The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, April 15, 2022

Early Easter

This weekend, many who celebrate Easter will do so on April 17. (Orthodox Easter is April 24.) We celebrated on Palm Sunday with our kidlets. And it was so much fun! 

They are headed to Florida this week, so we took advantage of time together to have our own holiday! We started inside, at Rick's, where the kids saw some old pix of relatives they haven't met yet because Covid had kept us all apart.

Somehow, after a week of rain, it ended up being a gorgeous day. So, soon we headed down the street to my house! (This picture, taken by Molly, cracks me up -- we were all spread out! Apparently, Molly was bringing up the rear!)

The boys were on the hunt for colorful eggs filled with goldfish, teddy grahams, jelly beans and chocolate in bright foil wrappers!

I tried not to hide them too hard but there were a few toughies! (In the picture above, they missed sitting on top of the fence at the right; below, you can see one tucked into the birdhouse on the ladder.)

It's pretty safe to say the Carburetor found the most but the Camster was no slouch either! Although on occasion, an assistant is helpful!

Then it was time to check out the spoils of labor. Both boys were generous in sharing with their grandpa! (I seem to have distant memories of Halloween sharing as well. Hmmmm.)

There it was time for the real hunt to begin -- hunting the elusive Lizzie (who hid in a hiding hole no one but a toddler could easily reach). That was followed by therapeutic jumping on the bed!

And brotherly cuddles!

After a wonderful traditional Easter dinner -- ham, scalloped potatoes, deviled eggs -- Rick and the Carburetor took off for a dog walk. Somehow, Rick got talked into taking a detour to the park and the two disappeared for rather a long time! Meanwhile, the Camster just went down for the count. Too much fun.

All good things come to an end and in time, they headed back to home, leaving Charlie-the-Dog behind for a week at Grandpa's. 

We can't wait to see them again! 

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  1. An egg hunt! So sweet. 😊

  2. The joys of having an Easter egg hunt. I remember doing a similar thing as a kid. Too bad we have to outgrow it and someone doesn't do one for us. Smile. The kids are adorable and it looks like you had a lot of fun. Have a great Easter this weekend. Hugs-Erika

  3. Good morning, Jeanie. What a fun weekend with the boys!! They are both handsome little guys and I just know full of energy. We shall be hiding eggs this afternoon with our girls because the weekend is total rain. The photo with the pacifier should be framed. Wishing you a blessed Easter!

  4. My grandson had an egg hunt for his little on and friends. I saw two sets of twins there. OMG...cuter than all the pretty eggs Jake put out in plain sight for the tiny kids. I love it. Great pics of the kids. I know they loved it. Blessings to all, xoxo,Susie

  5. You had a nice family event. Aside form having chocolate around, we’ve never made much of Easter. Shauna, however, used to do hunts for the kids when they were younger. Enjoy the weekend. It looks good out the window this morning.

  6. What a wonderful family time you all had. Those boys will someday pass on the traditions you've taught them.

  7. Great day with the children! Plastic eggs used to ber so much fun and the surprises therein- we have stopped buying plastic pretty much if we can get away from it- not always successful! I think i will try to make mache eggs next year- rather EGG- I am sure my ambition won't go beyond one!

  8. That reminds me of when my own kids were little. How fun it was to hide the eggs! We used to have large family parties on Easter, but now nobody celebrates Easter here.

  9. Faimly fun, can't beat it. Happy Easter!

  10. How fun! Loved seeing the boys jumping on the bed too! I loved hiding eggs in our backyard when my kiddo were young. Such a joy watching them find them all! Hope you have a fantastic Easter! Janice

  11. It sounds like the perfect day. We're invited to hunt eggs with our neighbors on Sunday and I'm so excited.

    I can't believe how big the boys are getting!

  12. Hello Jeanie,

    Wonderful photos of the kiddies and your Easter celebrations. The egg hunt looks like a fun time. Happy Easter to you and your family! Have a great weekend.

  13. Our youngest grandson is fifteen years old, so I think it's safe to say we will not be doing an Easter egg hunt, and since we do not celebrate Easter or Passover in any way at all, the weekend will be as usual for us, which is just the way we like it!

  14. Happy Easter Jeanie.Imiss that!
    They will be here tomorrow but gentle giants too old for egg hunts!

  15. Ham and scalloped potatoes certainly does evoke Easter dinners past! Those plastic eggs are one of my favorite memories; I always like combining different colors together, especially purple and orange. As for egg hunting, that was the best, although there always was a special gift hidden somewhere -- like a stuffed bunny stuffed in the oven!

  16. Easter came early for you this year. What lovely photos of the day and what sweet boys. You are truly blessed to be with such a loving family. Loved the boys with their Easter baskets and their hunt for eggs. Have a lovely and blessed Easter, dear Jeanie.

  17. Oh what a wonderful time!! Those grandsons fill your heart to the brim!! :)

  18. Now that sounds like the perfect way to celebrate Easter, even if it was a week early. Your traditional meal sounds good too. Have a wonderful day tomorrow in however you celebrate.

  19. I saw these photos on Facebook, but I'm so glad you put them in a post. They are such handsome dudes. They look so much alike (everyone says that about my girls, even now that they're in their 30s). Happy Easter!

  20. Fabuous post. Happy Easter, hugs, Valerie

  21. I'm so glad you had this time together. Warmed my heart:)

  22. Jeanie, looks like such a fun time. They will certainly enjoy Florida. We are under a freeze warning for tonight. I hope Rick will enjoy his week with the pup, the week will go in a blink and you will see them again.

    Happy Easter to you and Rick.

  23. This is so sweet! It reminds me when my daughter was little and she would go on an egg hunt in the garden of our old house. It was always fun, and in the end the entire family was searching for those two or three remaining eggs that no one remembered where they were hidden.
    Happy Easter, Jeanie!

  24. You just can't beat family fun time.
    Thank you for sharing these lovely photographs.

    Happy Easter Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  25. Sounds as if a good time was had by all.

  26. Hello Jeanie, :=) What lovely family photos. It looks like great fun in your house at Easter, The egg hunt is especially fun for the boys. They were in high spirits, and it was most enjoyable to see them so happy.

    Thank you Jeanie for your explanation. It was good of you to return.
    All the best. :=)

  27. Sweet second pic!
    Oh, Easter-egg hunting! You make me search for some ole pics.
    Yay for sharing! And jumping on a bed, oh, when did we last do this?! We should, NOW!
    And then cuddle and deviled eggs - sounds great!
    Happy Easter!

  28. Happy Easter to you and yours, Jeanie! May your year be as colorful as the Easter eggs! :)

  29. Happy Easter Jeanie and family. An egg hunt is so fun for the kids.The cuddles are the very best. Your menu sounds like mine.

  30. Creating fond memories for the future :) Lovely!

  31. Looks like you all had such a wonderful time.. beautiful memories made.

  32. What a fun weekend with the boys!

    Love the photos of the kiddos.

    A little late but Happy Easter, Jeanie!

  33. Happy Easter. Lovely pics of your family having fun :)

  34. Look at those beautiful colored eggs. I know those boys had a blast. I would have!

  35. Children do make every day better. I hope you had a blessed Easter.

  36. It looks like everyone had fun! Happy Easter :)

  37. What a fantastic time you had with those boys! I'm so happy for all of you.

  38. So glad you got to have Easter fun with the boys, so adorable! We had to have our egg hunt inside this year as it was pouring rain...the kids had fun, but it certainly isn't as exciting as the outdoor hunt...your dinner sounds perfect, nothing like a traditional meal with family!

  39. I am glad you had such nice weather for their visit! We were cooped up inside most of the weekend as it was so darn cold and windy here. We even had some snowflakes. It felt more like Thanksgiving than Easter. We did our egg hunt indoors. Phil hid the eggs on Saturday afternoon during nap/quiet time. Paul got most of them, but he'll have competition in a couple of years. They shared the spoils, though. My MIL stuffed the eggs with a bit of candy and then little Thomas-themed trains that all attached to each other.

    I'm so desperate for real spring weather!!!

  40. I'm glad you had a nice Easter! We did too, lots of great food to eat! ☺ And I caved...I made us Easter baskets with way too much chocolate lol! ☺

  41. As those who commented before me have said, this looks like a perfect pre-Easter celebration complete with all the favorite traditions from egg hunting, candy eating to traditional dinner.

  42. Looks like a great weekend (and great weather, too!)! So glad you've been able to get together with family and friends more frequently...

  43. Aww it looks like all of you had so much fun! What a fantastic day with family. :)

  44. I can’t tell who had more fun - the children or the adults. It does look like a happy day.

  45. These pictures made me smile! The boys looked like they thoroughly enjoyed their early Easter celebration!

  46. Sounds like an excellent early Easter celebration.


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