The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, June 2, 2022

God Save Her

This is the week of Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee, commemorating 70 years on the the throne, Britain's longest reigning monarch and one of the longest in history of any country. 


I'm an  unapologetic fan of the Queen. She has done a job she was never supposed to have to do, having fallen into the role of heir apparent when her father became king following the abdication of his brother, Edward VIII, to marry Wallis Simpson. 

 As a family, the Windsors called themselves "Us Four," the King, Queen and the princesses Elizabeth and Margaret.

Then along came Philip, her husband until his death last year at the age of 99. 


When her father, George VI, died, Elizabeth came to the throne at the age of 25, her coronation at the age of 26.

Elizabeth II is a constitutional monarch -- a queen who reigns but does not rule. Her life has spanned three previous kings -- her grandfather, uncle and father -- and fourteen prime ministers. 

The Queen herself is 96 years old and despite coming down with Covid this winter and cutting back on her schedule, she's still doing official engagements, including opening the new Elizabeth Line of the London Tube several weeks ago.

Despite her recent seclusion, she has attended two Jubilee events to date and is expected to make at least one or two appearances during the upcoming events honoring her reign.

During the past 70 years, she has conducted her business with a smiling demeanor and those who write of her mention her wit and sense of humor, which isn't always seen by the public. But the smiles are plentiful.

"I must be seen to be believed," she has said to have commented about her bright, consistent wardrobe of big hats and cheery colors.

So on Thursday, my friend Carol and I will have tea to celebrate the Queen and her long years of service to a country that is my favorite in all the world. (And that includes my own.)

Long may she reign!


All the photos in this post have been borrowed from various social and online media posts, including Facebook, The Tatler and other sites. Some are attributed to Getty Images. If I had better sources, I'd post them!

Sharing with:   Pink Saturday    /   Love Your Creativity  


  1. What a fun idea to celebrate with a tea! Royalty is one of those ideas that seems surprising in today's world, like seeing a black-and-white tv or a manual typewriter. Yet something about it is comforting, too.

  2. The queen has much that merits admiration; many of the other members of her tribe not so much. I hope that In Canada we can follow the lead of Barbados and Jamaica and dump the anachronistic monarchy as part of our constitutional structure. No one that I know of is looking forward to welcoming King Charles! Even fewer are keen on Queen Camilla.

  3. She is amazing! What a life she has had. And can you imagine working 70 years?

  4. She looked quite fit and able on TV today when they showed her at the flyover. My VERY British grandmother wanted me named for her (my grandparents raised me from birth), so I have always looked up to her. However, the only thing that marred my feelings for her was the way she treated Diana (and Diana's death). Other than that, I hope I look as good at 96 as she does and did today. She truly IS a Queen for all to look up to.

  5. Still beautiful in her colorful dresses and hats, but she has aged since Philip passed away. I hope she enjoys the Celebrations with her family.

  6. She's had quite the life hasn't she and handled it with grace and a good head on her shoulders.

  7. Hello,
    I saw her on the news this morning, she was standing on the balcony watching the ceremony. She is amazing, with 70 years as a reigning monarch. having tea with your friend sounds like a fun way to celebrate. Take care, enjoy your day!

  8. Can't even think of doing a job that long!! lol

  9. Long may she reign, indeed! I admire her sense of duty and life of service! And I love her suits and fabulous hats! Enjoy your tea time!

  10. She really is remarkable. I've heard a lot of British people speculate on the future of the royal family and what the monarchy will look like, but everyone agrees she has done an admirable job, even during the tough times (like Diana's death). Hard to imagine she came to the throne at 26. I feel like I was only barely an adult at that age!

  11. A remarkable woman, indeed. Enjoy your tea this afternoon -- Cheers!

  12. This is the post I have been looking for! thank you. You know that I am in your corner with Queen-ish admiration and love in my heart!!

  13. my dad was from Scotland and I grew up appreciating all things British, including the Royal Family.

    i love the idea of having a tea in her honor. beautiful, poignant, and just plain lovely.

    enjoy your weekend. thank you for this lovely post!

  14. Long live the Queen. I am an American who adores and admires her, she is so faithful to serving people and her country, and also looks like a fun grandma. I like her sense of style with the hats and suits in cheerful yellows, pinks, blues and greens. Bravo to her.

  15. What a fun way to honor the queen. I hope that you will share photos from your tea with your friend! I have learned so much about the reign of the queen through the show The Crown. I can't wait for the next season to drop. It has really shown what a toll a role like that can take on your life, family and relationships. She is a very classy lady!

  16. I think many people forget this is such a historical moment which may never happen again and certainly won't in anyone's lifetime who is alive at this very moment.

  17. Amazing woman, amazing life
    Her clothes are always perfect, of the highest quality.
    On TV this morning, the royals on the balcony, Prince Charles and wife are chattier than I recall seeing in the past on the balcony.

  18. I like the Queen too. Nice post!

  19. I hope you have enjoyed or are still enjoying your tea party to celebrate the great Jubilee. I seem to remember your celebrating the weddings of the two heirs of Charles. And I do definitely like her clothing, though her crowns are a bit over-the-top in my opinion. But then, she inherited them, didn't choose them.

    As I have probably told you, when I was a kid my favorite paper doll set was commemorating Elizabeth's coronation. It had her robes and crown and so on with tabs to put on the cardboard figures. My Hollywood paper dolls all had on bathing suits to wear under the tabbed clothes -- The Royals all wore regular slim-ish street clothes that fit under the fancy dress. The only children in the set were Charles and Ann -- then maybe 7 and 3 years old. So in my mind, Andrew and Edward didn't really belong.

    Have fun! best... mae at

  20. Queen Elizabeth is certainly an amazing woman, I agree, and this was a very nice tribute. Another thing that bears mention is her military service during WWII. Not all monarchs, male or female, can add that to their list of achievements. Her colorful attire has always made her a standout anywhere.

  21. The tea sounds fun.
    Given her age, the job must agree with her. It would be on my top ten jobs I'd want no part of. I like my privacy too much.

  22. The Queen has had an amazing life even though it came to her unexpectedly. I admire her also, and it is amazing to think she has ruled for 75 years. 75 years! This is such a lovely tribute Jeanie. I'm with you about being a Queen admirer. Happy June to you. Hugs-Erika

  23. It’s not a post that I expected an American to write. I think you are more of a royalist than I, but I am not anti.

  24. Her smile sure is wonderful. I remember I read how the Obamas met her and there was a little "faux pas" she took with humor.
    She is not very popular here, but, funny enough, through your blog(s) I learn more about her! To more hopefully happy years.

  25. I'm not pro royalty and don't take much interest in the royal family. I like, however, to read nice, interesting things about women whether the Queen or the sales girl. Your post is a fine tribute to the Queen!

  26. An amazing feat that she never chose or expected. Bless her.

  27. So nice your post today …love the Queen…so nice that she also came to the Chelsea flower show !…happy weekend…enjoy the birthday weekend of your queen…I did know you live in England?….it is now not possible to comment with bloglovin…o my…I hate it now I do comment on my blogger list ..but that is not complete with all the blogs I follow…I always read on my iPad but when I will comment with bloglovin my keyboard not comming …..mmmmmm. I hope it wil work soon happy weekend love Ria and Leaf 🍀🐾💗🍀

  28. I was so sad when she caught covid I think it knocked the stuffing out of her. The same thing happened to my 97-year-old aunt she caught covid and never really got back to where she was before she got sick.
    I hope she enjoys all the celebrations even from the comfort of her palace.

  29. An incredible woman, leading an incredible life, thank you for the wonderful synopsis of her years on the throne Jeanie~

  30. Such an amazing life. She bounces back after enduring so much. A lovely tribute to the queen. Thank you for sharing her life.

  31. Love that you're having a tea in her honor.

  32. Oh, I so agree with you! I, too, have been following the Royal family closely over the years. Love Queen Elizabeth II. May she enjoy more years to come.

  33. The queen has dne a great job all her life! Hugs, Valerie

  34. What a wonderful collection of photos. The Queen is so beloved that is says a lot about her character!

  35. What a fabulous post this is.
    I do like the collection of photographs you've used.
    The Queen is an incredible woman.
    Eddie and I have thoroughly enjoyed watching the celebrations on television - and there is still more to come :)

    All the best Jan

  36. I have taped the festivities and will watch soon. god save the queen! Janice

  37. A lovely tribute Jeanie. One of the many, many things my parents always admired about her parents, and consequently their daughters, was that they didn't leave London during the Blitz of WWII, they stayed with the people. She has done an amazing job, if we can call it that, and through thick and thin she has always been there for her country. There have been many ups and downs throughout the years as we all know. Her critiques may say otherwise but she stood the test, and now at this grand age I only wish her well. I hope you enjoyed your tea and thank you for this delightful post:)

  38. Jeanie, such a lovely tribute to Queen Elizabeth. Great selection of photos..........

  39. Jeanie,
    Agreed!! I have always been a fan and admirer of Lilibet....I love her bright outfits and I am so glad to see that she is not like Queen Victoria , who wore black for the 40 years she lived after Prince Albert died.....Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you have a good weekend!! Our weather is going to be fantastic!! Low humidity and around 75 as a high!! Perfect in my book!!

  40. Wonderful post. I have always been a fan of Queen Elizabeth II.

  41. Jeanie, I love this post. The queen is beautiful and truly a lady in every sense of the word. I would imagine that even with being well taken care of her life has not been easy. This was a lovely tribute.

  42. You have much knowledge about the Queen and her royal duties. I saw bits and pieces of the Jubilee on tv when I was on my road trip. I like the picture of her when she was a baby. I'm sorry to hear that she got the virus, that's terrible. I'm not really up on the happenings of the royal family, and I really could only relate to Diana. We both were married around the same time, and had children around the same time. I used to love to read the magazines about her fashion choices all those years.


  43. I should have had tea with a friend! Great post with info and lovely photos you found. I love the Queen’s colorful wardrobe and lovely smile. It is hard to believe at 96, she is only using a cane for support.

  44. Celebrating the Queen's reign with tea seems very fitting. Will it be a cream tea with scones and jam?

  45. Her long reign certainly is amazing, isn't it! I remember reading about her coronation when I was a teenager. So young to have such a responsibility!

  46. What a lovely tribute. I watched most of the celebrations and made a Queen Elizabeth Cake to have with tea. I hope you are feeling better xo

  47. I love this post, Jeanie. Thanks for putting it together for us!

  48. She certainly is an amazing woman.

    I enjoyed the lovely tribute, Jeanie.

    Have a great week ahead!

  49. In general, I'm probably not a big fan of royalty, but I'm so in awe of Queen Elizabeth. She has been steadfast through so many crises with grace and a model of duty and service. Long live the Queen!

  50. I know there is lots of criticism about the monarchy, but I, too, admit to being a fan of the royals. And judging by the crowds that gathered to pay tribute to her, I'd say the Queen still commands her share of fans! I caught some of it on TV. Of course, Prince Louis covering his ears stole the show!

  51. Long live the Queen!
    I love that smile she always seems to have

  52. Hi Jeanie
    I too am a fan of the Queen. She has lived a remarkable life. I enjoyed watching the Jubilee events. Long live the Queen!

  53. I think the thing that has endeared me to the Queen recently is her humor. I loved the video of her having tea with Paddington. It all inspired me to bake a Victoria Sponge cake to celebrate with tea. So glad you and your friend had tea to celebrate. I would say "Long live the Queen", but actually she has done that. I think i am with you on loving her country. I love both England and France and wish I could actually live in one of those countries these days.

  54. I just read your comment about my latest rocking horse. It is the only rocking horse BANK I have ever been given or owned. You are right. I have about 480 in various sizes, shapes, and media, but only ONE BANK.

  55. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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