have taken many falls of late because my little blind cat will walk up behind me, neither of us knowing the other is there ... so one step and boom only it has to be an acrobatic flip boom because I don't want to land on the cat. Fortunately I haven't hurt or broken anything yet and believe me I am more aware of my little boys location now days, but at Grandma age, we can't be too careful. I know you will get better soon and you will be able to laugh about this ... But in the meantime, be careful, get well and I will keep you in my prayers ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  59. Ouch Jeanie, I am so sorry and so glad it wasn't worse! That is scary, and hopefully you will feel fine in no time and will have a brand new pretty smile! Take care~

  60. OH NO Jeanie! Oh dear Jeanie, I am so sorry you had this accident and gosh, they can happen in an instant and change everything. I'm thankful to hear you are going to be fine after a little time for healing. The tooth can be taken car of (but of course who wants that) and you are very blessed it wasn't as bad as could have been. Keep us posted.......and take care.

  61. So very sorry to read this Jeanie, thank goodness you were not on your own.
    Sending lots of healing wishes to you.
    Take time to recover, and don't worry about blogging.

    God bless.

    All the best Jan

  62. You poor thing! I hope you're doing a lot better by now.

  63. Oh no...not fun being in the ER. So glad no stroke for you and you were ok. We spent 5 1/2 hours waiting for someone to see Bob. Take care and enjoy the lake. Janice

  64. Oh no! I didn't realize you were wearing flip-flops. That was what I was wearing when I fell last week. I knew better and did it anyway. Definitely have the thyroid checked too. Take care, dear one!

  65. Ouch! Sounds like a nasty fall, though I'm glad it wasn't even worse.

    Also, I have to laugh at you considering two hours a long waiting time. I'd love to show up at the hospital for anything other than a routine appointment and be seen and out of there in that short a time.

  66. oh no you poor thing. that is just awful for you! i know how hard it is to get over these things; my ribs have still not returned to normal after my fall in august last year! I guess they never will ... Hope you feel better soon. x


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