The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, May 2, 2022

Mural Monday: Old Town (and a tune from Rick!)

A couple of weeks ago, Rick and his musical partner Josh were playing an open mic night in Lansing's Old Town. I wanted to see them perform but after five minutes in an overcrowded room with bad ventilation and practically no one but me in a mask I said, "I'll walk around a bit and try to come back when you think you might be playing" (about an hour later). (You can here it too, at the bottom of this post!)

So, I took a stroll around Old Town, one of my favorite shopping areas. Unfortunately, everything was closed except for one (very lovely) gallery -- the excellent "Absolute Gallery."

I did some damage there, partly to make it worth the owner's time for still being open and in part because they have great stuff. When I went outside, it was raining. So after sitting in the car a bit, I went back to the gallery hosting the open mic. Rick and Josh still had a long way to go till they performed and they understood when I opted out.

But one of the things I noted during my walk was this wonderful mural done by Reach Art members and the MICA gallery people.

If you know Old Town, you will know that it is the home of both a well attended bluesfest and jazzfest each summer, and these were represented in the bright and splashy art that covered the side of a building.

Can you imagine doing this one? I can't!

The mural captures the energy of this, the oldest part of Lansing, and the vibrant arts community that has evolved there in the past couple of decades.

Rick and Josh were last to perform and they said it went very well. Rick also said it was an excellent thing I didn't stay because even he was hinky about the Covid potential after (and we distanced for a bit after that). Fortunately, someone recorded it! Have a listen (a little short of three minutes)

It was a win-win!

Let there be music and art in your life!

Sharing with:  Sami's Monday Mural   


  1. I was pleased to see a guy on the violin. Is he a friend or relative?

    Awesome murals btw.

  2. The murals are absolutely beautiful I enjoyed the video, nice soothing music.

  3. Art, music and books are so important! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Very nice! The murals are also nice.
    This comment box keeps enlarging, the page. and when I try to position the cursor to type, it jumps out of view.

  5. I love the murals. Good for you for being cautious re: COVID.
    My friend, who continually posts images of her dinner parties on Facebook, has come down with what sounds like COVID! I must admit I did snicker. We can't get proper (PCR) COVID tests here. Her rapid test was negative.

    I am glad someone recorded the open mike. I quite like the sound!

  6. Beautiful music! Thanks for including it. I'm sorry you didn't get to hear it live. On our trip we acted as if there was no covid. A few days will tell if we are going to pay for that!

    best... mae at

  7. It's always such a treat to hear Rick play -- thanks for sharing the clip! And Old Town looks like a lot of fun, too. Those murals are amazing!

  8. Our town is home to a moderately famous poet from the early to mid-1900s and there are murals all over town representing her and her work. It's so great to see public art celebrated.

  9. those are some really gifted people.

  10. Lots of talent on those buildings and inside playing music!

  11. Wonderful post Jeanie, fun listen to the music, and to see Rick play. The look around town was fun too, loved those murals!

  12. The murals are so vibrant! Rick and his partner sounded great.

  13. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the murals. Nope, I wouldn't have stayed either, but it was great you supported a local art gallery.

    Rick and his friend sounded good together.

  14. Oh it was so good, too! Beautiful playing!!! But I would have been like you about being in that tight area, with no masks. Ummm, no, not for me, thank you.

    I think I am going to one of those that masks up the rest of my life! And I don't mind!!! I would rather wear a mask in public places and NOT GET COVID, thank you :)

    Anyways, great looking murals too.

    Dawn P. Albany, GA

  15. Many of the happenings in Old Town are always fun to attend. The art murals are so vibrant with color. That lady in red really stands out! I'm glad Rick's music went well, and thanks for sharing a bit of it. I miss the Old Town area of the town I grew up at. They had good restaurants and a favorite shop I would visit from time to time. I didn't realize your Old Town had a art and music fest each Summer. You must show us what you bought at the Absolute Gallery sometime. ; )

    Happy May Jeanie!


  16. Like the graffiti walls …happy week love from me 🍀💗🍀

  17. I'm so glad you included the music, I loved to listen to it. Those murals are amazing and very lively - it seems that is a great district. A friend of mine who is living in Bend, OR sometimes does murals and posts about the progress on social media. It is impressive how they develop. Hard work.

  18. I would have been you Jeanie. I don't think I'm mask obsessed, but I'm not ready for going maskless in crowds like that. And around my area, I would be the only one with a mask I think. And shopping is always fun. As are those murals. I'm glad you included that video of Rick's music. Happy May to you. hugs-Erika

  19. I'm glad Rick had a good time and musical performance and it sounds like you made the right decision to leave the maskless and go shopping at the boutique and enjoy the colorful downtown murals. A win-win!

  20. Rick and Josh sound wonderful. I love the uplifting, whimsical piece! It must be so fun for them to get to play in front of strangers. That mural is amazing! It makes me happy when cities and towns commission artists to beautify buildings like this, particularly when it has to do with its history.

  21. Loved the music performance, enjoyed the murals.

  22. Thank you for posting the video! The murals are amazing.
    Even with everyone masking all the time here in Japan, I stay away from crowded places.

  23. Great murals! So glad you were able to catch Rick play. Janice

  24. I love the murals they are so full of colour and vibrancy :)

  25. That IS a great mural! Very energetic and lively.

  26. Hello, Jeanie,
    The art district looks like a fun area to visit and explore. I love the mural.
    It is nice to see Rick playing, the music sounds great. Take care, enjoy your day!

  27. Rick and Josh did very well. They obviously saved the best till last. As for masks, it's a bit of a conundrum here. There is no longer any requirement to wear one in most situations and it seems that fewer and fewer people do. Yesterday I took my car in for service and no one in the service department of the dealership was masked, no other customer was masked and I had them drive me home in the shuttle with one other customer, and I was the only one masked. Short of staying in the house I think this is the way it is. I also know a couple of people, sensible people not radical malcontents and whack jobs, who believe that masks have proven ineffective. I disagree, but the fact remains that in Ontario other than for riding on public transit and in a couple of other circumstances one is not required to wear one.

  28. Wonderful, bravo! Thank you for sharing!

  29. Those murals are wonderful. It's interesting to me that 'blues and jazz' murals have similarities across communities; these could have been at home anywhere in Louisiana. Of course, that area's the source of much of the music underlying your Michigan murals. Music's still one of the things that ties us together.

    Speaking of music, that was lovely. It must feel great to Rick to be able to get out and perform again.

  30. Wonderful performance! Thank you for sharing such beautiful music and art! It's nice to see Rick "come alive" on my computer screen!

  31. Oh their music is⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️What fun Jeanie.Masks are not optional here.A must still.

  32. Rick and Josh make beautiful music together! Old Town looks like a wonderful way to spend a day, I would love it. Thanks for sharing and Tell Rick I enjoyed listening..........

  33. Jeanie, Good for you on wearing your mask! When we go to Texas later this month, I’ve decided to wear my mask for our granddaughter’s open house and at her graduation, even if I’m the only one. No one is paying attention to Covid in Texas, but I’ve been so sick for 3 months now and my weight keeps dropping. I’ve lost 20+ since this started for me and I’ve got a good month to go yet in my recovery from surgery. I’m happy someone recorded them playing. The music was very soothing to listen to.

  34. The Old Town sounds exciting with all the public art, art gallery, music... Love the murals, so much to see. So nice to hear Rick and Josh sing. Thanks for contributing to Monday Murals Jeanie.

  35. Thank you for sharing. I love the mural.

  36. Rick and his friend did a beautiful job.
    And you managed to find some stunning murals.

  37. Those murals are gorgeous! So stunning! I love coming across murals like that. It really brightens up the neighborhood to see art in such a large and bright format! That situation would have made me anxious, too. Poor ventilation + a crowd + no masks. Eeks.

  38. The mural is so happy, colorful, and inviting!
    I would have had to leave, too...but they did a great job and we were lucky to be able to hear them, too. :)

  39. Like that guy on the violin. Very smooth.

  40. Jeanie,
    Thank you so much for sharing this. There are so many talented people in the world. These murals are outstanding!
    It was humbling to see your comment on my bunting babies. That was the kindest comment ever. Thank you my friend. Yes, you know faces have always been a challenge when needle felting. Keep at it! I know you can do it, as you are so very talented.

  41. A lovely performance from Rick and Josh. Please pass on our congratulations! That mural is something else.

  42. I love all the signs for the Absolute Gallery - grabs my attention.

  43. Thanks for sharing Ricks music. That mural is awesome.

  44. We went on a street art tour while I was in Paris. I hope to post about it soon. I love seeing these murals. I would enjoy taking a vacation where all I did was look at street art.

    The music is fantastic. I wasn't expecting classical music!

  45. Hi Jeanie! I'm glad you're having fun getting out and about!

  46. The murals are wonderful, I love seeing them on buildings...I don't blame you for not wanting to stay in a crowded venue, I'm glad you got to at least watch it on video!

  47. I am going to have a hard time transitioning to no masks inside, if I ever do it at all. :(

    I am glad you were able to find some fun options instead, and got to see a video of the performance! Those street art murals are amazing!

  48. Nice playing Rick and Josh!

  49. While it was unfortunate that you were unable to hear the concert "in person" at least you had the video as a consolation, Jeanne. And, you decision not to attend because of health concerns meant you were able to share the wonderful murals in this post. I was curious as to whether or not the venue posted about the non-distancing and/or non-masking in advance which might have given you some advance "warning" so as not to be disappointed.

  50. Beautiful music, thanks so much for including the video. The mural is amazing, we have a wonderful one in our downtown area. Please tell Rick how much I enjoyed he and Josh. I hope you are having a great week, Jeanie!

  51. I'll listen to the music on my iPad later, as I can't play it on my desktop. Anything with violin should be great! I really like your Old Town feel in Lansing. How nice to experience that artistic vibe!

  52. Jeanie, this was great. Loved Rick's music and the area looks amazing. I do love great murals. Thanks so much for sharing.

  53. Bravo! Very enjoyable performance by Rick and Josh. All the hard work in practicing sure pays off. And thanks for sharing the interesting wall mural. Some people had done some hard work there as well to make it so. :)

  54. Oops forgot to use this instead of a anonymous in my comment just now: Arti of Ripple Effects.

  55. Love the music; so relaxing.
    I always love seeing cities with creative murals and this is a great one.
    I don't think I would have sat in the enclosed, crowded area either.

  56. What a cool outing! You've combined some of my favorite things :) (I agree about public gatherings, though... I'm just not there yet)

  57. Cute signs and a great mural - love that woman in the red dress!
    Yes, not well ventilated alone would make me leave.
    Oh, I expected some more wild music ;-)

  58. Thanks for sharing the clip. And I love that comment about having music and art in your life.

  59. "Let there be music and art in your life!"

    There was certainly lovely art and music in this post :)

    All the best Jan


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