The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, April 18, 2022

More from the Art Workshops!

Sketchbook Revival continues till April 30 but so far I've filled a lot of pages on my book! I shared the cats and landscape with you HERE. These are a few other pieces.

For the most part, these workshops have really allowed me the opportunity to play, to step out of my comfort zone and loosen up. For one who has to restrain herself from putting in every brick on a house portrait, that's so much harder than it seems. But that's what is making it fun. 

For example, when the description of the workshop is turning blobs of paint into birds or cats, I had to try!


And I find this terribly fun and freeing. Is it great art? No. But it's fun art. And it has me painting again. And, thinking outside my own narrow box of creativity.

And you have to admit, they're pretty cute.


Well, I'll admit it, even if you don't!

Another workshop that was freeing found us taking a photo or piece of art as inspiration. I chose this calendar by my cousin, Annie Taylor of Annie's Omnium.

Our challenge? To pull out the various colors into a horizontal strip motif and add some of the elements of the original. For example, if there were circles or squares, you might incorporate those. In Annie's art there were flowers, raindrops, dots, and lines. Here's the finished piece...

...and the two side by side. I'm not thrilled with it (my version, not the original!) but it's a good exercise to loosen up.

Loosening up with florals was fun too. No painstaking direct copy of the flower but something more flowing and loose.  

We started out with watercolor pencil for the general sunflower shape and then moved on to the watercolor. It was a wonderful video.

I had trouble with this one -- using repetitive patterns. The patterns were fine. But painting around them in the black was a real challenge, getting the black even (I didn't), accidentally covering up stems and bits of the blooms (I did). I didn't like it at all while I was doing it but when it was done, liked it much more!  (In a different medium than watercolor, I could paint over the black or even paint on a black surface, but it doesn't work that way with watercolor!)

The instructors on Sketchbook Revival all have offered some sort of "free gift," which may be an additional tutorial or a handout. Barbara Baumann, who did the ballet dancer sketch from the last art post offered a lesson of doing a "grumpy chick." I decided to take it up a bit and add a jolly hat and maybe make him into not quite-so-grumpy for Easter cards.


 And then I thought, "As long as you're doing Easter cards, how about a bunny...

...or a basket of eggs?

It's felt fun to get back to creating!

I leave you with another of the "blobs."



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  1. Jeanie, I liked all the blob critters and what fun you have been having too! The Easter card art was wonderful to see and my favorites were the basket of colorful eggs and peek-a-boo bunny. The chicken looked less grumpy with a colorful hat but not quite as an Easter chick to me.

  2. You are getting so good with you painting, Jeanie. I love the Easter cards. The basket has so much detail, and the egg with the bunny peeking out is so cute, and the chick with the festive hat is darling. The black background with the vibrant flowers, that's really nice. I'm surprised the black showed up so vividly with watercolors.

    This is such a peaceful hobby it seems like. And you're getting really good at it. : )


  3. I love the blobs! What a great way to get your mojo flowing!

  4. ps.....your Easter was very nice. The kids look like they were having a blast with the Easter egg hunt. That is always a fun time. I like the cuddle time that the boys had, but my favorite picture was them jumping on the bed together. That's just a treasured photo. Love it, Jeanie. : )

  5. I can't tell you how much I love all the artwork. How whimsical and fun. It delighted my heart.

  6. I still haven't watched a single video on Sketchbook yet. I hope to after the 23rd when I will have more time and not have to create something every day. Love your sheep, the bunny behind the egg, and the basket of eggs. SO fun and adorable, too. That is one cute chicken, too. Loving your loose style.

  7. All your artwork is good, and makes me smile. The first blue cat is precious with that look on its face.

  8. I need to bookmark Shetchbook. It really does look inspiring and you've done so many cute things with the project.

  9. Jeanie,
    All so cute!! You never cease to amaze me!!
    Just wanted to stop by to wish you a Happy Easter and thank you for your visit and kind words!!

  10. Jeanie, you are really something, you know it? I absolutely love your art here. It is so creative, love the blob paintings, not easy to do really, but you did a great job. All of your painting here are so happy and colorful.
    It is fun to loosen up, yes?

  11. What wonderful skills you have such great color

  12. Your artwork is fun to see, I love it.

  13. These are all so charming, Jeanie -- so playful, so expressive, so much personality... I just love them all! Isn't it wonderful to surprise yourself? FWIW, I love the one with the black background... sure makes those colors really pop!

  14. So much delight!!! I love all of these! ALL!!!, I am inspired! maybe i can get back to my table of "stuff" tomorrow after my eye gets zapped! I WILL see again!!
    The black one looks challenging- I love it best!!

  15. All of your artwork is so fun. I signed up for sketchbook revival but think I've only gotten through 2 or 3 of the days. Will try to get through some more of the videos before the end of the month. Thank goodness the deadline was extended. I am always amazed when artists are able to use black or dark blue around what they've painted and do it so well. Definitely would find it hard but you did a great job. Black outlines or backgrounds always look so nice, think. Best wishes.

  16. Hello Jeanie,
    Wow, these are just wonderful Jeanie! The Blob critters are awesome and fun.
    I love the sunflower and the cute Easter cards. You are very talented.
    Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  17. From blobs to beasts. Now who can argue with that kind of success?

  18. I think you are having a ton of fun, so goodonya as they say.

  19. I love this!! How fun - and cute!

  20. These are so fun Jeanie. I loved seeing all of these, but your "blobs" were my favorite. What a fun idea. You do know how to watercolor some flowers that's for certain. They came out gorgeous. And I love making designs like your striped on in my drawing journal (I use markers). Sometimes that is just relaxing and interesting to see what happens, isn't it? Hope all is well and you didn't get too much rain or snow. hugs-Erika

  21. Here's an instance of pure serendipity -- or maybe coincidence. Just this morning, after opening this post, I also found this painting posted: It's so interesting to see two uses of the same technique!

  22. Jeanie, I have no painting abilities at all. But this does look like a fun project! I do admire your talent, keep painting!

  23. Fun fun fun!
    It’s snowing here..I’ll paint!

  24. I look forward to all your art posts. Great inspiration!

  25. This looks very fun, and you are quite creative!

  26. I like the "blob art" a lot! The critters ARE cute. I can see how painting anything with a black background would be difficult with watercolors.

  27. These are absolutely wonderful!
    I would have a difficult time painting around all those flowers with black. You are very patient! Turned out great, though. :)

  28. What great results from a fun project! These were charming. I enjoyed every one of them.

  29. I love your posts showing your Sketchbook Revival projects. So fun to see how everyone does the art with what they have.

  30. Definitely cute! I like the horizontal strips, too :) You've been having so much fun!

  31. Absolutely fabulous, your illustrations get better and better, wow! Hugs, Valerie

  32. I love the blog creations! They are so fun and whimsical and the colors are so cheery! I need more cheer in my life lately with the crappy weather we've had! The horizontal project turned out great, too! What a fun course!

  33. What beautiful art and a fun and creative course.
    Happy Spring.

  34. I found this post delightful and fun. I enjoyed hearing about how you enjoyed this exercise. It was interesting. I have no artistic drawing ability but I recognize those that do.
    Everything is just darling. Glad you had fun with it all.
    I've missed a lot of your posts because I was out west visiting family and then visiting for Easter. I'm ready to stay put.

  35. The chick is the best Easter card ever! I'm never going to get to all the classes; but I'm certainly enjoying our extra two weeks.

  36. Always enjoy your artwork Jeanie. I am always impressed with your techniques and talent :)

  37. Love all your new watercolor paintings!😍😍. Especially the chick, bunny, etc. The flowers were terrific! Love all
    What fun, you are so creative. Glad you enjoy what you do, a great pass time. Be happy, be well.

  38. I did enjoy your post, so nice seeing your artwork.
    I tried to choose a favourite, but that was impossible as I like everything :)

    Have a good week.

    All the best Jan

  39. Jeanie, your artwork is so colorful and full of life! I looked back and viewed your lovely art. Your cards are great and oh so cheerful. I'm so glad you are picking up your brushes again. Enjoy the process--you have talent.

  40. What fun. You did an outstanding job. I think I'd like doing the blobs.

  41. it looks fun and your results are delightful, full of character, the colours you favour are a nice mix too.

  42. Colour brightens up our lives and you've had fun with your painting lessons. The blobs have turned into cute characters. You have a good imagination and you're very creative. Thank you for sharing your uplifting hobbies.

  43. Art is always fun, isn't it? I wish I had your talent.

  44. So nice to see your delightful artwork, Jeanie.
    I love the flowers and the bunny and the cats are sweet.
    Have a lovely week...

  45. You're having a lot of fun with your art. I like that. I sometimes wonder if I even have it within me to draw anymore. I'm disappointed with any of my efforts.

  46. I think the cat blobs are adorable! And it's the right body shape for a few of my kitties. :-) Your Easter cards are so pretty. I love the little hat on the chick.

  47. Just so darn cute, Jeanie!!! I like cat blobs, too. <3 Was just reading about ragdoll cats today in the library at school... Happy painting!!!

    Love all your artwork!
    Barb :)

  48. Love all your work!
    Oh, darn, I started with the faces-tutorial but ... I´m so tired these days (Spring? Work?) I don´t even to sport...

  49. Oh, Jeanie. I love all that you did. You have a wonderful imagination, which is something I don't have at all. I need to look at something and then do it exactly the same or else I am unhappy with it. I know I need to loosen up and not be so strict with everything but I am finding it a hard thing to do..Happy Thursday..xxoJudy

  50. Jeanie, I'm so happy you did this!!! Love the adorable blob characters!!!! (was I the one who told you about Sketchbook Revival?) I didn't even have time to go over myself but I now have signed up for her latest.

  51. i love the easter chicken, and your fish and the cats. all so cute! fun and colourful. hope you had a great easter.

  52. Jeanie, I love this. My favorite is the cat, looking like, "How much longer must I sit here?" I believe you gave her a bit of Miss Lizzie's personality. But really, I enjoy them all and I know you enjoyed painting them too.

  53. Really creative art and cards. I recently received the sweetest card from a creative blogger about their recent move. Made me smile. Nice to be here to say hi.

  54. I always enjoy seeing your paintings, Jeanie. You've got so much talent. I think the "blobs" are the cutest!

  55. Very fun stuff Jeanie, your blob critters are adorable! And I love love your Easter basket! So glad you had fun, loosening up is something we all should do more often!

  56. I'm delighted you're back to creating again.

  57. I like the stripes of shades...they remind me of knitting patterns.

  58. Hi Jeanie! Oh I love your little watercolor fish!!! What a fun idea turning paint blogs into things, great study! Your black background florals are beautiful! I love the Easter cards! That sneaky little bunny! ☺♥

  59. You certainly have a wonderful imagination and the talent to put it to good use. I love all of your creations. Water colors are something I haven't conquered yet, but I see there seems to be endless opportunities. I am a cat owner and lover, so, of course, the cats are my favorite, but I love nature as well so that makes everything you do inspiring and beautiful in my eyes. Beautifully done, Jeanie ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol


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