The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Waking Up at the Ditch

The Ditch is still pretty much a symphony of muted colors and fairly quiet. I think most of the ducks have gone down-under, tending their nests; the new growth of grasses is yet to be visible and the trees still bare.

But there is definitely some life going on! And more than a little bit of beauty!

Bushy has been taking advantage of fallen bird seed.

The koi are active and plentiful. At least for now!

The elusive red-winged blackbird has returned. 

He moves quickly but I was lucky to catch him in hunter-gathering mode and taking a bit more time.

It's hard to hit a moving target. I'm glad he slowed down!

On a warm, it-finally-feels-like-spring day, there were plenty of people taking advantage of the weather with a good walk!

I stopped for a peek at Mother Goose #1, sitting on her nest, sleeping. You can barely see her here, that teeny speck of white at the center of the photo.

Time to zoom in! Such a lovely mother-to-be!

I moved on -- but before I got too far, heard a cacophony of geese fighting, so I went back! Apparently someone had come to close and she and Papa #1 went at them, leaving the nest open. Check it out -- at least five, maybe six eggs. Who knows what lies beneath?

I made my way around the ponds and came to the nest of Mother Goose #2. The nest was empty -- nary an egg to be seen, nor Mama, for that matter. I worried. Had they hatched? (No shell visible) Had some animal or bird raided it?

But good things come to those who wait and soon Mama was back on the nest again, fluffing and puffing it up.

And, in doing so, look! You can see at least two eggs, possibly three. And there might be more. You can see the three white "bumps" in the nest just to the right of the fluff between her nose and left foot.

The water was so still, I was captivated by the reflections. They are mirror-like. This reminded me of the story of Narcissus.

 Yes, spring is finally coming to our part of the world. And what's one final, good sign?

Harry's back!

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  1. The bird-watching is wonderful there! The daffodils are sooo pretty. Ours are about gone already.

  2. How fun to see the geese and their eggs. Glad Harry is back!

  3. Thanks for taking us to the ditch with you! I love that reflection picture of the goose! -Jenn

  4. Bushy is um very bushy. Someday, I would like to get a good redwing, but our local area isn't the best for them.

  5. Jeanie, your photos at the Ditch always enchant me. It looks like Spring is coming slowly but surely there. I love all the photos, but that Mama goose with the reflection in the water is awesome. I hope her eggs will be Ok. The red-winged blackbird is such a unique and pretty bird. I'm glad you have this place to go to when the weather is nice. It reminds me of our Creek that is not too far from my house. It's like visiting a place of peace. It's funny how your friend, Harry, always returns and greets you. : )


  6. Hello,

    It is nice to take advantage of the good weather and go for a walk.
    Your ditch is a popular place with the birds and humans. Great captures of the Goose and it's nest. So glad, Harry the Heron has returned. Great series of photos. Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  7. wonderful wonderful pictures! thanks for taking us along.

  8. Wonderful photos, glad you could enjoy time at the ditch again. Lovely to see the mother geese and the eggs. Great reflections, too. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  9. Hello, Harry!! I love going to the ditch with you, Jeanie!

  10. It's so good to hear Spring has returned, Jeanie! Your lovely photos are a true testament to that. Daffodils, geese nesting and Harry---how wonderful! Enjoy your day. Hopefully it will be another walk along the Ditch.

  11. I think Harry knows you, so he won’t hesitate on that “come back.”
    Love your photo catches with the goose, nests, eggs and all.
    Great reflection picture.
    And I love all the Koi . . .
    Yes indeed, spring is finally showing us some promise!
    My Helebores are in full bloom.
    I go out each day to do some clean up.
    Snow flakes were in the air here today for a bit! (4/26/22 )

  12. Those bird nest photos! And that chubby squirrel!! Great photos! I have never seen a duck or goose nest in the areas where we walk. I feel like they must go somewhere else to lay their eggs. Paul would love to see a nest full of eggs! Maybe some day we will get lucky!!

    I'm glad you are seeing some signs of spring. We had warm weather here on Saturday when I was gone but it was very stormy. The boys got out when it wasn't raining, though. The weather was changing by the time I flew home. I'm so anxious for spring and warm weather!! The feels like temp today is 22F! Bleh!

  13. Great pictures, Jeanie. I felt I was walking around with you, conscious of all the life stirring in the seemingly dead landscape. Your pictures are beautiful quality, like a wildlife magazine!

  14. WOOHOO that Harry's back...however if you are getting the snow we are supposed to get, ne might want to go back South. UGH Janice

  15. The reflections of the geese are beautiful! There is so much life there. It must have been a delight to see it all. Is that corn cobs by the squirrel?

  16. Great nest photos Jeanie. I like how you were able to get some egg photos. I just love watching nature coming out of its winter dormancy. The greens are so exciting, as are birds returning and those goose nests. Pretty soon the ditch will be full of green and baby goslings. Hope your week is going well Jeanie. Hugs-Erika

  17. Hooray for Harry! It's wonderful to see him again! (And all the waterfowl as well). Great photos, too -- those redwing blackbirds are hard to capture! Nice to see people out and about again...

  18. I love this! So much life - flowers and birds and eggs - and I always enjoy it more when you have to take a moment and look for beauty.

  19. Harry will be very happy to do some serious Koi control, I am sure!

  20. I know you were excited for Harry’s return. It is amazing what you see, if only one takes the time to look. I always enjoy your walks around the ditch!

  21. Welcome back, Harry! The geese eggs are so cool! There is a lake near me where I often see a red-winged black bird, but I have yet to get a decent photo of it. Well done! Thanks for sharing a peek of spring from your neck of the woods!

  22. Oh Harry! I am so glad you have returned.
    I loved the nest of Mama #2 and the reflection. The nest looks like it was just floating on the water. What a lovely walk at the Ditch.

  23. I hope they're not all freezing their tails off now.

  24. What a lovely ditch tour! We get the red-winged blackbirds here, too. I haven't seen any so far. They are more a rarity on my patio. Smart mama that covered her eggs while she was gone. Have a great day! :)

  25. Awwww...Harry!!!!! It is looking like spring there for you. Not s single thing is up or blooming here yet. Today, with wind chill, it is only 18˚F. Just crazy. That is certainly a beautiful spot to visit, Jeanie! xo Diana

  26. The ditch is a very busy place. Great post, Jeanie!

  27. Jeanie, so happy to see Harry. Imagine the care that Mother Goose takes when she has to leave the nest for a bit. That must be such a scary situation for them. I saw on the news today, and can't remember the name of the college, but there are a lot of Mother Gooses on campus with babies and very protective of them while attacking students if they get too close. I would enjoy seeing all that you see at the beautiful ditch but wouldn't want to get one of those mamas mad!..Happy Wednesday..xxoJudy

  28. There's nothing like doing some bird watching in the spring. So much fun to see eggs!

  29. Wondrous. All that beauty and life.

  30. I loved seeing the geese and the nests. I think I might have a pair of cardinals feeding babies; I see the parents, but so far don't have a clue where the young'uns might be tucked away. What's most noticeable around here now is a bumper crop of young squirrels! I know they're young because their tails are twice as long as their bodies, and believe me -- they're rambuctious! A pair of mallards is coming by on a regular basis, still. I don't know what their deal is, but eventually I may find out!

  31. At first glance, things look very dull. Your keen eye, and camera, showed us the color and life!

  32. oh how marvellous to see all those eggs! such a wonderful reminder of the circle of life.

  33. Oh my goodness, I would love to go on this walk. I have never actually seen eggs in a Canada Goose nest before, what a great catch! In fact, great photos Jeanie, all of them! Thank you :)

  34. Your photos are so lovely I can hear the ditch life!

  35. Look at those daffies! Ours are all bloomed out.

  36. What a pretty place to take a walk, Jeanie! So much wildlife to view there. I love seeing the red-winged blackbirds and the nesting goose. We are seeing more birds in our backyard than ever this spring despite the sad fact the avian bird flu has been active in our region but that seems to be mostly infecting poultry.

  37. Seeing those two geese and their nests is a sure sign that we will be seeing some young-uns in a few weeks, Jeanie. There's definitely signs of spring at the Ditch.

  38. The Ditch is a good place to observe birds in their natural habitat. The red winged blackbird is interesting as is the nesting goose.

  39. Jeanie, I thoroughly enjoyed my walk around your ditch. I especially enjoyed "Bushy," the red-winged blackbird, and of course, Harry himself. I don't remember that he returned this early last year. Anyway, he is handsome and I know you love him. Enjoy watching the world come to life around your ditch.

  40. Jeanie,
    WOW!! The ditch is bustling with new life...both in plants and in birds and wild life!! So enchanting...Great pictures!! Thanks for sharing....It is blustery cold today with a wind chill in the 30's...Not even the bright sun is helping...Supposed to be better and warmer tomorrow....Thanks for all your visits!!! I would have been by sooner but I was heck bent on getting the porch, patio and yard set up....Just a bit more to go in the front and then done except for planting of my flowers which will have to wait until close to Memorial Day....Threat of frost lasts that long here...

  41. Jeanie, you always find so many interesting and beautiful finds on your walks to the Ditch. Nature is amazing in the spring. I'm so happy you finally saw the eggs in the nest. We had a nest on our front porch we've been watching. A cardinal and we took a peek when we could and saw the eggs had hatched. The next day, not a one was in the nest and we have no idea what happened. Spring is definitely happening there and we are already feeling like summer here. Enjoy this weekend.......

  42. Beautiful photos! So much new life. I like how Mother Goose #2 covered her eggs with the 'fluff' to make it look like it was empty!

  43. Beautiful!!!…have a nice weekend…what a lot of comments…how do you do that ? …love from me Ria 🍀

  44. What a nice area to walk, watching and waiting for the babies to hatch. Harry's back! I know that makes you happy.

  45. Wonderful photographs.
    I always enjoy your visits to the Ditch.
    Lovely to see Harry is back :)

    Enjoy the upcoming weekend.

    All the best Jan

  46. I love the signs of spring at the ditch. Thanks for the red-winged blackbird - I love those. Happy Spring!

  47. Glad to see that Harry is back. I still laugh at the geese, but your photos of the mother with the eggs is absolutely phenomenal. What amazing photos, dear.


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